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Monday morning arrives. I got up early to get ready the rest woke up. We finished packing our suitcases and head to drop off the keys. We get in the car and away we went
Mar: Well this was a fun vacation
Kevin: um your joking right
Mal: This was like one of those murder movies or something like that
M: well ima go to sleep
Zaya: Same
Jasmine: we are too
Mattia: not very tired
Laura: err um she means Olivia and her. Right
Olivia: Yea right * fake yawns *
I fall asleep the rest of the drive. We arrived at the house and there my parents were.
Dad: Hey Guys. How was the vacay
Laura: very eventful
M: Yep. But it was really fun
Mom: wait a minute
M: what * laughs *
Dad: ooo y'all are dating
Mar: Yep well we all are dating now. We asked them on the last day of the trip
Jasmine: I need to rest
Mattia: Again you slept the whole car ride
Laura: we should tell him * whispers *
Jasmine: not yet
Laura: ok
* Two Weeks Pass *
We all decide to surprise and tell mattia about jasmines pregnancy. So we pretend to have a photoshoot
Jasmine: ok they are coming.
Mattia: what's going on
Zaya: Jasmine has something to tell you
Jasmine: * hands him a sign *
Mattia: i don't understand
Jasmine: Read it carefully
Jasmine places the pregnancy test in front of mattia. Mattia still doesn't quite understand her. But we gave him one more hint. Jasmine places his hands on her stomach
Mattia: wait!! Your pregnant!!
Jasmine: Yep
Mattia: I'm gonna be a dad * cries *
M: so we didn't lie about the photoshoot so let's take pictures
After a while we went and got dinner to celebrate. Me and mar decide to go back to his place and watch movies together. I got unexpected call from Olivia.
M: Hey Olivia what's up
Olivia: * shaky voice * Hey Gabby
M: What's wrong
Olivia: someone broke into my house. Can you come over.
M: omg. Yea of course
Olivia: Thank you!
Mar: Is something wrong
M: can you come with me to Olivia's house
Mar: why
M: someone broke into Olivia's house
Mar: oh let's go then
We arrive at Olivia's house. She was really shaken up. So we tried to comfort her til the police came. Someone broke her window. Then trashed her house. But she's not sure who did it.
Police: hello, are you Olivia
Olivia: Yea
Police: Are your parents home
Olivia: No
Police: Where are they???
Olivia: I don't know. They haven't came back yet and they aren't answering my texts or calls
Police: is that strange for them to do that
Olivia: No they always tell me where they are or text me. They call me before I call them.
Police: Where were they going last
Olivia: To a party for their work
Police: Ok. Can you tell me what happened during the break in
Olivia: so I was getting ready for bed when I heard some noises
Police: What kind of noises
Olivia: like footsteps or bushes moving
Police: ok keep going
Olivia: I didn't really think nothing of it. But I started hearing stuff around the house. So when I looked out the window I seen a figure
Police: Do you know who it was or what it was
Olivia: it was a human figure and no
Police: anyone you can think of
Olivia: No
Police: so what happened after that
Olivia: I made sure my windows and doors were locked and went back to my room. Then I heard my window break so I ran and hid in the closet.
Police: anything else
Olivia: actually yea they left behind some mud tracks
Police: Where
Olivia: in the kitchen they lead out the back door
Police: Hey go see if there is someone out there. So do you have anywhere else to stay
Olivia: uh
M: she can stay with me. My parents wouldn't mind
Police: ok
The police spent a few minutes looking for any evidence on who it could be. Olivia gathered her things so she could stay at my house. Then we left.

What else could go wrong???? What happened to Olivia's parents?? Who broke into Olivia's house??? Keep reading to find out

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