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I woke up early mar was still asleep so I quietly went to take a shower and got dressed. I walked out and heard a slight cry I walked in the room it was in and saw Olivia.
M: Olivia why are you crying
Olivia: I miss my parents it's been forever since they have went to that party and they still haven't called or texted me
M: I'm sure they are fine
Olivia: but what if they are being help captive or they got killed
M: don't say that they will be found
Olivia: Yea I'm still waiting for the cops to call and inform me on the case
M: ok hey wanna go on a walk with me
Olivia: Yea it will take my mind off things
M: ok let's go
Laura: where are you guys going
M: were going for a walk to wait for the boys to wake up
Laura: Yea let's ask jasmine and Zaya
Laura: hey guys wanna go for a walk with us
Jasmine: Yea sure
Zaya: I guess let's go
We head out the door as quietly as we could and walked around the hotel. I felt like someone was watching us we continued walking I then seen a figure holding a camera behind a Bush I didn't say anything as we continued walking the person came up to us
Man: hello ladies
Laura: uh hi
M: who are you
Jasmine: hi
Man: uh I'm Jake smith
Zaya: ok we gotta go see ya soon
Man: * blocks way *
Olivia: sir we have to go let us through
Man: not until I get your names
Jasmine: that's our private information and we can't just give that to strangers so bye
Man: * angry tone * you either tell me your names or get in my car
M: um how about neither RUN
We all start running while the man is behind us  jasmine ran behind a bush she couldn't run far since she's pregnant on the other hand the rest of us ran until we saw the entrance and ran inside we use the elevator it closed just in time before that guy could get to us we quickly ran to our room
Zaya: omg we have to go get jasmine
Olivia: he probably found her
Laura: mattia is gonna be so mad
M: so will the rest of them
Mattia: what will I be mad at
M: uh uh nothing yk we took pics of you while you were sleeping that's all
Mattia: uh why would I be mad about that
Mal: where were you guys
Olivia: we were getting apple juice in the lobby
Mar: ok
Mattia: wait where is jasmine
Laura: we're gonna go get her stay here and we will be back
Kevin: ok but I want apple juice
Samy: same
M: we will get it for you
Mar: ok
We rush out the door and made it outside we couldn't find jasmine at all we started to panic that's when we heard screaming we ran over and see jasmine being put into a van we try to run and get help but we were caught and also were being put into the van
* meanwhile at the room *
Mattia: ok but like where are the girls it's been 10 minuets
Mal: * looks out window * omg
Mar: what
Mal: the girls are being put into a van we have to go
Samy: we won't make it in time
Kevin: call the cops they are being kidnapped
Mar: No No No No we have to go after them
Mattia: No I'm going to find that van and beat the holy shi-
Samy: guys calm down
Mattia: How can I calm down when my girl is pregnant with MY baby
Mars POV
I was so scared and worried I had just made Gabby mine not to long ago and only to see the loml get took away from me. I was mad too Bc whoever took them is gonna get a good beaten. Me and the boys get in our car and drive to the police station where we reported the incident
Police: how can I help you
Mattia: * crying * you have to help us
Police officer: what happened
Mattia: our girls got kidnapped and the loml is pregnant I don't want anything to happen to my babies
Police officer: How many people were kidnapped
Mar: five people officer
Police officer: ok what did the people look like
Samy: we don't know they were wearing dark clothing we couldn't see their faces from the floor we were on they drove off in a white van
Police officer: ok were gonna see if we can find witnesses to the crime don't worry we will find them
* 1 month passes *
Mattias POV:
It's been a month since the girls went missing I'm just worried for there safety the police will contact us ever so often I just hope they are alive
Mar: * crying * gabby where ever you are I will find you if it's the last thing I do
* phone rings *
Kevin: it's the police station... Hello
Police: we have some good news
Kevin: what is it
Police: we may have some leads on the kidnapping a man reported a van full of girls leaving a gas station that might have been them
Kevin: thank god
Police: we will call back after we talk to the witness
Olivia: ugh my head hurts where are we
Jasmine: I don't know but I'm scared
Laura: I'm sure the boys will find us
M: they will I'm sure
Man: well well well look what we have here
Zaya: who are you
Man: this wouldn't be fun if I told you
M: let us go
Man: I'm good but what I want to know is where is my money
Laura: we don't have your money
Man: well that's too bad
Olivia: we didn't even know you wanted money please don't kill us
Man: I won't kill you I'll kill your little boyfriends though
Zaya: please don't they did nothing wrong
Man: oh you see but they did
Jasmine: what did they do
Man: you see we all used to be good buddies then one night at a party it all changed they humiliated me in front of the whole school
M: How did they humiliate you
Man: you see I had the biggest crush on this girl well we decided to play 7 minuets in heaven they locked me in a closet with a blindfold and when we played the game I kissed a mannequin
Olivia: omg
Man: see that's not all when they opened the closet and took off the blindfold they were recording me then the next day I went to school everyone laughed at me I realized they were playing the video of me kissing the mannequin my crush thought I was a freak
Laura: that's just awful

Well will the police find you? Now you know why he kidnapped you? But why do you have anything to do with them?? ( 1176 words )

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