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It's been 1 month since we last heard from Olivia's parents. It's been another long day of looking for clues. Also so far there has been a total of 4 break ins and 3 kidnaps all in the same week. Witnesses say they all started with the house across the street aka Olivia's house.

* The Next morning *
We decided to go get breakfast together before we start our day I got ready and wore this

Mattia: Dude what are we going to doOlivia: what do you mean?Mal: Wait are you talking about Olivia's parents Mattia: Yea

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Mattia: Dude what are we going to do
Olivia: what do you mean?
Mal: Wait are you talking about Olivia's parents
Mattia: Yea. I know they are still alive
Samy: I'm going to the bathroom
Olivia: How can you be so sure
Jasmine: let's not talk about this
M: how's the pregnancy going
Mattia: Great
Jasmine: maybe for you but not for me
Kevin: so wanna go to the mall
Olivia: Yea sounds good
Jasmine: Yea that would be fun
Zaya: Yea what about you gabby
M: uh yea you coming mar
Mar: eh I don't know
M: please
Mar: fine let's go
We finish eating and head to the mall
* Skips Driving *
Mattia: ok we are here
Kevin: let's split into groups
Jasmine: Why
Kevin: so we can go to our favorite stores and you can go to yours
Samy: we can meet back at the entrance
M: But jasmines pregnant she needs mattia
Jasmine: I'll be fine
Laura: you sure
Jasmine: I'm good I promise
Mal: Ok girls go with girls boys with boys
Mar: Have fun you guys
M: we will bye for now
Mattias POV:
The group split up. Of course its boys and girls. I'm not sure if jasmine will be ok or not. She shouldn't put pressure on herself. I head to my favorite store and browse the clothing. Still not getting jasmine out of my mind.
Olivia: So where to first
M: ima go In that store
Jasmine: ok I'll wait here
Zaya: we will wait here too
I go In my favorite store and browse for skateboards when I see a man out the corner of my eye staring at me. I go to another section of the store. I look again and he's there staring at me. I got what I wanted. Then left the store.
Laura: so what did you buy
M: a new skateboard and other things
Jasmine: are you ok
M: Yea it's just there was a man in there.
Olivia: there's men everywhere
M: no I meant he wouldn't stop staring at me. It was kinda creepy
Zaya: let's all go to that one store we all love
Laura: Are you talking about bHot topic
Zaya: Yea
Jasmine: ok let's go
Olivia's POV:
We walk down towards hot topic. I have a strange feeling that someone was watching us. It could just be my imagination. We got half way down when I see a man staring at us.
Olivia: Guys
Laura: what
M: what's wrong
Olivia: there's someone watching us
Jasmine: where
Olivia: over there
Zaya: there isn't anyone there
Olivia: oh there was
M: maybe it was your imagination. There are thousands of people here
Olivia: Yea maybe
We finish up our shopping and decide to eat at the food court. Maybe Olivia was right. I keep getting a strange feeling someone is watching us. I look over and see a man wearing all black watching us.
Jasmine: Girl I believe you when you said someone was watching us
Olivia: Why is there someone watching us
M: Yea over there the guy wearing all black
Zaya: we should leave
Laura: I agree
Jasmine: let's call the boys
M: ok
* FaceTime call *
M: Hey bubs
Mar: wassup
M: where are you guys
Mar: we just left the food court
M: we are at the food court. We were gonna ask if you were done shopping
Mar: yea we are
M: ok we are also done let's meet at the front entrance
Mar: ok
* End of call *
Olivia: Kevin said to meet them at the entrance
Zaya: ok
Laura: that guy is coming our way
M: oh no
Olivia: dang it!
Guy: sorry to bother you but you dropped this over there
Zaya: oh thank you
Guy: where you guys headed to
Olivia: I don't see why that's your business to know * whispers *
Guy: what
Olivia: nothing
Zaya: sorry we gotta go
Guy: Go where
Laura: please leave us alone
Guy: oh um sorry * walks away *
M: that was weird
* At entrance *
Mar: Hey guys
Samy: bro I'm tired
Laura: same
Mattia: Hey bby how was the shopping
Jasmine: weird but fun
Mal: Why was it weird * laughs *
Zaya: oh you know weirdos
M: we weren't totally being stalked by some weird creep
Mar: what!
Olivia: wasn't anything serious he just gave us this paper
Kevin: what does it say
Olivia: I don't know
Laura: read it
Olivia: ok. It says " I'll be watching your every move "
Mattia: um that's scary and weird
Jasmine: Right
Mal: let's go
* After drive back home *
M: I'm tired
Mar: same
Jasmine: you guys wanna watch a movie
Laura: sure
Half way through the movie. I fall asleep on mars shoulder. It's been a while since I fallen asleep. I woke up to the sound of a door.

Well do you have yourself a stalker?? Who is in your house????

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