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Once we get to mars we knock on the door. We waited a few minutes til the door opened. Standing a the door was mal
Mal: oh hey guys come in
Mar: Hey bby
M: hi * kisses him *
Mal: were waiting on the others to get here
Zaya: ok
Samy: oh hey guys sorry I was in the other room
Zaya: Hey Samy
We chatted for a while then Kevin and Olivia showed up a few minutes later Laura showed up and so did mattia and jasmine we were all here
Mal: before we leave me and the boys have some rules for you guys
Zaya: were not little kids Mal
Mattia: we know but it's for your safety
Jasmine: whatever
Samy: ok so rule number one do not leave without telling us where your going so we won't be worried
Mattia: rule number 2 Do not talk to strangers some people may be dangerous
Mal: rule 3 Stay with us when we go to busy places
Kevin: and lastly rule number 4 CUDDLE WITH US MORE
Olivia: jeez no need to say that aggressively
Kevin: sorry
Mar: wait one more rule, rule number 5 have Fun
Zaya: ok those weren't bad
Laura: Yea I thought they would be worse
M: I can live with that
Olivia: when are we gonna leave
Jasmine: I need a nap I didn't sleep to great last night
Mal: ok lets go
Mattia: oh yea
Samy: let's go load everything up
Kevin: did everyone use the bathroom so we don't have to take breaks every 10 minuets
Everyone: Yea
Mar: ok
We get in the car I brung a blanket just in case if I get cold and I also brought a pillow just in case. We start driving off I decided to take a nap so I snuggled up to mar and fell asleep
Mars POV:
We start heading to LA gabby was snuggled against me asleep. It was a pretty long drive so I put in my AirPods and took a nap. I kept having weird dreams about things going wrong on this trip. I know it won't be so bad. After a while I woke up to Gabby having her head on my lap. She then woke up
Mar: morning sleeping beauty
M: Hi mar
Mar: did you sleep well
M: Yea
Mar: * wraps arm around gabby *
Kevin: how much longer my legs are asleep
Samy: I need to pee
Mal: you always have to use the bathroom
Samy: sorry
Mal: I will pull over and we can take a break do whatever and we will get back on the road
M: ok
Laura: Yea I have to pee too
Jasmine: Yea I need to go too
Mal: ok
We pull over to a near by gas station rest spot. I  tried to get out but mar wouldn't let me. " I have to use the restroom " I said mar replied back with " Fine " I went to the restroom.
Laura: so you guys know what to do right
Olivia: uh yea we use the restroom
Laura: no that's not what I meant
Zaya: oh what did you mean
Laura: I mean to prank the boys
Jasmine: what do we do
M: we can pretend to be mad at the boys. Remember when they called us clingy but there being clingy now
Jasmine: omg that's perfect
Laura: ok let's go before they think we died
I kinda feel guilty for Doing this to mar. But I think it will be funny. We leave the restroom and go to the car
Mar: took ya long enough
M: Hey Laura do you have gummy worms
Laura: yea
Mar tries to hold my hand but I don't let him instead I got on my phone. I looked back and Laura winked at me and laughed
Samy: what's so funny
Laura: yo Olivia remember in the bathroom when you slipped and made that weird noise
Olivia: oh yea * laughs *
Samy: oh ok
Mar: mar are you ok is something wrong
M: * laughs at phone screen *
Mal: we will be at the air bnb in like 5 minuets
* 5 minuets later *
Mal: we are here
Laura: finally
Samy: let's unload the car
Mar: here I'll help
We all get our stuff the boys went on me and the girls stayed back yo talk mar looked sad I didn't wanna hurt his feelings but I guess I did. He probably thinks I hate him.
Olivia: I can't do this anymore Kevin doesn't deserve this he's been the best bf ever and I can't do this to him
Jasmine: me either mattia texted me and asked me if I was mad at him
M: mar looks so sad I didn't want to hurt his feelings
Laura: let's just stop this prank and talk to the boys privately about this hopefully they won't be mad
We walk in and put our stuff down we searched for the boys til I heard crying from one room. It sounded like mar so I opened the door and it was mar.
M: Mar why are you crying
Mar: * sniffles * Are you mad at me did I do something wrong
M: no bubs it was just a prank
Mar: oh
M: I'm sorry I hurt your feelings
Mar: it's ok
M: I love you
Mar: I love you more * laughs *
M: do you wanna cuddle
Mar: can we
M: Yea
I change into something more comfortable to cuddle in. I laid beside mar he put his right leg over my right leg and put his right arm over my  waist. I played with his hair until he fell asleep. I fell asleep as well. I woke up crying from a nightmare I had. I accidentally woke up mar.
Mar: baby what's wrong
M: I had a nightmare
Mar: oh it's ok
M: you were in the nightmare you were looking for me because I got kidnapped and and-
Mar: breath gabby it's ok that won't happen it's just a bad dream
M: I'm sorry
Mar: there is nothing to be sorry about just go back to sleep
M: ok
Me and mar switched positions so now he was rubbing my back and just like that I went back to sleep

Woah that's weird mar and gabby had dreams of stuff happening on this trip. Will their dreams come to live? I mean what could possibly go wrong? ( 1073 words )

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