♢recap: Bakugou wanted to fight Midoriya but was held back by Sero. Bakugou told him how he feels inside, that he basically can't think about anything than his hate for Bakugou. Sero calms him down and they get a lil bit closer again as friends. Yeah in that chapter Sero told him that he'll talk to Midoriya bc he won't leave Bakugou alone (can be read separately)
"Get out. I want to talk to you." Sero says to Midoriya when the break starts. Everyone in the class gets silent. This is a fucking miracle. Why would Sero talk to Midoriya? No one in the class ever even saw them talking.
Sero's stoic gaze turns to him for the first time in years and he nearly gags when he sees his face. He's really disgusted by Midoriya because it shows Sero what cruel humans live on this world, looking like innocent puppies.
"Are you trying to address me by my first name or am I hallucinating?"
Bakugou snorts amused and packs his things. He just leaves. He doesn't want to listen anymore. He'll just ask him what happened.
"What do you want to-"
"Get. The fuck. Out." Sero repeats slowly and leaves the classroom.
Midoriya shuts his mouth and quickly packs his bag. He doesn't look at his classmates. It doesn't matter what Midoriya did or didn't. He always was and will be scared of Sero. Bakugou is scary because he doesn't hesitate to hit you or insult you but Sero is the one who always had this frightening aura around him. He could go on weeks without smiling once. And Midoriya found it always scary how Sero could just look through him, he ignored him like a pro, sometimes Midoriya even questioned his existence; it couldn't be that you're with a person in the same class and live in the same neighbourhood without him ever looking at you.
"Tell me." Sero starts when they arrive at the sports field behind the school.
Midoriya isn't scared that Sero will hit him on the field where no one can see them because he never saw Sero really hitting anyone when Bakugou wasn't the one being in danger but he's just scared to be with Sero alone after all these years.
"Who the fuck allowed you to touch Katsuki?"
Midoriya could piss his pants. Sero's expression didn't change one bit from when he looked at him the last time. The hatred. The despite. The disgust. Everything is in these monotonous seeming eyes.
"I was just apologising and-"
"What did I tell you?"
"What do you-"
"What the fuck did I tell you? Are you not scared anymore? Do I need-"
"No! It's alright. I remember. I'm sorry."
"First of all, don't interrupt me, piece of shit. Second of all, you better stop apologising to Katsuki and stop talking to him at all. Tell me. Who the fuck do you think you are? His friend? No, that's me. His childhood friend? Erase those memories, I don't even remember your stupid face anymore. His classmate? That's just temporary. You better leave him alone."
"Are you trying to say something against me?"
"I swear to fucking everything that's dear to me if you..." Sero exhales heavily to calm down and pinches the bridge of his nose, "If you touch him ever again with your bloody fingers, I promise, you will not see the next day."
"I'm sor-"
"I don't want to hear your fucking apologies!"
"I just wanted to see how he's doing because it was the day-"
"Huh, I didn't know you wanted to die right now." Sero interrupts him again.
"Hanta, I ju-"
"I must be fucking tripping. Did you call me Hanta? Again?"
"Sero, alright."
"Don't take anything of my name in your goddamn mouth. I'm the only one here. I know that I'm being addressed."
"You're right. I just miss him, you know?-"
Sero would have already interrupted him but he's too much in shock right now. He misses Bakugou? Did he listen right?
"And I know that I hurt him in the past but I want to be friends again. To be honest, I think if it wasn't for you Kacchan and I would've already talked it out." Midoriya says quietly.
Sero is speechless. He can't react to it. Did Midoriya talk like that to Bakugou all the time? If yes, why didn't Bakugou tell him? And doesn't Midoriya realise what he did?
"You need help." Sero says eventually, "You do realise that what you did isn't something that you can just forgive?"
"Everything can be forgiven. I forgave you and Kacchan why can't you?"
"You did what?"
"I did forgive you, Sero. I didn't forget-"
"You think you're in the place to forgive anyone?" Sero smirks for the first time and shakes his head.
His fingers are aching to just punch Midoriya senseless but he won't. He promised himself that he won't hit anyone if not anyone of his loved ones are being hurt. He knows damn well that the way he fights and the way Bakugou fights aren't the same. In contrary to himself, Bakugou gets tired when his opponent doesn't show any will to fight. He's still angry but bored. Sero on the other hand just loses himself and he knows that if he starts hitting Midoriya he will die. He's not joking or exaggerating, Midoriya will die. No one is here. Bakugou isn't here to stop him. Bakugou is probably the only one who could make him stop after some time, not directly but still.
"Of course I am."
"I'm not going to discuss with a psychopath. I just wanted to warn you. You don't touch Katsuki, no one touches Katsuki and stop calling him Kacchan in my presence."
"I can touch anyone I-"
"You can't touch anyone, Midoriya." Sero steps closer to him and looks down on him and says in a voice not even louder than a whisper, "Touch Katsuki, you're dead. Speak to Katsuki, you're dead. Look at Katsuki, dead. You're gonna regret that your mother even birthed you. You're gonna regret that Katsuki was ever in your life because there's no fucking universe where Katsuki isn't with me. I told you and I'll tell you again. You hoped that someday we're gonna separate, right? Guess what, kid? We won't. Not in a billion years. For all I care you can pray until your kneecaps dissolve into nothingness but you will not, and I fucking repeat, you will not touch him with a simple fibre of yours ever again. Do you hear me?"
Midoriya stopped breathing. The little confidence he built up before, crashed little by little and he promises himself that he won't ever respond to Sero again if he didn't ask him a direct question.
"I said did you hear me?"
Midoriya nods slowly.
"Now, go."
Midoriya steps back but is still too much in shock to actually move.
Sero waits some seconds and growls angrily, "I said, go!"
As if Midoriya snapped, he turns around and runs for his life.Sero crouches down on the ground and puts his face into his hands. He wants to calm down but he can't. He breathes in and out but it just feels more and more like he can't breath properly. He lays down on the ground and hits his chest slowly while having his eyes closed.
He can't believe that Midoriya still believes that he's not at fault.
Sero needs to see Bakugou but he wants to calm down first. If he's not calm, the probability that he'll fight with Bakugou is high. He doesn't want to argue with him. It always brings him down like nothing else can.
Sero crosses his hands in front of his stomach and concentrates on his body. Firstly, he concentrates just on his fingers and moves them slowly, applying some pressure on his hands and makes himself of the other body parts on his body aware. When he ends with his toes and ears he breathes out finally feeling lighter. But he still lays there and opens his eyes to look at the clear blue sky. There's no cloud. He didn't even notice that the weather is so good today.
He notices that someone walks up from behind but he pays them no mind.
"What are you doing again, idiot?" Bakugou asks and kneels down behind Sero.
"What are you doing here?"
"I asked Deku where you are. I'm intrigued. What did you do? He didn't even look at me and was faster gone than I could say die."
"Good for him." Sero mumbles and closes his eyes again.
Bakugou watches him for some seconds and then leans down to press a kiss on Sero's forehead.
"What was that for?" Sero asks.
"Nothing, you looked like you need a Suki-kiss." He says and stands up to lay next to Sero.
"Suki-kiss?" Sero asks slightly confused and turns his head to Bakugou.
"Ask Eij." Bakugou shrugs.
As if their minds are connected, they reach out in the same time to interlock their fingers.
"What happened?"
"Hantaaa." Bakugou whines.
Sero ignores him, "Did you know that he wanted to be friends with you again?"
"Yes, he's crazy."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I never told you what he said or did."
"Oh yeah. I forgot that you don't trust me." Sero rolls his eyes.
"It doesn't have to do anything with trust."
"Bitch. You always try to find things to be mad at me."
"I'm doing quite the opposite actually."
"Of course."
They stop talking again. Paradoxically, they don't stop holding hands though.
"I'm sorry." They mutter at the same time again.
"Stop being so creepy, Hanta." Bakugou says. It happens quite often that they act the same in random moments.
"You did the exact same thing. Why am I the creepy one?" Sero chuckles.
"Because you're creepy."
"Hmm ok."
"What did he also say?"
"That I'm the reason why you didn't talk it out yet. Ohh and he misses you." Sero has to chuckle softly when he thinks about it again. He's insane...
"And you still didn't rip his head off?"
"You know what happens if I do."
"That's the exact reason why you should."
Sero doesn't respond to that but he moves Bakugou's hand to his lips and gives him a soft kiss on the back of his hand and then lets their hands fall between them again.
"What do you think?"
"What do I think about what?"
"Would your father allow you to move in together with me after school?"
Sero furrows his eyebrows confused, "What do you mean?"
They never talked about moving in together. That came so sudden.
"I thought that we could move in together but your father is kinda strict."
"You want to move in together? With me?" Sero asks still confused and turns his head to Bakugou.
"Why do you say it like you're disgusted by yourself? I'm not really happy with you either but I don't know anyone who could bear to live with me." Bakugou goes on.
Sero smiles amused, "You're right, you're unbearable."
"Right? But you're not better."
"I know but at least I don't start fake crying so that my boss allows me to leave sooner."
"Fuck you. It worked out tho." Bakugou laughs.
"Hmm." Sero smiles, "I'm gonna ask him if he says no..." Sero shrugs, "I don't care. What's he gonna do anyways."
"Alright, I like that. So when are we going to marry?"
Sero snorts with laughter and then says, "Whenever you want, Katsuki."
"Alright, fiance." Bakugou chuckles and turns around to lay his head on Sero's chest and looks up to the sky, "I'm hungry. Can we cook something?"
"Why are you asking me?"
"Maybe you don't wanna eat."
"And? I won't let you hunger. What kind of friend would I be?"
"You won't be anything anymore if you don't say yes and stand up."
"How hungry are you on a scale of one to ten?" Sero asks.
"What the fuck, Katsuki? Ugh...can we come back after we ate?" Sero asks. He feels really good right now. He doesn't know if it will stay like that after he stands up but he can try.
"We can cook and eat here."
"You keep saying "we". Am I allowed to cook with you?" Sero realises and looks down on Bakugou.
"Don't you want to? That's fine by-"
"No. I want to. I was just confused. Are you gonna scream at me?"
"If you're being a little pussy again, yes."
"The oil literally burned me. What do you mean with little pussy?"
"Pathetic, crying over some oil. Get up, already."
"I don't think I want to live with you anymore."
"Ight, I'm gonna ask Eij then." Bakugou says and turns around.
"Damn, I feel so important, Kats."
"As you should, bitch."

Bakusquad Oneshots
FanficI'll write little stories about the Bakusquad but Bakugou is mostly in focus. It's mostly angst or fluff. I don't really write smut (maybe a little bit 👀) cuz in these stories they aren't together just really close friends. But if y'all want me t...