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I got startled by the sound of the door opening. I look and see a black figure going in the hallway. I immediately wake up mar.
M: mar! Mar! Wake up!
Mar: what's wrong
M: there is someone in the house
Mar: what
M: they are in there
Mar: I'll be back
M: Nooo your gonna get hurt
Mar: call 911
M: ok
Laura: what's up gabby
M: shhh
Laura: what's wrong
M: there is someone in the house
Laura: omg where is mar
M: he went in there
All of a sudden we heard a scream. I called 911. Then the black figure starts running out the door.
911: 911 whats your emergency
M: there has been a break in
911: what's your address and is anyone hurt
M: I live on 123 alligator drive. Um I'm not sure. I'm going to go check. My boyfriend was upstairs with the intruder.
911: is the intruder still there.
M: No he ran out the door
911: I'm sending an officer over now.
M: ok
911: is your boyfriend ok
I go upstairs and check on mar he's no where in the rooms then I see him knocked out on the floor
M: No he's knocked out on the floor
911: is he breathing
M: Yea
911: I'm sending paramedics over too. They should be approaching shortly.
M: ok thank you
The police and paramedics arrive. I walk out side and show them where mar was. They put him on a stretcher and put him in the Ambulance. The police stay and question me.
P.O: can you tell me what happened here tonight
M: so we all were tired Bc we went to the mall so I woke up a while later to a door being opened then I seen a dark figure.
P.O: Do you know who it was
M: No they were wearing all black and I couldn't see their face
P.O: Ok then what happened
M: My boyfriend woke up then went upstairs to where the intruder was and then my other friend Laura and me heard a scream
P.O: So do you know who it could have been
M: Nope but then my boyfriend was knocked out that's all that happened
P.O: is there somewher-
Investigator: Boss
P.O: what's wrong
Investigator: so we were seeing if there was anything that could maybe help us and look
P.O: it's a piece of paper
Investigator: Yea but read it
P.O: Hmm that's interesting
M: what does it say
P.O: it says " I told you I was watching your every move "
P.O: ma'am what's wrong
M: That's the same handwriting as the guy from the mall
P.O: what
M: me and my friends were at the mall and some guy we didn't even know handed us a paper and it said " I'll be watching your every move "
P.O: what did that person look like
M: he had brown hair, freckles, braces, and had a black jacket.
P.O: ok can I have the paper
M: Yea here * hands paper *
P.O: oh wow these are the exact same handwriting
The police stayed and questioned. Then they left. I decided to go and wake up the others.
Olivia: Hey Gabby what's wrong
M: we have to leave
Mal: why
Jasmine: if your hungry there is food In the fridge
Mattia: what's wrong
M: the house was broken into
Laura: Yea. Sorry I fell back to sleep
M: it's ok
Zaya: so where is mar
M: the hospital
Mal: wait why!
M: He got knocked out by the intruder
Samy: omg we have to go his he alright
M: idk
Kevin: ok let's go like now
We arrive at the hospital. The receptionist als who we are to see. They only let 3 of us go back. Me, Samy, and mal go to see him. The doctor said he was fine.
Mal: Hey mar
Mar: * slightly opens his eyes * hey guys
M: Hey bubs
Samy: Yo bro who knocked you out
Mar: idk I get to leave in the morning. I had a slight concussion.
Mal: well things could have been worse
M: Yea let's let him rest
Mar: Hey Gabby can you stay
M: Sure
We both instantly fell asleep. I heard footsteps walk into the room. I slightly open my eyes And see a figure standing in the room. Holding what seems to be a knife. I push the button and called a doctor. A doctor was alerted and the figure instantly ran away.
DR Josh: is there something wrong
M: yes someone was gonna kill him
DR Josh: what
M: someone was holding a knife and was standing right there
DR Josh: oh my let me get security
He left the room. Mar was still sound asleep. The security comes in and stays all night til we left

Woah a lot is happening?? Who was this mysterious person??? Why is this person doing this??? But what if it isn't just one person🤔

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