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Jasmine: what did he tell you
Olivia: Well we were talking and he might have said he liked me
Zaya: Omg! Yay. But I'm so sorry
M: * Leaves *
I left and went back to my room. I got changed and started crying. I usually don't cry but I really like mar and it just hurts.
Jasmine: Gabby are you here??
Zaya: Well I guess we won't hear from mal and them
Laura: Hey look on the bright side I don't have to tell Samy how I feel
Olivia: we don't have to tell any of them
M: Hey Guys
Zaya: Hey are you ok
M: Yep
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* later that day *
Mar: Hey Guys Do y'all wanna grab something to eat
M: Oh we already ate
Mal: Do you wanna go to the movies??
Zaya: oh we're kinda busy
Kevin: Hey Guys
Mattia: Hey
Jasmine: Well I gtg ttyl
Olivia: Yk actually same bye
Mar: Hey Gabby
M: Oh hey when did you get here
Mar: I've been here
M: whatever bye
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
* The Boys Room *
Mar: Hey do you think the girls are actin weird
Mattia: Uh no why
Mal: They left the pool like 5 minuets after we came
Kevin: idk but ima take a shower
Mal: alright
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It was officially going to be the last day we are gonna be here we leave Saturday.
* Next Morning *
Zayas POV:
I woke up early so I went to watch tv in the other room. When someone was knocking on the door.
Zaya: WHO IS IT!
Mal: it's us
Zaya: Go away
Mar: Rude come open the door
Zaya: Ugh
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mar: Thanks
Zaya: Whatever
Mal: Are you ok?
Zaya: Why wouldn't i be. What are you doing here?
Mal: we were just gonna hang out
Zaya: shouldn't you be with those girls at the pool
Samy: What?
Zaya: y'all know what I'm talking about
Samy: oh those girls were way out of our league they lied about their ages
Mar: Yea
Mal: where is everyone
Zaya: Jasmine, Olivia, and Laura are still asleep and gabby is in the bathroom crying
Mar: wait! Why?
Zaya: stuff.
Mar: what stuff
Mattia: you really wanna know huh are y'all like a thing
Mar: uhhh no
Zaya: Ugh dont let her know I told you
Mar: ok
Zaya: we'll I'll tell you the whole story. Laura likes Samy. When Laura seen Samy and that girl she it upset. Olivia likes Kevin and yk what happened. Gabby likes mar and she got upset Bc she seen you with that girl and got upset so she was crying and doubting herself. I like Malcom and shi-
Mal: Wait! You like me
Zaya: uh...uh yea.....sorta.....shit
Mar: gabby likes me
Samy: Bro Laura likes me I knew it
Kevin: um Olivia probably told you what I said
Zaya: Yep
M: Hey Zaya
Zaya: um hey
Mar: i think we all need to talk privately so y'all go see if the girls are awake
M: Why are you here
Mar: so you like me
M: uh.....sorta....Yea
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mattia: So um you like me
Jasmine: Yea
Mattia: * smirks * so you wanna...
Jasmine: I'm down
Mattias POV
Jasmine slowly climbs on me and immediately starts kissing me. Without breaking that kiss she took off my shirt. Her lips tasted so good. They tasted like cherries. Jasmine then starts to un button my pants. I flip over and I'm now on top of jasmine I plant kisses on her neck and might have given her a hickey. This was the best moment of my life
Jasmine: M- Mattia ugh
Mattia: Say it louder babygirl
Jasmine: Oh my god mattia
Mattia: Feels good doesn't princess
Jasmine: Y-Yes
* Skip the rest 😏 *
Kevin: So wanna go to that amusement park Olivia
Olivia: Sure * smiles *
Olivia's POV:
Me and Kevin go to that amusement park we saw earlier. I held his hand the entire time. It was getting pretty late so we headed back to the hotel
Kevin: so did you have fun
Olivia: Yea
Kevin: I'm glad
I was at the hotel room with Jasmine, Mattia, mar, and Malcom. I was getting pretty tired so I went and changed into this

Mar: Hey Gab- M: What Mar: You look hot M: uh thanks Mar: so you like me M: Yea Mar: Hey have you seen Samy M: Nope Mar: hmm M: I'll check the room I haven't seen Laura eitherI walk into the bathroom and see Samy and Laura making out

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Mar: Hey Gab-
M: What
Mar: You look hot
M: uh thanks
Mar: so you like me
M: Yea
Mar: Hey have you seen Samy
M: Nope
Mar: hmm
M: I'll check the room I haven't seen Laura either
I walk into the bathroom and see Samy and Laura making out. I immediately run out and freeze.
Mar: Well
M: let's not bother Samy he's busy
Mar: wha- oh that's my boy
M: * laughs *
* Next Day *
Jasmine: ow ow ow
Zaya: Are you ok
Mattia: Yea are you * winks *
M: Girl did you work out last night or what
Mattia: Oh she worked out alright
Samy: uh hey everyone
Kevin: oh hey
Laura: Hey Guys
M: oh hey
Mar: * smiles at gabby *
Mattia: quick question
Mar: what?
Mattia: Are you and gabby a thing mar
Mar: No not yet
M: smooth
Mattia: so are you and Olivia dating
M: The real question is are you and Jasmine dating
Mattia: Uh no
Mar: Why not * laughs *
Mattia: she doesn't like me
Mal: well that's not what I heard when she was screaming your name
Jasmine: you said you weren't gonna tell anyone
M: wait what
Mal: They were having s*x in our room
M: O-M-G

Well The secret is out. People are getting real comfortable. What will happen Next????

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