Chapter 8

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Lisa - 

Dear Juliet,

Have I told you how pretty... no that's an understatement. Let me rephrase my words. Have I told you how gorgeous you are? Because if I haven't, I sincerely apologize for only saying it now. My friend told me to write a normal letter and not some creepy sentences that rhymes at the end. He told me to stop being poetic and just write simple words so here I am trying to write one for you. 

So, how's your day today? I hope you are doing okay. I'm sorry if I can only write you letters because I know that I am so out of your league and that I am nothing but just a nobody. Today I'm writing you a letter of appreciation and tell you that you don't have to try hard when it comes to being beautiful because to me, you are a masterpiece. 

I wish I could tell you how my heart would beat fast whenever I get the chance to look at you from a distance. And again, I can only wish for now. Someday, maybe someday I would be given the chance to say it to you directly and when I do, I will never forget to remind you each day.


Watching Jennie take the last bite of the burger in her mouth made me smile. I had to bite the insides of my cheek to refrain myself from smiling too much but unfortunately, my own mouth still betrayed me - 

"You're still beautiful Ruby Jane" I nonchalantly mumbled and panic instantly coursed through me as she looked at my direction with her mouth slightly open. She swallowed the remaining food from her mouth and asked.

"What did you say?" 

I blinked a few times before I could pull myself together. 

"What?" I asked, like a dumb idiot that I am.

"You said something earlier" I saw her cheeks turning red and then I took that chance to change the topic. 

"Are you done eating?" I asked and she nodded her head slowly.

"Okay, let's clean your wound"

I stood up and escaped the hell I opened by saying what's inside my head out loud. I grabbed my medical kit and went back to Jennie. I stood in front of her as she sit on the stool. As gently as I could, I removed the stained gauze on Jennie's arm and grabbed some cotton. 

"We'll clean it first" she bit her lower lip as she nodded her head. 

As soon as I started cleaning her wound, I saw her whimpered a bit so I blew air on the wound to lessen the sting. After cleaning her wound, I swabbed some cream to help her wound heal - I hope it heals soon. I was about to reach the gauze pad but Jennie already grabbed it.


She smiled at me and I almost forgot what I was about to do. Shaking my head hastily, I reached for the gauze pad and ripped it off with my teeth. 

"We're almost done" I said and she smiled again.

Fuck! She's really beautiful I want to cry.

I covered her wound with the gauze pad and sighed in content.

"Done" I mumbled.

"Thank you, Lisa" she whispered and I got lost in the depths of her stare. Her feline eyes made my knees weak and my heart started to pound hard.

At that moment, we were lost in our own forgotten world - a world where we once existed. Everything was quiet until we heard a loud banging of the door and a fuming chipmunk running towards the door.

"Park Chaeyoung!! Where are - " my eyes went wide the moment she unlocked the glass door and dashed out of the diner.

I quickly grabbed my gun and went after her.

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