Chapter 5️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

Yoongi grimaced at that and pondered what he should do next, “I have to work with him too...” he repressed the scream that wanted to roar out.

Several minutes passed and Yoongi was so consumed in his worries that he didn't notice Taehyung walking in.

“What are you doing, hyung?”

Startled, Yoongi put a hand on his racing heart to calm it down, “What are you doing?!” he asked and as soon as their eyes connected Yoongi's cheeks started colouring.

“What if he read it...” Yoongi shaked his head, desperate to clear his thoughts.

“You okay, hyung?”

“Why wouldn't I be?!” without intending to, Yoongi snapped at the younger, instantly regretting it when Taehyung's smile dropped.


“You should go and finish your meal...” sighing, Taehyung left Yoongi's room.



Back in his shared room with Jungkook, Taehyung sat down on his bed, looking completely lost.

Jungkook, who was working on the desk, asked, “You okay Hyung?”

Taehyung's eyes went wide in surprise as the feeling of déjà vu hit him, “Ye-yeah... What are you doing?”

“Oh this? I was looking at some recipes...”


“Yeah... Namjoon Hyung won't be of much help, would he be?”

Taehyung laughed in reply, his mind going back to his own partner, “Now that I think about it... I won't be of much help to Yoongi Hyung either...”

Jungkook stared blankly at the older's face for a couple of seconds before nodding his head in agreement.

“Yah! Come here. I want to look at the recipes too.”


That night, Yoongi had trouble falling asleep, as he mostly slept through out the day.

After tossing and turning on his bed for an hour or so, Yoongi gave up on sleep. Sighing irritably, Yoongi lifted his upper body up and glanced around his room.

His laptop was on top of the table next to his bed. After staring at it blankly for some seconds, Yoongi decided that it was time for some fanfics. He had been quite scared to read another one after what happened earlier.

Grinning, and feeling very excited, Yoongi grabbed his laptop and opened the fanfic he was reading, he was in the middle of reading a smut scene.

Five minutes after though, Yoongi was frowning as it the 3rd fanfic where Taehyung took the lead, “What the hell is this...” Suddenly irritated, Yoongi stood up to grab some food and water, he hadn't listen to Taehyung and had skipped dinner.

“Where is food when you need it~~~” Yoongi sang while searching the refrigerator.

A chuckle, coming from somewhere behind him, startled him, “Jimin?! What are you doing here?”

“I ran out of water...” still laughing, Jimin replied while pouring himself a glass of water, “What are you doing?”

“Looking for some food...” Yoongi mumbled, glaring at the refrigerator and mentally cursing it for being empty.

“Didn't Tae go to remind you to eat?”

“He did. I didn't eat...”

“Ah! Maybe that's why he was making a sandwich.”

“Who was?”

“Tae of course!”

“What for?”

“Maybe because he knew that you wouldn't eat.”

Yoongi couldn't help but frown at that, “Where is it?”

“I think inside the bottom cupboard.”

Hurriedly, Yoongi opened the said cupboard and sure enough, a sandwich was there wrapped in aluminium foil.

“You should go sleep after eating that...” Jimin gave Yoongi a smile.

Yoongi only ‘hmm'-ed in reply, he was busy unwrapping his late night dinner.

“You are cute, hyung...” Jimin's statement was met with a glare that scared the younger away.

Finally left alone with his sandwich, Yoongi began to think. The sandwich that he was eating was pretty simple...with only strawberry jam. But as he finished it, along with some orange juice, Yoongi's stomach as well as his heart felt full and content.

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