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After we left the hospital we decided to order takeout and watch movies with the rest of the group. My mom and dad came back home from a business thing. so I feel a lot safer here now.
Mom: hey kiddos
M: omg you guys are back
Dad: Yea we live here
Laura: um lots of stuff happened
Mar: shhh
Mom: what happened
M: well someone broke In and knocked out mar he had to stay at the hospital and we came back and yea
Dad: was the doors locked
Samy: yes sir we locked doors and the windows
Mom: well I'm glad everyone is ok
* Next Morning *
Mom: Gabby come downstairs your gonna be late for school
M: Coming!
It was my first day back to school. I'm actually nervous even though I already went to this school before. I texted mar to see if he can pick me up. He said he was on his way. So I decided to finish getting ready and put this on

 So I decided to finish getting ready and put this on

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I heard a honk and I knew it had to be mar.
M: Bye Mom Bye dad see ya later
Mom: Bye sweety
Dad: love you!
We arrived at school. I walked to the main office to get my schedule. Then went to my classes.
* First period *
Mrs. Abner: Good morning students. We have a new student. Gabby would you like to introduce yourself.
M: No I'm good
Mrs. Abner: ok then have a seat

The rest of my classes were boring. But before I knew it. It was lunch. I sit with mar and the others. My last classes of the day ended. School was over for the day. I was exhausted.

I decided to walk home and enjoy the fresh breeze. I was 5minutes away from my house. I turned my head back and realized the same car has been goin the same direction as me. I turned down a street and the car did too. I made it home. The car was sitting in front of my house. My dad started walking towards it and it sped off.
Mom: Who was that
Dad: I don't know
M: I think that car followed me
Dad: You could have been kidnapped for now on you will be taking the bus or mar will pick you up and drop you off
M: That's fine with me
* Later That Day *
Zaya: So your telling me that some car followed you then sped off when you dad was walking towards it
M: ik weird right
Olivia: hang on Kevin is calling
Mal: I'm hungry
Samy: That makes 2 of us
Mattia: I'm hungry too
Jasmine: I'm craving a cheeseburger rn
Mar: let's go eat
Olivia: Kevin will meet us there
* Skips dinner *
We decide to head back to my house again. The boys were upstairs playin video games. While me and the girls bake some bomb dog cookies. We are the best chefs.
Jasmine: whose car is that
Dad: hmm I don't know
Mom: Be careful
* 2 minuets later *
Mom: well
Dad: They we're taking pictures of our house then sped off just like the car from earlier
Zaya: Maybe it is the same car
Jasmine: Yea maybe
After a while everyone left. I decided to go to my room and watch Netflix. I looked out my window and see a figure of a person standing in my backyard. The next time I looked it was gone. I was tired so maybe it was my imagination. I went to sleep so I wouldn't be late to school tomorrow.
* Next Day *
Mom: Gabby wake up you have 15 minuets
Dad: i made breakfast
M: I'm coming
I finish getting ready grab my backpack and go downstairs
Dad: woah you actually woke up
M: haha very funny
Mom: here have some pancakes
M: Thank you
Dad: who is picking you up today
M: Zaya is
Mom: Good
I heard a honk. I go outside and Zaya is waiting for me. I hop in the car on our way to school we started singing to the top of our lungs.
* At School *
We arrive to school Zaya parks her car and we walk inside. We talked for a little til we had to go to class.
Mrs. Joy: Hello Everyone my name is Mrs. Joy. I'm your new substitute teacher
Boy: where is Mrs. Abner
Mrs. Joy: she is sick
I thought that class would never end and I thought substitutes were supposed to be fun.
* third period *
I sit in my usual spot when a new student walks in. Of course the teacher made him sit by me since the seat next to me was empty. I plugged my earphones in and began to listen to music
Boy: Hey my name is Brady
M: She like papi I adore you
Brady: oh cant hear me
It was lunch time so I went and met up with Zaya, mal, and mar. The others were at an assembly. I look up and see the boy from science come out direction.
Brady: Hey Your from my science class right
M: Yea.
Brady: We didn't fully greet. You kinda couldn't hear me
M: Oh I'm sorry. My name is gabby and yours is
Brady: My name is Brady. So the reason I wanted to come over was I wanted to ask a question
Brady: I've only been here for a day. But your so nice, funny, and cute
M: oh um thank you
Brady: Do you maybe wanna go out with me
M: Brady I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend
Brady: oh is it him or him
M: it's him * points to mar *
Brady: oh ok * storms off *
After I told Brady mar was my boyfriend he was really upset but in a mad way. He stormed off.
* After School *
Mar: are you ready to leave
M: Yea
As we are walking to the car I see Brady give me a death stare. We went home and I went to sleep.

Why is Brady so mad?? What will happen next????

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