Y'all can't cook for shit

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"Wooow." Bakugou claps his hands, ,,Denki. Where are you?" He screams over the whole kitchen so that it can probably be heard in the lobby too.
"What you screaming for like that? My fucking ears are sensitive." Jirou says pissed. I look around in the kitchen to look what he finds so bad but I don't see anything.
"Yes, Baku-sama." Kaminari comes back. Bakugou forced us to address him with sama because when we're cooking he's the chef and obviously better than us, his words.
"Did you cut those fucking carrots?"
"Yes." Kaminari grins like a little child, "Didn't I cut them just perf-"
"Don't finish that sentence if you want to survive until your next birthday."
I look at the carrots and roll my eyes. "What's wrong with them?"
He turns his head slowly to me as if I killed someone in this house.
"What's wrong- Bitch, are you kidding me? Everything is wrong with it. You little shits want to cook with me so bad-"
"I actually didn't." Jirou says.
"Shut up, earphones. But you can't even do the simplest tasks. I didn't fucking know that carrot-cutting or salting water needs to be a profession on their own. Denki do you even know how to cut anything? Are your fucking fingers alright?"
Kaminari inspects his fingers, "Yeah, thanks for your concern. I actually cut myself a little bit but it's fine. Hanta gave me a band aid."
"Eijirooo..." Bakugou mumbles, trying to hide that he's gonna explode in a minute.
I sigh heavily, "Let's all take a break, yeah? Just turn off the heat and all." I say and push Bakugou out of the kitchen.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Everything. Why did they want to come here if they can't fucking do anything?" He asks confused and angry.
"Damn Bakugou. Not everything must be perfect. They just wanted to hang out together."
He runs his fingers through his hair, "I don't want to spend time. I just want to cook."
"Well isn't it something that is fun for you? Why don't you want to teach them one or two things?"
"No. Always when they finish they observe me and I don't like more than one pair of eyes on me when it's not a necessity."
"You're being an asshole."
"I don't care." Bakugou says and nearly looks like he's gonna cry out of anger.
"I don't want to. Godammit." He crouches down on the floor and shakes his head. I get behind him and put my hands on his shoulders and lightly give him a massage.
"Calm down. You act like you hate them. Do you?"
"I didn't say that." He says, his voice already a notch calmer.
"Then why don't you want us around you?"
"I want to cook alone. Y'all ruin it."
"You're mean." I say but have to laugh anyway.
"Can't y'all just sit at the table at least while I cook. I cook for you! Like isn't that enough for you guys?"
"Damn you really don't know how to spend some quality time with your friends, huh?"
"We spend it while you wait."
"We have to-"
"Guys, I'm going to sleep. Bakugou you can cook for your own. I cut the carrots again but if I messed up again I'm sorry." He says and leaves.
"Hey! Denki, where are you going?" I call him.
"To sleep. I'm tired."
I raise an eyebrow, "You're not. It's fine you can stay."
"Goodnight, Eij." He just says with a little smile and leaves.
I turn around to Bakugou, pissed, "That's your fault."
"The hell did I do?" He screams but looks afterwards at the direction Kaminari left to.
"You know what you did. I told you that he wants to be liked by you."
"Shut up." He says and goes to the kitchen. I follow him silently and sit down at the table. Everyone's still here. I look at Sero but he just shows me a thumbs up so I suppose that Denki wants to be left alone.
We chat at the table while Bakugou doesn't even interact with us the slightest bit. Fucking idiot.

After 40 minutes or something Bakugou gives us our plate. He didn't even want us to put our own portions, he's too perfect and I don't mean it as a compliment. He makes another plate for him but he leaves the kitchen with it.
"Where are you going?"
"Not your problem, shitty hair."
I roll my eyes and continue to eat.

"I said leave me alone." I hear Kaminari's voice from the other side of the door. If he's not sleeping that is sufficient for me I think and enter his room.
"Leave." He just says. He doesn't even know who I am because he lies on his bed there in the darkness. I sit down on his bed and turn the light on that is on his nightstand.
"What the- Bakugou? What are you doing here?"
"I brought you your food." I say and give him the plate and the fork.
"You didn't have to." He says but still takes the plate.
"Well you were the hungriest."
"I guess." He says and takes a bite, "Wow. As always you just cook like a master."
"Like a master? I'm the fucking master."
"Gomen, Bakugou-sama."
"So what do you really want?" Kaminari asks.
I don't say anything for a while and just let him eat.
"Did you leave because of me?" I eventually ask.
"No. Why would I?"
"Well...I shouted and was kinda angry with you." I say and scratch my neck lightly.
"Kinda." He just repeats.
"I was angry at the others too tho."
"Yeah, anger is somewhat a character trait of you."
"You could say that."
He looks up to me and smirks, "Bakugou, it's fine. I know that you're trying to apologise and I appreciate that but everything's ok."
Fuck that yellow dude. Isn't he supposed to be dumb and clueless?
"Thanks for the meal." He says and puts the plate on his nightstand, "I understand what I did wrong on the carrots now."
I sigh loudly. I feel like a bitch.
"Denki, I wasn't like angry angry. I just like to prepare things on my own."
"I know."
"You know?" I face him again.
"Yeah, of course. I just wanted to cook together because you seem to like it but we can do other things together that we all like, right?"
"We can cook. But I don't want to do it in the group then because that's too much to handle for me."
"You're weird." He laughs.
"You say I'm weird? Damn that's something." I smirk at him.
"You would say the same if you would meet yourself. Actually, I think you would murder the other Bakugou."
"Probably." I agree with him.
"But you have still nice features."
I turn to him and watch him first, "Thanks, you too." I mumble as I see that he actually meant it.
He raises an eyebrow, confused.
"What?" I ask irritated.
"You for real or do just repeat what I said?" He asks amused.
"Why wouldn't I be for real? You think if I wouldn't like you or at least something of you, we would be friends?"
"Well, I know that you don't like how I cut carrots."
"Can we forget that? I also didn't like how much salt Hanta put in the water."
"You're really picky."
"I am." I shrug my shoulders.
We fall into silence after that. I'm thinking about how I should tell him that I actually cherish him as a friend.
"So why I came here in the first place was to tell you that..." I stop and turn around to him to face him directly to not always turn my head in his direction and then I sigh, "You can't actually think that I don't like you, right?"
He doesn't respond to me.
"Come on. I know I'm mean but am I like that mean?"
"No! It's just- I don't know how to describe it."
"Try. You can tell me. I won't get mad or anything. I promise."
He runs his fingers through his hair and then on his lap crosses them into each other.
"I feel like you don't...want me around sometimes. I know it's because I'm an idiot and I get that it can be annoying to you guys sometimes...But you're like constantly pushing me away at least that's how I feel."
"You are annoying."
Shit. Am I dumb? Kirishima would fucking beat my ass right now or worse...ignore me for two days.
"But I do want you around. To be honest you are with Mina my favorite persons after Eij and he's also annoying."
So he's obviously shocked as I can read from his face but he just stares at me and that shit makes me uncomfortable.
"Quit looking at me like that!"
"You're lying. I agree that Mina's also your fave person cause you have big brother vibes sometimes but other than that you're lying."
"Fuck you, bitch."
"Fuck yourself." He says kinda amused.
"Why would I not like you? You're really funny sometimes and I know that you're not dumb. You make everyone smile and you're really forgiving."
"Oh ok." He says obviously flustered.
"And I like your calm side."
"I'm not calm."
"You are. Don't lie." I give him a side look, "I see it every time when a lot of people are around or when we go out with the group and everyone talks you just sit there and listen."
"You fucking stalker."
"I'm not stalking. I'm observing."
"Hm. The good old euphemism, I see."
"See? I bet a lot of people would doubt that you know stylistic devices besides metaphor or something. "
"What's a metaphor?"
"Oh shut up, dunce face."
He laughs lightly.
I rest my elbow on my leg and put my chin on my hand and watch him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks and turns red again. He's quickly flustered. How does he not get red with all the embarrassing things he does?
"You just have a pretty face." I smirk.
"Fuck you." He says and turns his head away but I already saw that his face is turning into a tomato.
"Are we fine?" I ask then.
"Yes." He mumbles.
"So do you know that I already like you and that you don't have to do anything for me to appreciate you?"
"I wasn't doing that."
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"Go. I feel weird."
"You feel weird?" I ask and put my hand on his forehead.
"Leave!" He says and I have to laugh because I know that I'm making him uncomfortable.
"Ok." I say but don't move. I just watch him again.
"I fucking hate you. Stop that."
I take him into my arms and he stiffs up immediately but the longer I hold him the more he calms down and returns my embrace.
"You know you shouldn't care about what one person thinks about you and it shouldn't affect your feelings so much. That person isn't that important and I'm definitely not that important either." I whisper.
He breathes out softly and hardens his grip around me. I smile lightly and caress his back.
"Thank you, Bakugou." He whispers back.
"Don't thank me." I respond and hold him until he feels comfortable to let go of me. But he doesn't and after some more minutes I feel how his weight gets heavier. That bitch fell asleep. I slowly move to the back and lay him down on his pillow but like the dunce face he is, he doesn't let go of me. So I wait there too until his grip lightens around me.
I put the blanket around him, take the plate, turn the lights off and leave his room.
When I close his door quietly I nearly get a heart attack because Kirishima stands in front of me.
"Damn. You were in there for a long time."
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to scold you again but you weren't in your room so I wanted to look how Denki is doing and when I opened the door slowly I saw you talking so I left y'all."
"Doesn't look like you left us."
"I didn't listen in and you were too quiet anyway." He rolls his eyes.
"Is he better now?" He asks careful.
"Yeah. He's asleep. Leave him." I say and push him away with myself.
"You're such a softie sometimes." He smiles cheekily and swings his arm over my shoulder.
"Shut up, shitty hair."

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