New Roommates (Baku/Sero)

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First of all, thanks for the few readers I have lol. I would rly appreciate if you give me some kind of feedback because I don't know if y'all rly like it or if I should go in another direction. Anyways, enjoy and if you have any questions regarding myself hmu :)

Bakugou observes Sero with a sour face he can't hide anymore. Since they got roommates Sero seems to always hang out with his. Bakugou doesn't like that. He belongs to him after all.
Bakugou just wants to get up and pull Sero away but he knows that they'll just fight and that would just destroy his mood even more.
But after ten minutes it's finally over and Sero comes over to his friends.
"Hello, guys." Sero says and sits down next to Bakugou.
"Hey, babe." Mina exclaims.
Kaminari hugs him and Kirishima just grins happily with his sharp teeth.
As Sero notices that Bakugou doesn't react one bit to his presence. He turns around and asks him what's up.
"Nothing." Bakugou says without looking at him.
"I think he's angry at you. He didn't talk to us either the whole time you were gone." Kaminari says, not caring about the glare Bakugou gives him.
"What did I do, Kats? Tell me."
Sero sighs. He'll talk to him when they're alone. It's probably nothing. Bakugou is always mad at him for thousands of reasons.
"Alright, babes and petty Bakugou. What are we doing today?"
"Swimming!" Kirishima exclaims and everyone groans.
"No, Eij. We did that the last few days." Kaminari says. For the first time in a long time, even he doesn't want to swim.
"Then you decide." Kirishima pouts and lays down on the floor. He doesn't want to decide anymore.
Everyone already was thinking about if Kirishima needs consolidation again but Kaminari already acted upon their thoughts and intertwines his fingers with Kirishima's. The red hair rolls closer to Kaminari's side without letting go of his hand.
Even though Kirishima is always happy he gets also quickly sad but often a little hug or just words of affection suffice to make him feel better again.

*some hours after they've decided to go bowling and then into a chocolate museum

"What the fuck, Katsuki? No, guys. I gotta talk to him now. I'll try to make it quick." Sero says and pulls Bakugou after him, outside the building.
The whole day Bakugou was ignoring him and tried his best not to get near Sero. Sero wanted to wait but it gets on his nerves because he knows that he didn't do anything bad.
"Look at me, Katsuki."
Sero takes Bakugou's face between his hands and forces him to look at him.
"What's bothering you so much? Tell me."
"Noth- Did you call him?" Bakugou says suddenly angrier. Sero turns around confused until he sees his roommate.
"Oh yeah. He was close and then I-"
"I don't care, Hanta." Bakugou says and steps away from Sero.
"Hey, Hanta-chan."
Hanta-chan? What the fuck? Since when does he call him like that? Why are they on first name basis anyway?
"Hey, Bakugou." He smiles at him but Bakugou just rolls his eyes.
"I'm glad that you came. The others are in there at the chocolate fountain. I don't think they've gone anywhere else. I'm rejoining you in a bit."
"Alright." He says and leaves them alone.
Bakugou looks down on the ground and tries to contain his anger.
"Kats, why are you so ang-"
"Why the fuck are you so happy to see him? Isn't he your roommate? You see him every second." Bakugou explodes like always. He's never capable of actually containing his emotions.
"...yeah but-"
"And why the fuck does he call you Hanta-chan? What's wrong with him? Are you kidding me? What is this shit?" Bakugou talks in rage, asking multiple questions.
Sero raises an eyebrow, "I don't know. He just did it the first time we introduced us."
"And you didn't stop him? Do you like that?"
"What? Come on, Katsuki, we're not talking about that. Now you're mad over two things? That's ridiculous."
Sero shakes his head.
"I'm angry over the same fucking thing, idiot." Bakugou shouts.
"What? Him? What's the matter with him?"
"Everything, fucking idiotic bitch. You act like you won't see him when we go to school and what the fuck is that 'Hanta-chan'? He's not allowed to call you that."
Something in Sero's head does click. He's so dumb in some situation.
"You're jealous." Sero voices his thoughts.
"No, I'm fucking enraged over the fact that you let no name people call you Hanta-chan."
"If you would know him or just hang around him you'll see that he does it with a lot of people."
"I don't care. He's not allowed."
"Why not?"
"Because you're my friend and I'm the only one who's allowed to call you that."
"You never call me that."
"I don't care. I'm the only one who should be allowed to say that."
"Katsuki. Why are you so jealous? He's just my roommate."
"Do you see me calling my dumb roommate here? I don't think so. Why not? Because I have my own friends thus don't need to miss some person I know since two minutes."
"I don't understand what is going on right now. Are you telling me I can't have other friends?"
"I'm already your friend. Why do you need more? I thought you said that you won't leave me but here you are missing other bitches."
"I didn't miss him."
"I'm glad to see you is the same thing for me when you even call him. I don't care. Go to your roommate then."
"Kats." Sero holds him back, "I'm not leaving you."
"I literally see how you grow closer to him."
"I wouldn't leave you. I promise. You have no reason to be jealous over anyone."
"I don't like him."
"He's nice, believe me."
"Alright, if you leave me, just tell me that you don't want-" Bakugou says, feeling disgusted that Sero tries to defend his roommate.
"Katsuki, shut up. I won't leave you, ever." Sero says and looks him deeply in the eyes, "Why do you think that? Your reasons are so dumb."
"You're dumb. Maybe you don't care but I want to stay with you forever and if you don't want that then just say it now and leave me alone."
Sero freezes up and wants to depict if these words really just left Bakugou Katsuki's mouth.
"...say that again." Sero demands.
"No. Fuck you. I-"
"Please. Do you mean it?"
"Of course I mean it."
"Then say it again. I wanna hear it."
"What? You like when I say that you don't care about me?"
"You know what part I mean, Kats. Well I could go to him. He tells me at least openly that he loves me."
"Why the fuck would he say that?! I'm gonna beat his ass I don't care anymore." Bakugou says and shoves Sero away to search the infamous roommate.
"I'm joking, Katsuki." Sero chuckles and holds Bakugou back, "It hasn't even been two weeks it would be really cringy if he would say it that soon."
"That soon? He won't ever fucking say that or I'm gonna rip his fucking head off."
"He's no threat, Katsuki. Just leave him. What do you want to listen even more? That I'm yours?" Sero laughs amused.
"Yes." Bakugou answers seriously.
Sero stops laughing, "Yes?"
"You're mine and he's not fucking allowed to be around you like that."
"Since when are you so possessive?" Sero asks confused. He knows from their childhood that Bakugou didn't like it when he played with other people but they were just children.
Bakugou turns around. He doesn't want to talk about it. He kind of wants that Sero knows that he just wants him to himself but he doesn't want Sero to think he's obsessed with him or anything. Because he isn't. He just doesn't want to lose him.
"Katsuki, can we talk once and for all? I still don't entirely get it. Will you get angry at me every time I find a new friend?"
"Since when do you want so many friends anyway?" Bakugou stands still.
"Since never. But this school year we have courses and not classes so I meet new people you know. You too."
"I'm not thinking about replacing them with you. Because I already know that you're my best friend so why the heck would I need more people than you and the others if I know that I'm gonna spend my time with you already?"
"I'm not replacing anyone. You're exaggerating. I spend my time with you all the time. What do you want more?"
"You don't wanna be with me like I wanna be with you. It's fine." Bakugou says and starts walking again.
"Katsuki, stop fucking walking away right now, look me in the eyes when you're talking with me and let me answer for God's sake!"
Bakugou stops and turns around, "What do you want? Ok, I'm fucking possessive over you because you belong to me and I don't want you to have other close friends because I want to be your closest friend. What do you not understand? Are you acting slow to get on my nerves?"
"I'm trying to understand since when you're like that."
"Fucking idiot. I was always like that."
"Alright. But he's my roommate I can't ignore him."
"I don't want you to ignore him."
"Then what do you want?" Sero sighs exasperated.
"I just-" Bakugou groans and runs his fingers through his hair, "I just need you to assure me that you won't ever leave me because I'm fucking scared that you will but the only thing you do is calling that bitch over here who acts like you're already the best of friends. On top of that I need to worry about Denki because your relationship with him is so different than ours."
Sero doesn't respond. He's too shocked. Bakugou sighs shakily and turns around.
When Sero realises that Bakugou is already far off, his body releases itself from the trance.
"Katsuki." He calls him and runs after him but Bakugou ignores him.
He catches up to him and wraps his arms around him from behind. He controls his breathing first.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you're that afraid. But I mean it I won't leave you or replace you with anyone. You don't gotta be jealous not over Denks or him. I wouldn't even leave you when you would ask me to leave. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna leave you alone, ever. I also want to be with you always."
"Promise." Sero says and presses a kiss on Bakugou's shoulder.
"I swear, Katsuki. Nothing or no one could make me want to separate myself from you."
"Ok...and I'm sorry I was exaggerating a bit. You can have other friends. I'm still jealous but I'm not trying to control you."
"You don't need to be jealous!" Sero laughs and turns him around, "That's nonsense." He cups his face in his hands and caresses Bakugou's cheek with his thumbs. Bakugou blushes softly but Sero doesn't point it out he just smiles, "I love you, Katsuki. No, I'm not fooling around quit looking at me like that. I do love you and I care about you. Your jealousy is a waste of energy because we're always gonna be best friends and I'll always be on your side."
"Yes, always, forever, for all eternity. Katsuki, I don't know what to say anymore I'm not going to replace you. You have a special place in my heart, it can't be replaced."
"Ok...I'm sorry. I'm so paranoid. I don't even know why really. I just am. I feel threatened when I see other people around you but I'm gonna try to-"
"It's fine, Katsuki. Stop rambling." Sero says and gives Bakugou a kiss on his forehead, "But don't ignore me like today. Just tell me if something is bothering you."
Bakugou nods slowly.
"I love you." Sero says briefly again for the last time while taking Bakugou's hand in his to get going.
"I love you too."
Sero stands still and turns his gaze to Bakugou. Why did he answer today? He never answers to it.
"What the fuck?" Is the only thing Sero can say.
Bakugou turns his head away but Sero moves in front of him and moves Bakugou's head with his free hand to himself.
"Now say that again."
"Please, Katsuki." Sero begs him, "You never say that to me and I didn't know that I needed to hear it." It's true. Sero didn't really care that Bakugou hasn't been responding to it. He didn't even say it in situations where it would be considered rude if you didn't answer. But now that he heard it. He wants to hear it again. Bakugou said it so gentle he needs to hear it again.
"Hmpf." Bakugou makes and looks away for a second but then faces him again, "I love you." He mumbles.
A grin stretches itself over Sero's face without him being able to control it.
"I love you too, my baby."
Bakugou raises an eyebrow. My baby? Where did that come from?
Sero laughs, "I'm kidding but I love you so much? Do you love me?"
"I just told you."
"Then say it again."
"You're crazy." Bakugou says but has to smirk nonetheless.
"I don't care. I want to hear it."
"I love you, Hanta. I love you. What do you want else?"
"Uhm...say it and then give me a kiss."
Bakugou sighs. On the one hand, he's kinda confused because Sero never showed that he wants Bakugou to say it. But on the other hand, he likes that Sero wants to hear it from him.
Bakugou cups Sero's face between his hands and whispers, "But I'm only allowed to come so close to you and kiss you, alright?"
"Alright." Sero says. He doesn't want other people to kiss him anyway so it's fine.
"" Bakugou says while giving him in between little gentle kisses on his cheek.
"Mhm." Sero makes a satisfied sound and nods slightly, "So are we like gonna forget that you ever did that?"
"Yes." Bakugou says bluntly and lets go of his friend.
"Katsukiii. No. Please. Tell me at least...twice a week."
"You tripping." Bakugou scoffs.
"Katsuki, please. Why did you say it if you don't wanna ever say it again?" Sero pouts.
Bakugou shrugs.
"Can you at least say it tomorrow again?"
Bakugou nods.
"On my birthday?"
"Shut up. Be happy that I even call you on your birthday."
"Gosh now that you said how much you want to keep me you need to be mean again, right?"
Bakugou shrugs.
"I officially like jealous Katsuki more. Maybe I should make you-"
"If you wanna die. Why not? But other than that I don't recommend it." Bakugou smiles fake.
"I didn't even finish my sentence."
"You want to make me jealous."
Sero grins sheepishly, "...But you're so cute when you are." He pouts.
"I repeat. If you and the person you interact with want to die go ahead."
"Please don't fight anyone if you see them with me."
"Then don't be with them."
"But don't fight them too."
"How am I gonna fight them if they didn't do anything?" Bakugou keeps up his fake smile.
"Just don't."
"You wish, bitch." Bakugou scoffs, "Hanta..."
"Yes." Sero says, now more serious because Bakugou also got kind of serious.
"I'm not holding you back to have other friends. I don't want to but I get angry or jealous. I want to hold it back but I can't. Buuut I really don't wanna see you hugging people longer than necessary."
"What is longer than necessary?"
"Three to five seconds."
Sero's eyes gulp out of his eyes, "You're joking."
"What do you mean? Five seconds for a hug are fucking long."
"Doesn't sound like that."
"It is."
"Can I hug you longer than five seconds?"
"I don't care."
"Your possessiveness is scary."
"...I know. I'm sorry."
Sero hugs him when he notices how Bakugou's voice dropped, "No, no, no. That's not what I meant. Don't be sad."
"Gooosh." Bakugou breathes out on Sero's chest.
"What?" Sero asks and strokes Bakugou hair.
"...I really tried to not act like that. I guess I trust you but I can't stop worrying." Bakugou slowly wraps his arms around Sero's back.
"It's fine. I'll show you that you don't need to worry." Sero says gently and presses a kiss on Bakugou's head.
"...I love you." Bakugou mumbles and Sero smiles directly.
"I love you too, Katsuki."

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