"Hey, babe." He greets me and gives me a faint peck on the lips.
"You just don't want to listen to me, huh?" I ask him because he always kisses me in front of the whole class and they're all questioning our sexuality but the thing is why do they care? They really get on my nerves.
"It was nothing, come on. I just missed you."
"As if we didn't see each other yesterday, right?" I roll my eyes and go sit down at my desk.
"It doesn't matter I always miss you." He shrugs his shoulders while sitting down on my desk.
"I always miss you." I hear Denki, Hanta and Mina coo behind us mockingly.
"Aww you guys." Denki adds and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Let me go."
"Why? I miss you too." He jokes around and embraces my shoulders while putting his cheek just next to mine.
"Fucking let me go."
"So I can't touch you but Eij can kiss you? Hum, I see big preferences here." He pinches me. I quickly turn around and kick him across the room.
"Bitch, are you insane? Fucking bitch ass." He stands up and zips me with his quirk.
"Ok." I just mumble and activate my own quirk.
"No fighting in the classroom! I can't accept this behaviour. This is just disrespectful to the former heroes that studied here and are now putting their li-"
"It's fine, Iida-kun. Bakugou and I are the best buddies, right?" He grins and quickly puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah, everything's fine." I agree. I can't stand Iida's rants in the fucking morning.
"I'm gonna rip your ass off when we get out of here." I hear Denki mumble.
"Pfft, you wish. You're gonna wish that you died a natural death when I finished with you."
"Yeah? And you're gonna wish that you weren't born in the first place." He pokes me in the side. I kick him with my feet and then we start quietly fighting again while still having our arms around each others shoulders.
"Is something going on?" Iida speaks up again.
"No!" We look up showing our best smiles.
"Can't you have a day where you don't start fighting?" Hanta asks sighing.
"It's his fault. He always tries to push me."
"I'm not. You just don't appreciate my friendliness."
"Fuck your friendliness."
"Fuck your ugly face."
"Nah thanks. I don't swing that way."
He looks confused for a second but then a little smile breaks out on his face, "Moron." He mumbles.
"Hey. I gotta tell you something." I mutter, so the others don't listen in and slowly walk away with him.
"I'm all ears, girl." He says excitedly and slaps me on my bottom lightly before putting his hand in my back pocket.
I roll my eyes but don't say anything because he does it all the time. I don't even care anymore when he does it but just he's allowed if another person starts doing that I'm gonna rip their intestines out.
"Karen..." I try to build up some tension and it kinda works because Denki scrunches his face in disgust but rushes me to talk.
"She cheated again."
"What a fucking bitchhh!" He screams.
"Shut up."
"Wasn't like the last affair just weeks ago? So your father puts an ultimatum and she still can't fucking chill."
"Denki we don't care." I roll my eyes.
"Why not? Isn't your father-"
"What was the ultimatum about?"
"If she cheats again she'll get- oh my god- she'll get the fuck out this motherfucking house."
"That's it."
"Oh my gosh. I can come back. I hated her guts." He whisper shouts and starts doing his weird celebration dance.
"Yeah. I'll miss Milo tho."
He immediately stops in his movements and pouts sadly, "I totally forgot. Why can't he stay? Godammit."
"She's his biological mother so we couldn't really do something about it."
"Do you think she would allow us to spend time with him from time to time?"
"Well I could get my father to ask her but I doubt that." I say, sad on my own.
"Bakugouuu. " He whines and leans against me while putting his arms around my waist, "He's like the perfect child. I love him."
"Me too. The little brother I didn't know I needed."
"That's not fair. His mother treats him like shit."
"Yeah. He's still there after school. You can come to mine."
"It's fine. We'll find a way to see him. He's gonna be strong. Don't worry about him." I caress his back because he seems really upset.
"Yeah, but he's so small now and so innocent."
"Calm down." I bent down on his eye level and take his head between my hands, "He's gonna be fine, believe me. Why are you so upset? It's ok." I smile slightly.
"Ok." He nods.
I turn around to get into the classroom, "Good. Now lets go in again oh and don't tell anyone about Dad and Ka-"
"Shut the fuck up, bitch." He says mad and slaps me on my head.
I turn around again "Ow, why do you-"
"What do you think of me, huh? Why on earth would I talk about their divorce." He mutters angrily.
"I was just-"
"No you weren't anything shut the fuck up."
"Damn you're bipolar." I mumble.
"What did you say?" He asks and pulls on my ear.
"Stoop that-"
"Wow you're fighting again? You both are really not made for each other." Hanta says grinning.
Denki lets go of my ear and sits down on his place. I go also to my desk and see Eijiro with his head on the desk.
"Hey. Are you alright?" I ask gently to not scare him.
"Yes." He mumbles and shakes my hands off him.
Please, lord, everything but that. Don't tell me he's jealous again.
"Is it Den-"
"Well if it is, I can assure you that you'll forever be my number one best friend." I state and lean down on his back and embrace him from behind. I feel how more and more glances turn to us but I ignore it for now.
"I just told him about Karen. Eij, you're like my soulmate, I swear. I want to experience everything with you and everything I don't experience with you will be shared with you immediately. I always think about you, so don't be mad, ok?" I whisper into his ear and give him a faint kiss that the others probably won't notice.
I feel how Eijiro nods but his head is still on the table. I leave him after running my fingers through his hair.
When I sit down and still observe him I give myself a mental facepalm. Why didn't I wait? He's probably crying. I stand up again and get on his side.
"Are you ok? Do you want to leave for some minutes?"
He nods again and I sigh. Where is Aizawa-sensei? I feel like I was in this class for a long time already.
I pull him up and take him out of the classroom and move further away then when I was with Denki.
"Babe, what's the matter?" I ask when we're away from the classrooms.
He breaks down immediately and I embrace him gently. He's so fragile. I feel like I must protect him at any given moment. Funnily enough his quirk makes him unbreakable but I know that he's actually really sensitive and could break any second.
"Eij, I know you don't feel your best all the time and that's ok. It's ok to be not ok, you know. But just know that I'm gonna always be on your side, no matter what."
"I'm sorry. I can't hold myself back. I always feel like you would prefer the other ones."
"Don't say that. I wouldn't wish to lose you in a million years. You're my everything, without you I wouldn't be the one I am now."
"You don't have to say that."
"But I want to. Eijiro, look at me." His gaze falls on me and he sniffs quietly.
"You're amazing. I love you. You are the reason I'm so happy."
"But I always pull you down with my attitude."
"Do I care? I would follow you everywhere. If you're gonna isolate yourself in a room, I would stay with you until you feel comfortable to interact with others again. If you want to make a tour all around the globe, I'll follow you. I don't want to do anything without you."
"I don't like that, Bakugou. I don't want you to be depressed just because you're with me 24/7."
"I don't care. I love you too much to leave you on your own."
"I love you too. Very much." He responds gently and gives me a peck on my nose, "Thank you, bebi. I know I'm a pain in the ass sometimes. I appreciate that you try to comfort me anytime."
I give him a big smoosh on his cheek and lead him to the class again.

Bakusquad Oneshots
FanficI'll write little stories about the Bakusquad but Bakugou is mostly in focus. It's mostly angst or fluff. I don't really write smut (maybe a little bit 👀) cuz in these stories they aren't together just really close friends. But if y'all want me t...