Chapter 8️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

As they had planned, Yoongi and Taehyung were out shopping by 4:30, closely followed by their manager.

Lunch was okay but dinner was going to be far better, as Yoongi told Taehyung when they were leaving.

“What do we need again, Hyung?” Taehyung asked one last time as they entered the shop.

“Flour, eggs, parmesan cheese and yeast.”

“What about bacon?”

“Oh right! I completely forgot about that...”

“Looking at recipes with Jungkook payed of then.” Taehyung laughed.

“Ah there's the flour, let's go.”

Taehyung followed, pushing the shopping cart before him, Yoongi to the shelf, “How much do we need? Will this do?” Taehyung asked, picking up a 1kg pack.

“There's seven of us Tae... That won't fill anyone's stomach.” as he talked, Yoongi picked up the 5kg pack and put it inside the cart.

“This much?”

“We can always keep it aside if it's too much...but what if we run out of it?”

“Ah...makes sense. Oh Hyung! I found the yeast.” Taehyung walked over to the opposite aisle and returned with the yeast, “This will be enough right?”

“Yup. Put it in then. Now all we need is the cheese...hmm...can you get the bacon from the meat section?”

“Okay Hyung.” with that the two parted ways.

Three minutes later, Yoongi returned with the cheese to the spot again but Taehyung wasn't there yet. Their manager wasn't there too.

Worried,Yoongi walked over to the meat section and to his relief, Taehyung was standing in front of the pork section.

“What are you doing? Did you get the bacon?” Yoongi asked.

“Hyung...can we please have some spicy pork? I'm suddenly craving it...” Taehyung begged, giving him the cutest puppy eyes ever.

Yoongi's heart fluttered again and he nodded his head, “Get the bacon too.”

Letting out an excited giggle Taehyung quickly grabbed the two types of meat and dumped them inside the cart.

“All we have to do now is pay. Where's manager-nim?” Yoongi asked.

Taehyung ignored him and started looking at the other items in the store, “Yah Kim Taehyung! Where's the manager?”



“I told him to go home...” Taehyung mumbled.

“What? But why?”

“He was nagging at me so much... Hyung, you have money, right?”

Yoongi couldn't believe his ears, he silently went over to the cashier and preceded to pay for everything.

Once that was done and they were outside, with two heavy shopping bags, Yoongi opened his mouth, “Did he take the car too?”

“Umm I think so...Do you wanna bet?”

Instead of replying, Yoongi just stared ahead. “You see these stairs? Let's play rock-paper- scissors and the one who reaches the bottom first wins!”


“The loser will carry the bags!”

“Okay. Rock-paper-scissors!”

Taehyung won the first three rounds, thus he was very happy but it didn't take long for the tables to run. Yoongi won the next few matches and soon both of them were standing on the last step.


Yoongi let out a scream of joy when he won the match and started dancing.

Despite losing, Taehyung was happy seeing his Hyung happy and he picked up both of the bags.

“You'll be okay right?” Yoongi asked out of concern, all thoughts of winning flew out of his head. The bags were very heavy, as they contained ingredients for seven grown ups.

“Yeah Hyung... I'm not that weak. I excersice too, you know?”

“Yeah? Since when?”

“You don't believe me? Okay... I'll show you tonight.”

Out of nowhere, Yoongi's cheeks started heating up. “I haven't seen him shirtless since two years now...” Yoongi thought, all the things that he read about Taehyung's body in fanfics came to his mind.

“You didn't say which fanfic you were reading, Hyung...” Taehyung said softly catching Yoongi off guard.

Yoongi stared at him in surprise, “I saw what you were reading, Hyung...”

“What was I reading?” Yoongi decided to play dumb.

“I saw a smut scene...what was the ship again? Umm?”

“Are you teasing me right now?”

“Hmm? Not really... You want a piggyback ride, Hyung?”

“But you are carrying the bags too.”

“You want or not? We've been walking for quite some time now and I can tell that you are tired.”

“Okay then but tell me when you get tired...” Yoongi got up on Taehyung's back, the latter, quite surprisingly, easily carried both the bags and Yoongi.

They walked in silence for quite some time until Taehyung talked again, “Hyung...?”

“Are you tired? I ca-”

“Why were you reading a Taegi smut?”

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