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* a few years later *
Well this is it... A lot has Happened in life having fun with friends going on wild adventures being with the love of your life. Me and mar have gotten married over the last couple of years we had our first child not to long ago we still hang out with friends considering they are like family to us. I've never been more happier with how my life turned out besides that one little incident that I think no one will forget. Your probably wondering what happened to Olivia's parents well after the years they spent in jail they died. No one knows how though. Olivia doesn't really care she can now make decisions she wants to. Yea she misses them often Bc they are her parents. Well mattia and jasmine have been doing well they recently had twins and couldn't be more happier Olivia and Kevin well they went on their honeymoon Samy and Laura well they are doing great too they recently bought a house and moved in together. I couldn't have asked for a better life than this one.

Thank you all so much for reading my first story. I hoped you all liked it since it was all over the place but I think the ending was quite nice. I love you all so much. Have a good day/Night/morning/afternoon. Bye💖

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