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We arrived at my house. My parents were asleep since it was 8:30 At night. Olivia was trying to get a hold of her parents. But they didn't pick up.
M: Any luck yet
Olivia: Nope. They always answer. What if something happened to them
Mar: Let's hope not
Olivia: is it ok if Kevin comes over
M: Absolutely! You can call him.
Olivia: okay thanks!
Kevin: hey Baby what's up
Olivia: Hey can you come to gabbys house
Kevin: Yea what's wrong
Olivia: I'll explain everything later
Kevin: ok bye
Olivia: bye
* Call Ends *
Olivia: ok he's coming
M: ok I still don't know why anyone would do this
Olivia: I'm just worried about my parents I don't know where they have gone
Mar: Let's hope they are safe
Olivia: Yea
After 10 minuets we get a knock on the door. I went to see who it was. It was Kevin but Kevin wasn't the only one who came
M: What are you guys doing here
Zaya: Kevin told us to come
M: oh well come in
Jasmine: hey Olivia are you ok
Olivia: Not really
Laura: Why not
Samy: dang it's raining
Laura: that's great
Samy: I ain't going out there
Mattia: Hey so quick question where is your bathroom
M: it's upstairs the first door in the right
Mattia: Ok thanks
Mal: Anyways whats wrong
Olivia: my house was broke into
Laura: that's horrible
M: But that's not all she hasn't heard from her parents for 2 hours now
Jasmine: hopefully they are safe
Kevin: Who broke in your house
Samy: You Guys there is someone standing outside your house
M: Quick lock the doors and windows
Jasmine: Girl they can break your windows
M: the glass is like what you use for a screen protector
Zaya: oh so you rich rich ok I see you
M: I'm not rich * laughs *
Olivia: what if it's the same person that broke into my house
Kevin: maybe
Later that night we heard a bunch of rustling around the house. We didn't think much of it til we heard the door open
* 3 weeks later *
Mal: Hey Guys
Olivia: Hey
Kevin: wassup bro
Samy: I hope they got some leads
Mar: same. ok guys let's go
You probably are wondering where we are going well we are going to the police station. Why you may ask. We are seeing if the officers have anything new in our case. Such as seeing if Olivia's parents are ok. They have completely vanished. Olivia calls them ever so often just to see if they answer. But nothing happens.

Hmm Olivia's parents have vanished. Will they find them??? Who came inside the house???What does Olivia's break in connect to??? Find out

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