Chapter 2️⃣0️⃣

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(Yoongi's POV)

All of a sudden I became all too aware of my surroundings. Just a few metres away from the food cart was a sitting area, decorated with heart shaped balloons and red, pink and white roses.

I gulped down the cola that I had completely forgotten about and continued staring at the couple.

“Maybe he's going to propose.”

The sudden voice startled me and I snapped my head towards the owner, who was looking at me with a small smile on his aged face.

“Young people seem to prefer this place for proposing.” he explained.

“Oh no no! I-” or is he actually going to propose? Is that why he said we are going on a date? What did he plan this time?

Shaking these distracting thoughts away, I put my entire attention of the half finished cola and made sure to relish every sip.


(Tae's POV)

What does Yoongi Hyung like? What does Yoongi Hyung like? I continued thinking as my eyes hurriedly skimmed through the selves that had all sorts of gifts on them.

“Aishh! I should have decided before hand! He's going to get mad at me...” I mumbled, soon followed by a sigh as a sense of defeat came over me. “I better go back...” sighing again, I was about to leave when a big basket full of stuffed toys near the exit caught my attention.

Curious, I went over to it and looked through the contents when something at the very bottom of basket sparked interest in me. I fetched it out with a victorious grin on my face and headed straight over to the counter to pay for it.

As the staff put the stuffed toy in a bag, I made sure that my face was completely hidden. When all was done, I happily left the shop and started walking towards where Yoongi Hyung was.

Five minutes later I reached my destination and saw Hyung sitting at the exact same place. “Yon-” I closed my mouth shut.

Pheww...that was close...I almost blew up our identities. Now that I think about it... it's really surprising that no one had recognised us yet.

“Hey Hyung!” I said right beside his ear, startling him by doing so.

“Yah! are back. What's that in your hand?” he asked when he noticed the bag I was holding.

“Oh this? It's for you.”


(Third Person POV)

“A gift for me...? Is he really proposing?” Yoongi wordlessly took the bag and peeked inside curiously.

“A stuff toy?”

“Oh? It's not just a stuff toy! It's a trophy stuff toy! You love trophies, right Hyung?!”

Yoongi's face became expressionless and he replied with fake enthusiasm, “Wow! Thanks!” with that said, he got up and started walking towards the exist, not waiting for the younger.

“Hyung?” Confused, Taehyung followed behind him but couldn't catch up as Yoongi was walking faster than normal.

“Hyung!” he called out again and the lack of a reply made him so frustrated that he messed up, “Yoongi Hyung!” he screamed, loud and clear, attracting everyone's attention.

Then the whispering began.

“Is that V?”

“Isn't that Suga?”

“I thought they looked familiar.”

“What are they doing here?”

“Isn't this a couple spot?”

“Should they even be here?”

“If they are here...does that mean the other members are here too?!”

Taehyung stood frozen, his brain wasn't working anymore. Fortunately for him though, Yoongi had stopped and was walking back towards him. He grabbed Taehyung's hand and quickly proceeded to walk out of there.

As they walked, Yoongi could hear several clicking sounds, “At least they aren't invading our privacy...” he thought, thankful that everyone present there chose to only take pictures and not question them or crowd around them.

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