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Mal:what guy?
Jasmine: wait are you cheating
Mar: what
M: No we aren't. This dude bumped into us and he dropped that piece of paper
Zaya: oh well maybe he intentionally dropped it
Olivia: we don't know but oh well
Mattia: you guys have to be careful
M: We will try
The next day we decided to go to an amusement park since we were bored and tomorrow was school.
Guy: Hey pretty girls
Jasmine: uh hi
M: Hi
Guy: Are you here by yourselves
Olivia: no
Laura: we are actually here with our boyfriends
Zaya: well see ya later we are gonna go over there
Guy: * reaches for Olivia's hand * stay with me
Olivia: * slaps him * please leave me and them alone goodbye
We immediately go find the boys we didn't feel safe with that guy watching us. The whole time me and the girls thought we were being watched.
Mar: Hey Gabby are you ok
M: wha- yea I'm ok just kinda cold
Mar: here take my sweatshirt
Mal: guys we have 30 minuets til the Park closes lets go
Jasmine: ok
Mattia: alright
Olivia: * whispers * watch out for that guy
Laura: I will for sure
Zaya: same
Samy: what are you guys whispering about
Zaya: nothing just private girl stuff
Kevin: babe what is it
Olivia: Nothing
Mal: whatever
We go home later that night I heard rustling in the bushes and see someone walk past the window. I thought I was just imagining it so I went to bed. The next day was school the others went home early so they can get ready I showered and got dressed.
* At School *
Olivia: Hey Gabby
M: Hey
Zaya: hey so we were gonna skip today wanna come with
Jasmine: hey guys
M: what are you doing here your pregnant
Jasmine: I can still come to school but what were you guys talking about
M: we are gonna skip are you in
Olivia: Laura is waiting in the bathroom
Jasmine: sure let's go
We walk to the bathroom waiting for the first bell to ring once the coast was clear we walked to the door
Zaya: wanna go hang at the mall
Olivia: we go to the mall like everyday *laughs*
Laura: true
Jasmine: Yea but we can still walk around and go to the baby stores
M: Yea we can look at baby clothes
Olivia: ok fine
We leave the school and head to the mall. Two hours after school I get a phone call
Mar: hey babe where are you
M: I'm at the mall
Mar: what why
M: we are just chilling
Mar: oh ok
M: I'll see you later
Mar: ok me and the guys have to tell y'all something when you get back
M: oh ok bye
* end of call *
Laura: who was that
M: mar
Zaya: oh what did he want
Jasmine: Mattia told me he had something to tell us
Olivia: I wonder what it is
We decided to go meet up with the boys
Kevin: ok so whose telling them
Mattia: I'll tell them or mal can tell them
Mar: yea mal can tell them
Mal: uh ok I'll just tell them so we don't have school for a month and we decided to go on another trip.
Zaya: I could use another trip
Jasmine: same
Mattia: when is our baby due
Jasmine: um I forgot
Mattia: oh-
Zaya: it should be soon
Mattia: by the way we leave tomorrow so you guys should start packing
Laura: omg let's go!
Olivia: why tell us now omg I have so much to do
Samy: uh yea sorry
Laura: it's fine
M: well I gotta go bye
I quickly rush home and start packing once I'm finished I changed into something more comfortable I then sit down on my couch and watched some tv. I got tired so decided to go to bed.
My alarm went off I got up it was still pretty early so I decided to take a shower and listen to some music after I changed into something comfortable since it will be a quite long drive. I sit on my couch waiting for my hair to dry I look at my notifications
5 missed calls from Jasmine
11 text messages from Whores😏✨
3 missed calls from Mar💍
Are you guys ready
Yea I just need to shower
Yea I'm heading over to your house now
I'm on my way picking up some snacks for the drive
Hey have y'all heard from Gabby I think she may be sleeping
Yea she didn't answer me either. Can one of y'all go pick her up
Yea I was planning on picking her up
Well I'm already at mars
Ok I'm going to head over there now just had to put everything in my car
Wait we could have picked y'all up so there wouldn't be like 9 cars in the drive way and In front of the house.
Well to late lmao
Srry I was in the shower
After that I heard honking outside. I immediately grabbed my stuff and go outside. I see Zaya's car. I lock my house and put my stuff in her car. We then head over to mars place.

Um so I'll finish this story but I will be writing a new one that will be a lot better that this one ( 907 words )

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