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Quick Note: the people are anon as of right now Bc the characters don't know who they are. But when the reveal themselves then I'll show their names instead of anon- Back to the story😁
We go over the plan until we arrive at a house. We get out except for mattia, Samy , and jasmine. The guys were to show up anytime soon.
Mattia, Samy, Kevin, and jasmine are gonna keep look out and stay in the car. While Laura and Olivia take turns making noises in different rooms when one of the guys gets distracted and goes into one of the rooms hopefully we will lock them in the closet or bathroom which ever is in that room. Then me and Zaya will distract the other two guys. While mar and Malcom can knock out the guys and we can escape.
Jasmine: Ok guys they have arrived
Olivia: Rodger that
M: Really Olivia
Zaya: * laughs * this is actually like a spy movie
Laura: Yea but in real life
Jasmine: You guys have to be quiet they are inside the house.
* Door closes *
Anon: Go search the place you two stay here
Anon #2: Yes boss
Laura: * makes noise *
Anon: Don't just stand there go check it out
Anon #2: * Walks upstairs *
Olivia: * makes noise *
Anon #2: * Walks into room *
Laura: * makes more noise *
Anon #2: come out where ever you are * walks into bathroom *
Laura: See ya later sucker
Anon #2: Hey let me out
M: Zaya come on
Anon: Well Well Well look who we have here
Zaya: What do you want from us you creep
Anon: Oh I don't want you I want Mar and Malcom. I'm going to make them suffer like the way they made me suffer.
M: who even are you
Anon: * pulls off hood *
Zaya&M: Chris
Chris: Yep. Now you know who I am. So now let's get this over with
Chris was one of the men. Out of all people it was Chris like come on. Before we said anything he pulls out a knife. The other guy comes at me with one too.
Zaya: Hey we can talk about this
M: ok but who are you now before you end me.
Anon #3: ugh fine * pulls off hood *
M: MIKE!! You have gots to be kidding
Just then we give a thumbs up to mar and Malcom as they wait til they are distracted. Then bam mar hits mike with a pan. Then Malcom hits Chris with a pan. Sure enough they got knocked out. We ran out the hose before they woke up.
M: okay but that was crazy
Zaya: Yea but what did he mean by " they made me suffer "
Mal: it's a long story
Zaya: ok
M: * hugs mar *
Jasmine: im just glad everyone is safe
Laura: same
Samy: i dont know bout y'all but I'm tired
M: after all we've been through we are
We arrive at the hotel and we go Into one room. I get a text from mar telling me to come to the back of the hotel. I get up and walk down there.
Zaya: oh hey gabby
M: where you going
Zaya: malcom told me to come down here
Laura: Samy said the same thing
Jasmine: they have something up their sleeves
Olivia: Yep
We all get down there and we see the boys together holding signs they read " will you be my girlfriend ".
Mar: So what do you say guys
All: YES!!!
We decide to leave Monday morning. I honestly couldn't be more happier to go back home.

Thanks for reading..........Just kidding. Well what happens after they go home?? Will Mattia know he has a child now???? Find out

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