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Man: Your just saying that
Jasmine: no that is awful why would they do that
Man: whatever but guess what else happened
Laura: uh what
Man: Mal started dating my crush and would rub it In my face
Zaya: omg
Man: they took someone I loved away from me I took someone away from them
Olivia: please let us go
Man: I don't feel like it
I started to lose hope in the boys maybe they weren't gonna find us. Just then two figures walked in the door
Man: ah yes what do you need
Olivia: Oh
Zaya: my
Jasmine: god
Olivia: Mom dad what are you guys doing here
Parent one: um well you see
Olivia: what is it
Parent two: See Olivia and kids we kidnapped you and brought you here to get you away from those boys
Jasmine: you aren't even my mom why would I need to be away from them
M: Yea what's going on
Olivia: wait why though
Parent 2: they are no good. They are just acting like they like you just to get closer to your wealth
M: ma'am they are the best things that have ever happened to us
Parent 2: oh really then how come they haven't looked for you
Jasmine: they will they love us
Parent 1: that's what you think
Man: anyways you girls aren't that bad looking
Zaya: uh thanks
Man: that is why we are going to sell you guys
Laura: you can't
Man: I will then your little boy friends will suffer and you will never get to see them again then they will know how it feels
Zaya: they will find us and then it's bye bye to you and your pathetic love life
Man: * slaps zaya * don't ever speak like that to me ever again
Mal: we are getting closer to finding them
Mar: yea
Mattia: I hope they aren't to far from here
Samy: ugh I miss Laura's cuddles
Kevin: I miss Olivia's laugh
Mattia: wait why are we acting like they died
Mar: I don't know
Kevin: we need to think of people that might have took them
Samy: wait remember when Olivia's parents went missing
Mal: Yea
Mar: maybe they had something to do with it
Mattia: But their her parents they wouldn't do that
Samy: well before they went to that party I remember Laura telling me that Olivia got into an argument with her parents
Kevin: did she say about what
Samy: no
Mal: crap
Jasmine: we need to get out of here
Laura: but we need a plan
Zaya: I have one that might work
Me: oh good what is it
Olivia: we have to hurry with this he might come back any minute
Zaya: ok so Olivia your gonna have to shoot him then take the keys away from him then gabby your gonna try and find your phone wherever you dropped it at and jasmine your gonna sneak outside with a gun Bc your pregnant and Me and Laura will get the keys to the car away from Olivia's parents
Jasmine: I hope this works
Zaya: me too
We helped each other untie the rope that was around our hands and feet. Once we got untied we acted like we were still tied up then the man came back into the room
Man: how are my princesses doing
Jasmine: actually really good how about you
Man: well that's good to hear and I'm doing good as well yk maybe I should let you guys go
Zaya: wait really
Man: nope ahahahah classic jokes am I right
Laura: well then
Olivia: who even are you
Man: ugh fine I'll show you * steps into light *
M: Derek your the one doing this
Derek: well you caught me
Laura: I still don't understand why we are here
Derek: ugh you see there's another reason
Olivia: well what is it
Derek: well you know my buddies mike, Chris, kobe, and Jared right
Jasmine: wait they were behind the first kidnapping
Derek: yep but your smart little heads of yours found out quicker then I thought
M: Yep we will be smarter than you will ever be
Derek: you sure about that *holds out gun*

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