Chapter 1️⃣7️⃣

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(Yoongi's POV)

As I sat there for breakfast, I could feel my face gradually heating up. Namjoon and Jungkook were preparing for breakfast and Jin hyung, according to him, was helping them.

I sighed, even though they were whispering I could hear their discussion quite clearly.

“Can you believe it?” Jin
Hyung said.

“I'm still curious about what they were fighting about.” that was Jungkook.

“These two are being really suspicious, if you ask me.” Namjoon added.


My attention snapped back to my surroundings and I looked at Taehyung, “They are too noisy, aren't they?” he asked.


“We can hear them too, Hyung!” Hoseok laughed.

“I'm curious too actually...what were you guys fighting about?” Jimin asked, questioningly looking at both Taehyung and me.

“Nothing in particular.” Taehyung replied nonchalantly and then asked me,“Wanna go out with me, Hyung? I need to buy something.”

“Ohh! Are we having another grand dinner tonight too?” Hoseok excitedly asked.

“Well...I haven't decided what to make yet...what do you want to buy?” I suddenly felt very curious.

“Just come with me, okay? Oh the food is here!” Taehyung replied.

“You two didn't get confused between salt and sugar today too, right?” Jimin eyed the dishes warily.

“We made huge progress, okay? If you don't believe us then ask Jin hyung.” Jungkook haughtily answered.

“Yes actually. So far they are doing pretty good. Let's see how you guys perform today.”

“Ohh Hyung? Yah Jimin-ah let's work hard today,yeah?!” Hoseok said.

“Yeah Hyung!”

“Jin Hyung? How were we?” Taehyung curiously asked Jin hyung.

“You two? Well... Yoongi's the next best cook here...”

“Of course we were good! Why would you even ask?” I scoffed.

All of us finished eating breakfast while bickering and when that was done I retreated back to my room. I haven't gotten the chance to read fanfics in a while.


(Tae's POV)

After eating breakfast Jungkook and I went back to our room, which was still messy. I picked up the clothes that were on the bed and threw them on the floor carelessly and laid down on the bed.

“Is it alright to do this?” Jungkook asked.

I raised a brow in reply, motioning him to keep talking, “I mean... won't Jin hyung be mad if he saw this?”

As if on cue, Jin hyung opened the door and peeked inside our room, “As expected...clean this room right now otherwise you won't get any lunch.”

“But but... Yoongi Hyung did it too!”

“I just want the room clean.” with that he gave me a warning look and closed the door.


“That won't work on me...ask Yoongi hyung.” Jungkook replied without even looking at me.

“How can you be so heartless! That too with me? Doesn't it pain you?”

This time though he didn't even reply and continued playing games.

Sighing, I got up and grabbed one of the VR set and slammed it in front on him, “Bought this for me.” and I left, wondering to myself whether Yoongi Hyung would actually help me clean.
“Only one way to find out I guess..."

Determined, I walked over to Yoongi hyung's room and was about to knock on the door when I suddenly realized that the room was eerily quiet, “Is he sleeping?”

Quietly, I opened the door and found Hyung laying on the bed on his stomach.

I creeped up behind him, stretching my neck out to see what he was reading. I started reading.

Yoongi locked the door behind him and stared at Taehyung who was sitting in the middle of the big bed innocently.

“ can you be so beautiful? So innocent looking yet so so tempting?” Yoongi asked the younger as he slowly, almost like a predator,made his way towards the bed.

“Umm...what are you talking about?” Taehyung asked shyly.

“It's okay if I touch you, right?” Yoongi asked, hoping for a positive response.

Taehyung looked surprised but as Yoongi started caressing his exposed thigh, he gave in and nodded his head.

Giving him a sweet smile, Yoongi began unbuttoning his shirt. His smile grew wider when the younger's soft stomach was revealed.

I frowned and completely forgetting that Hyung was unaware of my presence, said, “My stomach isn't soft! Not anymore!”

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