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It's the morning now and I am so nervous. I had so many butterflies in my stomach. I decided to get ready. I took a quick shower and then put this on

Mom: Honey breakfast is done M: be there in a sec Mom: HurryM: ok fine I'm coming Dad: Good Morning sunshine M: Good morning dad

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Mom: Honey breakfast is done
M: be there in a sec
Mom: Hurry
M: ok fine I'm coming
Dad: Good Morning sunshine
M: Good morning dad

I look over at the counter top and see pancakes, eggs, sausage, and toast. I honestly don't know why my parents go all out for me. I'm the only child so I guess they just want to make sure I'm doing good and make sure I get enough. I eat breakfast and talk over the plan with my parents

M: so do you guys know the plan
Mom: Can you go over it again just so we don't you know mess anything up

M: you guys are gonna text in this group chat I made and tell all of them to come over because you need to talk about uh something that happened
Dad: Okay I understand now are you ready kiddo
M: are you kidding obviously
_ _ _ _ _ _
M: ( Myself )          Mar: ( Mariano)
Mal: ( Malcom )    Mathew: ( Dad )
_ _ _ _ _
Hey Mr. Rose what's up
Hey zaya can you guys can you guys come over
Ayyy Mr. Rose. I can come over I'm not that busy
Hey y'all. I'll come over in a little I gotta finish something right now
Yea I'll come over. Is something wrong
                                       Well there is and I came to the conclusion that you were all in on it
Woah there Mr.R I didn't do anything. But what happened
                          Well you see that's why I'm inviting all you over so we can discuss
Sorry what did I miss. I was doing some homework
What time do you want us to come over
                          I was thinking maybe around 3
Alright I can do 3
I can do 3 too. Well I'm gonna get ready bye
Alright bye guys
Well I am going to watch some Netflix
                         Alright kiddos bye
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dad: ok they will all be over at 3
M: ok good
TIME: 2:33
M: omg it's almost time you guys
Mom: i know I'm excited to see there reactions.
M: Can you record their reactions please
Mom: Absolutely!
TIME: 2:55 Pm
M: y'all I can't wait any longer
Dad: I know but hang in there
Mom: okay kiddo it's 3 go hide
M: oh no where tho
Dad: here hide over there behind the arm chair
M: ok
Dad: * opens door *
Mal: Hey Mr. R what's up
Dad: You can call me Mathew. Please have a seat
Mal: Whatever happened I didn't do anything
Dad: we will see about that
Maddie: Hey Mathew
Dad: Maddie hey. Come in
Zaya: Finally I made it
Mar: sorry I'm a little late got caught up
Dad: it's w
Soon everyone arrives I could hear voices so I was guessing they were all here. I was hidden behind my chair right until my dad said why they were in trouble for. Which they weren't.

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