Chapter 2️⃣2️⃣

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(Yoongi's POV)

“Are you really not going to eat, Hyung?” Jimin asked me and I nodded in reply.

“What if V Hyung doesn't eat?” Jungkook also asked.

“Then he won't eat either, right Yoongi?” Jin hyung gave me big cheeky smile.

“Uhhhh! Love is in the aiiirrrrr” Hoseok started singing.

“Stop it...will you? Ahh Hyung... I'll wash the dishes today.”

“Will you? You should actually. Good decision.”

“I feel kinda bad for you, Hyung...” Namjoon said while staring at me.

I didn't feel it necessary to know why that was so as I most probably already knew it. Silently, I prepared myself a plate of food and set it aside alongside Taehyung's.

For the rest of the meal, fortunately for me, no one asked me anything nor did they show me any pity. They just talked amongst themselves. When they were done I picked up their plates and placed them in the sink.

Once that was done I quickly wiped the table and put Taehyung and my plate on top and went ahead to start washing the plates in the sink.

I wasn't really thinking of anything while cleaning the plates but I wasn't exactly paying full attention to that action either, so when someone suddenly called out to me, I was naturally startled.

I turned around to see who it was and a small ‘oh’ was the only thing that came out of my mouth upon seeing the person.

“Do you need help with cleaning?” Taehyung asked.

“Hmm? Oh no! I'm already done...”

“Oh...then should I heat up the food?” he quickly asked again.

I only nodded in reply and went back to cleaning. My whole attention was on Taehyung's presence. I heard the microwave door opening and closing, followed by a beep sound.

“Soooo Hyung...”

My throat felt uncomfortably dry, unfortunately for me I was cleaning the very last plate so to look busy I continued cleaning it until Taehyung spoke again.

“You know what?”


“You remember that comment?”

That damned comment! I almost forgot about it. “What comment?”

“That one from the Run BTS said something like if you want Taegi ship to sail then like this comment’... rings any bell?”

“Ahh...that one? What about it?”

“I was thinking about liking it...”

“Like what?”

“I'd like it if we started dating.”

Needless to say, I was fairly shocked at that and I felt that it'd be wrong if I continued pretending to be busy. So, I rinsed the plate, dried it and place it on the drying rack.


“Let's talk while eating okay?” not waiting for his response, I walked passed him towards the microwave and was about to pull out the plates with bare hands when Taehyung reminded me to put on the oven mittens.

I muttered a ‘thanks’ under my breath and was pretty sure that he didn't hear me when he said, “Welcome Hyung.” I could tell just by his voice that he was smiling.

When we sat down to eat he asked me the same question again. I thought for a while, carefully choosing my words, “What about Jungkook?”

“What about him?”

I had to laugh at that,“You guys are the most famous ship in love you...”

“In that case...what about Chim? What about Yoonmin?”

“Jimin is just a dongsaeng for me and I love him like a Hyung would.”

“Same goes for Kookie!”


“What am I to you, Hyung? Just a dongsaeng?”

“Well you are my dongsaeng but...”


I bit my lips and took a deep breath before replying, “There's...just something about you... I- I can't explain...but there is...” I stopped abruptly when I realized that I was rambling.

“There is something special about you too Hyung! I stay perfectly fine when Jin hyung, Hobi Hyung or Namjoon Hyung are being way too friendly with the other members...but you! I don't know why but I get sad or angry or jealous everytime you do something like that!”

Now he's rambling...“Oh...” I stared at my still untouched plate, “Shouldn't we start eating?”

“Huh? Oh...yeah... But Hyung! Did you understand what I said?” Taehyung picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

“Yeah... happens with me too.” for some reason I was glaring at my food.

“Sooo...can we?”

“Can we what?” I asked.

“Start dating, silly!”

My eyes widened in surprise. Did he just call me silly? “Yes...I guess...silly.” Hah! Right back at you!

Taehyung gave me a big happy smile, which completely melted my heart, in reply and went back to eating. We finished the rest of our meal peacefully, occasionally chatting. When that was done Taehyung helped me to clean up and we went to sleep after a very awkward ‘good night’.



Y'all....the next chapter will be the last one. 🙃🙃🙃

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