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It was finally Friday. School was the same nothing exciting except til lunch. Usually people go to the cafeteria instead of the court yard. This time everyone was in the court yard they were all gathered around in a circle I couldn't see anything. Until a girl told me what happened
Girl: Hey aren't you Mariano's girlfriend
M: Yea why
Girl: well there is a brawl in the yard over you and your friend
M: what do you mean
Girl: Your boyfriend and your friend I think Zayas boyfriend are fighting these two douche bags
M: oh no
Zaya: I came here as fast as I could what's going on
M: we have to stop mal and mar
Zaya: what why
M: They are fighting some dudes
We quickly pushed past everyone and see mal and mar angryily yelling
Mal: Dont ever talk about our girls again
Boy 1: yea what are you gonna do about it. Oh hey gabby. Do you mind giving me a kiss before I whoop his ass.
Mar: Your ass will be grass. That's enough * kicks dude in no no square *
Boy 2: well hello Zaya what are you doing hottie
Mal: * punches dude * shut the hell up
Boy 1: * tries to punch mar *
Mal: Is that really the best you can do
Zaya: Is there a better way to settle this
M: Yea don't fight
Zaya: Mal if you love me you will stop
Boy 2: hey you should come to my house later
Mal: That's it * Throws the last punch *
Boy 1: im sorry please stop * crying *
Mar: run then
Mal was so furious he knocked the first guy out cold the other one was still fighting mar. Then the other dude ran away. The bell rang and we all went back to our classes. Then we went home.
Mal: You seriously haven't talked to us the whole car ride
Zaya: Wonder why
Mar: Gabby I'm sorry
M: mhm sure
Mal: What did I do wrong. We defended you guys. Y'all should be happy
Zaya: There are more ways to settle something than fight. Now your all bruised and shit.
M: Yea mar look at yourself you are cut and bruised.
Mar: yea but it was worth it
Zaya: I agree with y'all but there is still more than one way to-
Mal&Mar: Settle something than fight we know
Zaya: I- never mind
We arrive at my house me and Zaya go and get supplies to help mar and mal.
Mar: I'm fine I swear
M: no you are not
Zaya: if you think that's fine then if you end up in the hospital will that also be fine
Mal: well that wouldn't be good
Mar: no that wouldn't be fine
Zaya&M: Exactly!!!
After we cleaned their injuries we decided to watch Disney movies the rest of the night. We all fell asleep while Rapunzel was still playing on the tv. I quickly woke up the the sound of footsteps. I turned off the tv. The lights were already off. My dad came downstairs. I was relieved.
Dad: what are you still doing up
M: well I woke up Bc there is footsteps outside.
Dad: I don-
M: Do you not hear that * whispers *
Dad: hold on
My dad turned on the lights. Then turned them back off. The footsteps stopped for the rest of the night. Which was good.
* Next Day *
Today is Friday thank god. I don't have school on Friday so that means three day weekend ( Yes! ). I texted everyone and asked what they were doing. They all said nothing. But we all agreed to go to the mall.
* At The Mall *
Jasmine: Where do you guys wanna go first
Mattia: Do you guys wanna split up again or what
Kevin: I think we shouldn't this time
Samy: Yea the girls can be the first to shop if we see a store we want to go in. We can stop at it.
Olivia: sounds good to me what about you guys
M: that's good
Zaya: Yea lets go
We head to our favorite places. Me and Olivia decided to go in hotroom. We walked in and a guy bumped into us. Which it was rude that he didn't apologize.
Olivia: Hey he dropped this
M: what is it
Olivia: its a slip of paper
M: does it say anything. If it does we have to return it if it's important
Olivia: it says " Watch your backs im always watching "
M: That's creepy
Olivia: i know right
We finish shopping and go with the others. Me and Olivia never mentioned the piece of paper. We thought it wasn't Necessary for them to know. It's not like it was for us. After our shopping trip. We decided to head home.
Kevin: Hey Olivia you dropped this
Olivia: What is it
Kevin: A slip of paper
M: Oh that would be mine
Kevin: What is it
M: A phone number
Mar: From who
M: This person we met at hotroom
Zaya: ooooo whats his name
Mar: it's a boy?!?!?!
Olivia: Noooo its a girl her name is lily
Samy: ohhh
Laura: let's eat something
Jasmine: Yea let's eat
We eat and go to sleep. Me and Olivia stayed up and chatted Bc we couldn't sleep. We kept wondering if we had a secret stalker and made up scenarios. Then we drifted off to sleep.
Laura: Yo Gabby wake up
M: what is it
Laura: I think someone is outside
M: maybe it's the neighbors just go back to sleep
Laura: ok
Mar: What was that?!?!
Kevin: I don't know
Mattia: someone threw a brick through the window
M: What is happening
Mar: Everything is ok
Jasmine: um why is the window broken
M: WHAT?!?! Oh now my parents are gonna kill me
Samy: it will be ok
Olivia: ugh who is screaming
M: Sorry that was me
Zaya: I was just trying to sleep
M: does the brick say something
Mattia: I'll check there is glass everywhere so be careful
Mal: sorry I was in the bathroom
Mattia: it's says " be more careful next time. Ahaha I'll always be watching you "
Mar: what's that supposed to mean
Laura: It means we have some sick stalker
Olivia: Gabby remember that dude
M: shhhh
Mar: what dude
M: no one

Do you secretly have a stalker?? Who could it be??

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