Hellooo lovely ppl :)) Thanks for the 1k 💓💓
So this chapter has another part if u don't remember that's basically a mini recap lol: Sero wanted to talk to Bakugou in private because he has been acting weird/more aggressive. Bakugou kept everything in him tho even started crying. Sero was kinda hurt because they're childhood friends and felt like Bakugou doesn't trust him anymore and yeah he just left Bakugou alone. This chapter is like some two weeks after that last chapter.
"Bakugou, that's not cool. What the hell? Give Midoriya a break, please."
Kirishima says and also tries to calm his friend down by massaging his shoulders.
"You don't- can't understand. I hate him."
Kirishima sighs, "Everyone understands that but you go too far."
"Fuck!" Bakugou boxes into the wall, "Y'all don't even know what it's about. You all just talk. I don't care about your opinions."
Kirishima hopelessly stands there. He wants to understand why his best friend hates Midoriya so much but he can't. What did he do? Is it something from their childhood? He doesn't tell them and Midoriya doesn't say anything either.
"Can't you just ignore him?"
"Shut up, Eij-"
"Hey, Kacchan. I-im sor-"
"Don't you dare apologise, Deku." Bakugou turns around and already plans to attack him, "I'm gonna fucking kill you if you-"
"Katsuki! Stay right here." Sero comes into the common room after Kaminari called him.
"You gon see. You're gonna regret that-" Bakugou nearly hits Midoriya but that's exactly the moment Sero holds him back, "Let me go! I'm gonna fucking kill you, Deku. You gon see." Bakugou tries to wrestle himself out of Sero's arms.
What is also unreal in this situation is that Midoriya didn't even try to defend himself and why would he apologise he isn't the one that is threatening his childhood friend and classmate.
"Kats, calm the fuck down." Sero holds him back and carries the angry blonde boy out of the room. There are too many people.
"Be gentle." Kirishima tells Sero worried.
"We'll see."
"If you don't let me go so help me god I'm gonna-"
"You're gonna what? Shut the fuck up, Katsuki. I told you that you have to stop this."
"I don't want to see his face."
"Me neither, Katsuki. But do you see me throwing a tantrum?"
"Throwing a tantrum? Are you fucking kidding me, Hanta?"
"Can I let you go?"
"You better let me go."
"Can I let you go, Kats?" Sero asks with a firmer voice.
Sero slowly lets go of him, "What did he do?"
"The mere fact that he's breathing is a problem." Bakugou angrily starts hitting the wall. He can't see Deku's face anymore. He really has the audacity to talk to him like nothing happened.
"Don't." Sero sighs heavily and observes his friend but he doesn't even listen to him.
"Kats. - Katsuki, please."
He doesn't listen. Sero sits down and waits for Bakugou to calm down.
It seems like Bakugou can't channel his emotions in other things. If he doesn't hurt someone else, he has to put some kind of damage on himself. Sero wants to help him but Bakugou just doesn't let him in.
The others don't seem to notice but Sero sees that Bakugou is breaking from day to day a little bit more but he doesn't know why.
What is happening with his friend? He told him that he's on edge and Bakugou even cried but the next day he acted like nothing happened.
"Why are you like everywhere? How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?" Bakugou asks with a low and raspy voice. His forehead is leaning against the wall he was just hitting.
"I told you years ago that I'm not gonna leave you. I don't care how often you say it, how often you shut me out or insult me. I'm not going." Sero says and leans his head against the wall, watching his friend.
"Do you feel better?"
"A shame."
Bakugou turns around and slides down the wall to sit opposite from Sero. The boy who is in his life so long that he can't even remember the times he wasn't with Sero as a child.
"He just came up to me and asked me how I'm doing. He even touched me. I'm disgusted." Bakugou says after some silence.
"...He did what?" Hanta asks with a calm voice. He doesn't want to show that he's actually enraged right now. His attempts to calm down Bakugou would go down the drain.
"You heard me."
"Where did he touch you?"
Bakugou looks Sero the first time in the eyes and says, "My shoulder and back area."
Bakugou observes Sero and notices that he fiddles around with his fingers and tips quietly on the ground repeatedly. He's angry. That's the moment Bakugou realises that Sero actually won't leave him. It doesn't matter what he tries to get him away. Sero can't leave because he's already too attached to Bakugou. Sero protects him like he's his little brother and he will do that forever.
"Let's kill him together." Bakugou says hyped for some seconds before Sero breaks his happy murderous intentions again.
"Kats, no" he sighs.
"Why? You can't stand him either."
"Tell me. Do you actually want to kill him?"
"Yes." He says bluntly without any second thoughts.
Sero smiles softly because of Bakugou's nature. He's just destructive. He doesn't understand how he's so calm around Kirishima sometimes.
"Believe me. He's suffering more when he's alive, Katsuki."
"If you don't want to get expelled you have to stop though."
"I would if he would stop smiling and looking at me."
"I'll talk to him."
"Nah. I'm not a baby. I can handle it."
"I didn't say you can't. I just said that I'll talk to him. You will beat him if you talk with him longer than ten seconds."
"He doesn't need to be around for ten seconds."
"I wanted to talk to him anyway."
"Pfft. I want to see that. You didn't look at his face for a long time."
Sero doesn't respond to that. It's true. He has been literally ignoring Midoriya. As far as he knows Midoriya is invisible. Everyone in the class knows that he doesn't like Midoriya either so they all avoid to talk about him or to make plans with the trio together.
"Did something else happen?"
"That bitch tried to apologise."
That's not what he meant but the shock is there. He actually had the guts to do that. The audacity.
"He really wants to die, huh?"
"That's what I try to tell you all the time. Let's grant him that wish."
"Stop already. Jeez." Sero chuckles, "That isn't even what I meant. I wanted to know if there's anything other than Midoriya that makes you angry."
"Ughhh. And I thought I finally succeeded to shut you up."
"If you would at least tell me what it's about or that you told someone else maybe I would drop the topic."
"Yes, maybe."
"You're aggravating."
"I know."
Bakugou looks up, sighing loudly and then they just look each other in the eyes. Sero just waiting and Bakugou weighing up and down if he should tell him.
"What do you think I have?"
"Honestly, I don't know. But you said you don't feel and to be honest I'm concerned by that."
"Well I feel like the only emotion I can feel is anger towards him and it's growing everyday and it's consuming my thoughts. I tried to just ignore him like you but I can't. I can't blend him out."
"I understand that you despise him but do you want to give him that much importance? Hate and love are big emotions and I don't think that he should hold this position in your head."
"I know that he isn't important but I just can't understand how Deku can live a normal life while she-...you know what I mean."
"I know. But you need other priorities in your life. Do you want to give him the satisfaction to ruin another life? Think about it, bud."
"I don't care about my life."
"I care about your life, Katsuki, a lot, so don't say that, please."
Bakugou nods slowly, uncomfortable because Sero sounds so hurt by his words.
"You beat him. Again and again. He doesn't even react, what's the use of it? You just hurt yourself more because you notice every time that it didn't change shit. You gotta understand that what happened in the past won't change the slightest."
"What do you want to say, huh? But he could still suffer? But he doesn't belong here? But he doesn't deserve his friends or to be on this school? Katsuki." Sero says and moves forward to be near his friend whose eyes are becoming glossy again. Sero cups Bakugou's face in his hands and leans his forehead against his, "Nothing would change. She won't come back."
Bakugou starts sobbing quietly and leans against Sero's chest.
"But you can change your life. You can be happy. She always wanted that. You have friends all around you. Do you want to live a miserable life because of him? Please don't do this to yourself. We can't live when he's controlling our minds."
"It's his fault. I hate him so much." Bakugou sobs.
Sero embraces him tightly, "I know and I won't ever forgive him but focus on other things, please. He's not worth it."
"On what should I focus? I feel like I have nothing."
"You have me. You have us: Eijiro, Denki, Mina."
"People are temporary. The moment you realise that I can't be helped you'll leave."
"You really do me wrong. I don't know about the others, they're our friends but we don't know them that well yet. But Katsuki you're like my brother." I get him off my chest to look him in the eyes, "We never say that but I love you. I don't know why you always try to make me leave. What are you scared of?" Sero asks softly, wiping the tears on Bakugou's cheeks away. At least he stopped crying.
"I don't know. Even though we know each other that long that's the first time you said you love me; we don't even hug and everyone leaves I see it everywhere." Bakugou says. He's really scared to attach himself to other people.
"Bro, for all I care we could cuddle. I don't say that I love you because you seemed opposed to any kind of affection. But just because I don't say it doesn't mean that I don't, Kats." Sero says softly and gently strokes Bakugou's hair to see how he reacts to it.
He knows a lot about Bakugou and he remembers that as children Bakugou would hug him every time when they saw each other but that stopped and it was already before the incident so he didn't think that Bakugou would like to be reassured and all. It's unusual and Sero definitely won't start hugging everyone he sees but if Bakugou wants it he can do that for him.
"I'm tired. Piggyback me." Bakugou yawns.
"That again?" Sero sighs and rolls his eyes but he still turns around. Bakugou gets on his back and wraps his arms around Sero. Sero gets up and brings him to the dorms. The people around watch them confused but Sero ignores them and Bakugou doesn't even see them because he closed his eyes.

Bakusquad Oneshots
FanfictionI'll write little stories about the Bakusquad but Bakugou is mostly in focus. It's mostly angst or fluff. I don't really write smut (maybe a little bit 👀) cuz in these stories they aren't together just really close friends. But if y'all want me t...