Chapter 3️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

Everyone looked surprised when Yoongi said that and every BTS member had a comical expression on their faces.

Hoseok looked nervous, Jungkook looked Jungshook, Jin was laughing nervously along with Jimin and Taehyung looked quite pleased, “I love you too hyung!” he replied with a bright smile.

“Taehyung-ah hyung loves you too.” Namjoon spoke up jokingly to lighten up the tensed atmosphere inside the studio.

“I love you TaeTae” Jimin said while rubbing the younger's back. And suddenly all the members were confessing their love for each other.

All the while Yoongi, being completely ignorant of the situation that he had unknowingly created, was looking down at the table, still half asleep, “It's not fair!” he declared out of nowhere, startling everyone by doing so.

“What are you talking about Yoongi-ssi?” the host inquired, hoping to get some secret and juicy information.

The host was so excited that they didn't notice the little hand movement that Namjoon did while looking at Taehyung, Yoongi needed to be stopped.

“Ahh hyung! I know I woke you up despite your protests, but seriously?” Taehyung pouted.

With a half working brain Yoongi could only stare at his pouted lips, all the descriptions of that said lip that he read in all those fanfics last night came to his mind, “His lips are very plump...and soft...and pink...” his brain was finally starting to wake up.

Ahh. So that's what you were talking about?” the host asked again.

Fortunately for BTS, Yoongi was now fully aware of what he had said, “Yes... I didn't get enough sleep. It's definitely not fair.”

“Okay... So you guys know about your fans shipping you all, right?” the host asked the next question.

All the members nodded their heads, “What's your favourite ship? Let's start with J-hope.”

“Sope.”  Hoseok made finger hearts towards Yoongi.

Next to him was Jungkook, “Taekook.”  he replied shyly.

Both Namjoon and Jin answered, “Namjin”

Jimin hesitated before answering, he wanted to play it safe, “Vmin!” again he rubbed Taehyung's back and the latter gave him bright smile.

“What about you V-ssi?”

“Yoongi hyung should answer first... I need to choose.”

“Okay then... Yoongi-ssi?”

“Umm...Namjin.” Yoongi blurted out.

“Namjin? Why not a ship including you?”

“Their ship seems to be the only reasonable one for me.” Yoongi replied, his face darkening.

Everyone awkwardly laughed it off and the host was so distracted by Yoongi's sudden mood change that they forgot about Taehyung's reply.

Fortunately, the rest of the interview went without any commotions and BTS were able to leave the studio soon too.

Five minutes later all of them headed towards the cars, chatting among themselves and too busy to notice that two of the members were lagging behind.

Yoongi was half sleeping and half walking and Taehyung, who was the only one to notice this, was walking beside his hyung, in case the older needed any help.

All of them expect the second oldest and the second youngest and their manager got inside the first car, which already had a driver

“Taehyung can you please help Yoongi?” the manager requested to which Taehyung agreed and helped his hyung to get inside the car safely.

By this time Yoongi had fallen asleep completely and when Taehyung noticed this, he moved closer to Yoongi. As he had expected, after a while Yoongi's head landed on his shoulder.

Feeling quite triumphed, Taehyung gave his sleeping hyung a secret smile, “I'm glad you are finding my shoulders comfortable...” Taehyung thought, feeling soft at how cute Yoongi looked while sleeping.

“They forgot that I didn't answer... I was waiting for your answer too... and...” Taehyung paused to make sure that the manager wasn't eavesdropping and after lowering his voice he continued, “My answer is Taegi.”

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