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* The Next day *
I decided to do a little vlog since I didn't do one the entire time
M: Good morning Sunshine squad. Happy Saturday. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. But today is a very sad day. We are leaving. I'm gonna go get ready and eat some breakfast.
M: Okay everyone so here is my fit for the day

M: Now let's go get some breakfast Zaya: Hey Gabby are you vlogging M: YepZaya: Hey vlog Oliva: Hey vlog M: So I'm just gonna eat and I'll be back * After Breakfast *M: ok y'all so Jasmine has some very exciting news for you guys today Jasmine: ok...

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M: Now let's go get some breakfast
Zaya: Hey Gabby are you vlogging
M: Yep
Zaya: Hey vlog
Oliva: Hey vlog
M: So I'm just gonna eat and I'll be back
* After Breakfast *
M: ok y'all so Jasmine has some very exciting news for you guys today
Jasmine: ok you guys so I don't know what to say honestly. But I'm pregnant.
M: ahhh I'm so happy to be an aunt
* Few hours past *
M: so Sunshine Squad Thats it for today's vlog. I may do a part 2. So stay tuned for that. Anyways make sure you give this a big thumbs up and follow all my socials. Make sure to subscribe and turn on those post notifications. Make sure to spread positivity and goodbye
* Outro music plays *
M: Have you guys heard from the boys this morning
Zaya: Nope I tried calling Malcom but he wouldn't answer
Laura: Let's go over there
* the boys room *
Olivia: Omg what happened here
Laura: SAMY! Are you here
M: it looks like someone broke in
Zaya: look their phones are still on the chargers but where is Malcom's
Jasmine: maybe he still has his
M: Do you think they got kidnapped
Jasmine: I think so Bc look at this note

* Note *
If you ever want to see your poor boyfriends again bring $10,000 to this location
232 West Pier heights
Laura: we can't bring $10,000 to them they are crazy
M: we won't have to
Laura: uh the note says so
Jasmine: she means we can fake having the money and then we can get the boys and run
Olivia: oooo ok that's good
M: but we just have to find out who we're dealing with
Jasmine: ok well first uh Olivia you are gonna take one of the workers uniforms and check the security footage. We will keep look out. We need a distraction so Laura your gonna pretend you fainted and we are gonna try and distract the security and bam it's go time
M: oooo I like this plan
Olivia: same
Jasmine: glad you like it
M: ok I'll keep look out and go get the security
Jasmine: ok lets go
* in the lobby *
M: HELP!!!
Security: what's wrong ma'am
M: My friend something happened to her
Security: what room
M: 3nd floor room 388
Security: ok stay here
Olivia: how did it go
M: Good they are going to the room
Olivia: My turn
_ _ _ _ _
Olivia: hello ma'am can you help me
Worker: S-
Olivia's POV:
I shoved the woman into the closet and took her uniform. I used some cords I t the closet to tie her up. Then I went and got the camera footage.
* At hotel room *
Jasmine: where is Oliv-
Olivia: I'm right here and with the hard drive
M: ooo yay Olivia
Laura: ok let's check it out
1-2:30 Am: People going in and out
3:30-4: people hanging out in the lobby
4-5:30 Am: 4 men walk in
5:30-6 Am: 8 men walk out
Zaya: wait why did 8 men walk out
Jasmine: That looks like mattia
Zaya: I think that's them
M: ooo ok good we now know they were actually kidnapped

Things are getting quite juicy 😏 will they find the boys??? Who was behind the kidnapping???

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