Chapter 1️⃣3️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

As they had planned BTS ate all three meals outside that day and returned to their dorm at seven, "Guys the new episode should be up by now... anyone wants to watch it?" Jimin suggested while plopping down on the couch.

"Yes yes... let's watch it!" everyone else joined Jimin on the couch, expect Yoongi and Taehyung.

"I'm going to sleep." Yoongi headed for his bedroom.

"Me too." and Taehyung was gone just like that too.

"What's wrong with them?" Namjoon asked.

"Come to think of it... they haven't spoken much after the shooting..." Hoseok said.

"Yah! Keep quiet you two! It's already starting." Jin hushed them.

Thirty minutes later they were laughing their butts off, "How could they be so hilarious?" Jungkook asked while wiping his tears off.

"Agh my stomach is hurting so mu-" Hoseok couldn't even finish his sentence as he started laughing again.

Their laughing session was rudely interrupted when Taehyung opened his shared bedroom door with a loud bang and without any explanation merched towards Yoongi's room, "Yoongi Hyung?!"


(Yoongi's POV)

As soon as I closed my bedroom door I snatched my phone out of my pant's pocket and opened YouTube, quickly searching for the latest Run BTS episodes.

Once the result came out I clicked on the video and put my earphones in and started watching the episode.

Everything was going fine till my video self fell asleep. I watched in horror as others kept talking other than the video Taehyung and me. Oh god it's so obvious that I'm sleeping!

Then that cursed game came up and Taehyung woke my video self up, I watched, half fascinated and half horrified, as we whispered to each other for the next few minutes till it was our turn.

I sighed loudly as I was reminded of the topic of our discussion. I quickly scrolled down to the comments section as I already knew what was going to happen in the rest of the video.

As for the comments, the first ones were about how ARMYs were happy to see us have fun. Some said that Hoseok was being his usual sunshine self. Some said that Jin hyung's dad jokes were the best. Some said that the 'leader-maknae' team was the best.

I scrolled down even more to see if anyone commented about Taehyung and me. That's when a certain comment caught my attention. I started reading it out loud, "'Omg! Is that the daegu couple I'm seeing?! Is Yoongi sitting on Taehyung's lap?! OMG! My Taegi heart~~~' what is this even supposed to mean?" I stared at the comment and clicked on the replies section. There were quite a lot of replies compared to the other comments.


- ikr?!?! Finally my favourite ship is sailing!
- ^shut up! Taekook all the way!
- ^no you shut up! Jungkook belongs with Jimin!
- ^both of you need to calm down cause TAEGI IS SAILING!
- why should I shut up? You need to shut up! Taegi can never happen! It's Taekook and Yoonmin!
- why don't all of you take a chill pill? It's none of our business anyway...
- like the main comment if you ship Taegi!

I quickly scrolled up to the main comment, it had 2k likes.

- lol...just liked the main comment!
- doesn't it look like Taehyung's lap was meant for Yoongi! UwU
- ^you know who's the Dom in this relationship lol
- let's just trend #daeguduo !
- ^ perfect idea!
- ^^ I agree!
- let's make Taegi a thing!
- just liked the main comment!

(A/N- I'm pretty sure I'll be getting some hate regarding these comments but...yeah it was necessary.)

There were more replies, I didn't even make it to half of it, but I gave up. My head was aching badly.

I groaned loudly as I took my earphones out. I was so surprised that I just stared at the screen blankly until someone shouted my name.

"Yoongi Hyung?!"

Scared, I closed the YouTube tab and threw my phone away, as if I weren't just using it.

Something About Him (!!!Taegi!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now