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We slowly walked out the bathroom making sure it was the boys.

Mal: What happened
Jasmine: Well you see someone broke into our hotel room
Mar: obviously but what we mean is what happened when they came in
Zaya: Oh well we don't know exactly what happened Bc right when the person entered we ran into the bathroom and hid in the closet
M: Yea
Mar: ugh you could of been helpful and seen who it was
Jasmine: Your kidding right. We could of risk our lives then.
Zaya: Yea that person could have been armed for all we know and if we tried to see who it was-
All girls: We would have been shot
Mal: They have a point whoever it was must have entered the wrong room it's all over
Zaya: Yea so you guys can leave
Mar: No I'm not leaving this person can come back
M: Whatever
I woke up kinda early so I decided to secretly get passed Malcom and Mariano I'm such a ninja but I went to my room and got changed into this

 Zaya: Yea that person could have been armed for all we know and if we tried to see who it was-All girls: We would have been shot Mal: They have a point whoever it was must have entered the wrong room it's all over Zaya: Yea so you guys can leave ...

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I quickly got out of my room and went to have a little walk in the hotels court yard. Olivia went with me since she woke up too. One hr passed I didn't realize How long we've been gone so I checked my phone
Zaya: has anyone seen gabby or Olivia since you guys left
Mal: No why?
Jasmine: well they weren't in their room
Mar: wait they left? Or did they go walk somewhere and forgot
Laura: That's not like them to just forget. Or is it most likely they did
M: ...........

I didn't feel like texting so I put dots but out the corner of my eye me and Olivia seen some boy or man taking pictures of  us it seemed like. So We quickly got up and ran
Mar: Are you guys ok
Zaya: Thank god you guys are ok
M: Can't talk rn
Olivia: I can't talk either
Mal: wait why
M: we are running
Mal: What did y'all do
Zaya: Be careful
We managed to get back to the hotel room.
Mars POV
I don't know what's going on since me and Malcom left but I'm pretty sure gabby and Olivia are in trouble. But they are probably fine.

Zaya: OMG! You guys are ok
Olivia: Yea sorry we left without saying anything
Jasmine: it's ok now that your safe
Laura: what happened
M: Well me and Olivia saw this guy and it looked like he was taking pictures
Olivia: Yea so we were running
Jasmine: oh well I'm glad y'all are safe
Laura: We missed the breakfast cart so do you guys wanna head to that cafe for breakfast
M: Yea sure let's go
Zaya: Do you wanna invite the boys.
Olivia: oh I thought they were hanging with Samy and them since they arrived
Laura: oh we can still ask
M: Hey guys do you wanna get breakfast with us
Mal: Yea sure
Mar: let me get ready and we can all go
Mar: is it ok if I add the boys here
Laura: Yea you can
Mar: * Adds Kevin, Samy, and mattia *
Samy: Hey Guys
Mattia: Yo wyd
Laura: nothing much yk just heading to breakfast
Samy: oh can I join
Zaya: You all can join if you like
Samy: ok cool
Kevin: Yo Guys ima go get ready
* Skips driving *
We all arrive at the cafe well most of us so we waited for the rest it was actually really awkward we hardly talked but it's fine it was still early a little so we were pretty tired.
Zayas POV:
Me and the girls arrive at the cafe. We grab a booth and wait for the boys. I swear that was the most awkward breakfast I had. We all finish eating and go back to the rooms.
Jasmine: Ok but that breakfast was so awkward
Olivia: No cap
Zaya: But did y'all notice how the boys were all in there phones and was so eager to leave in a rush
Laura: I noticed that
M: Yea it was weird. But hey do y'all wanna go swimming
All: Yea!
We all get ready to have a pool day this is what I wore

 But hey do y'all wanna go swimming All: Yea!We all get ready to have a pool day this is what I wore

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We arrive at the pool I decide to post on my instagram

We arrive at the pool I decide to post on my instagram

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Queen.Gabby: Pool Day! Creds to Pool boy
Da_real_Zaya: We look so good
Marianocastano: No fair can we join
Queen.Gabby: Reply to Marianocastano: Yea sure
Fan 1: Y'all are so pretty!!!💕
Fan 2: Have fun!!!
Mariano's POV:
I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw gabbys post. They were at the pool. So I asked if me and the boys can join
_ _ _ _ _ _
Zaya: Well that's great
Jasmine: what?
Olivia: the boys are coming and we are in bathing suits
M: shoot! They haven't seen us in bathing suits
Laura: Oh no Samy is coming
Zaya: Ooo girl now you can get his attention

The boys shortly arrive a few minutes later
Malcom: Hey Guys!
Zaya: Hey mal
Mar: so y'all think it's funny to just not invite us
M: oops sorry
Mar: it's good just messing around
Mal: * Splashes Zaya *
Zaya: I know you did not just do that
Mar: * Splashes Gabby *
Mattia: Can y'all like stop flirting
Mal: We arent it's called having fun
Laura: mhm ok

Me and the girls decide to go to this small stand by the pool to get smoothies for everyone.
Jasmine: Omg
M: what?
Jasmine: I love you guys but don't turn around
All: * we turn around *

We see the boys flirting and having fun with a group of girls that arrived at the pool

Zaya: Wow we've been replaced
Jasmine: No you haven't
Olivia: Wow what Kevin said must have been a joke I guess

Oh no things have heated up. What did Kevin tell Olivia?? What will happen next??  Find out on next page.

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