Hellooo, my beloved people. I hope y'all are doing rather fine in this time. I'm rly happy that so many people -for me at least- read my little stories. Every vote or every little comment makes me rly happy. Anyways I hope you're all doing well and if you wanna talk, you can write me of course :))
"Oh hey Denki. How are you?" Bakugou asks slowly. Kaminari sounds like he's crying.
"Bakugou-chan, when are you coming back? I miss you." He cries finally.
Bakugou switches to videocall but just sees black.
"I'm here. Show me your face."
Kaminari sobs and looks confused at his phone when he notices that Bakugou is facetiming him now.
"Please, come back, yeah?" Kaminari wipes over his cheeks but it doesn't help lessening his tears.
"Of course I'm coming back, bubbles. Don't cry, ok?" Bakugou says in his caring voice. He doesn't want Kaminari to cry over him. Why is everyone crying anyways dammit?
"I'm sorry. I just- they...please come back."
"Who is they, Denki? Are you fine over there?" Bakugou asks alarmed. He hopes for any human being there that they didn't touch Kaminari or hell will break loose.
"Yes, I'm sorry." Kaminari exhales loudly and definitely wipes his tears away.
"Stop apologising. If someone touches you tell me or Sero."
"No one is touching me."
"They better not." Bakugou mumbles.
Kaminari chuckles softly for the first time, "Everything's fine."
"You were literally crying, Denki."
"Because I miss you."
"I miss you too, bubbles. But you don't have to cry. I'm coming back in two months."
"I know but we never talk."
"I'm sorry. We're both just too busy. But my schedule is changing this week maybe we'll have more time then."
Kaminari nods slowly and pushes his hair behind his ear.
"Do you want me to get you anything?" Bakugou asks and rests his chin on his palm, observing the calm electric boy.
"Are you sure?"
"How's school working out for you?"
"Good. I mean I'm really bored most of the time that's why I study." Kaminari shrugs. Bakugou raises an eyebrow worried.
Is Kaminari that bored? He knows these moments where Kaminari does homework because no one or nothing is there to entertain him and these were rare moments. And now he even studies?
"Denki, are you ok?"
He chuckles softly, "You mean cuz I'm studying? Yeah I'm fine. I just don't have anything to do." He says quietly, playing with his sleeves. And that's when Bakugou notices Kaminari's hoodie and immediately has to smile softly.
"Is that my hoodie?" He asks.
"Hum?" Kaminari looks down on his hoodie and blushes a light shade of pink, "Yeah. I wear your or Sero's hoodies when I'm lonely." He mumbles.
"Where are the others, bubbles?" Bakugou asks, slowly getting angry. Are they leaving him alone all the time?
"Sero is sleeping. He's often tired in the day because of this new bartender job and the others..." He shrugs slightly, "I don't know...they went somewhere with Uraraka, Midoriya and Todoroki I think."
"Why didn't you go?"
"They didn't ask." He shrugs again and bites his bottom lip shyly.
He doesn't like seeing Kaminari like that. Not gonna lie, Bakugou's pissed at Kirishima and Ashido. Why would they leave him alone like that?
"Did you wanna go?"
"It's fine. I had to do my assignments anyway." He smiles gently.
Bakugou sighs heavily. He needs to talk with Kirishima and Ashido. That's so rude. He can't believe that they're doing this again. Kaminari gets shy fast when people don't include him in their plans.
"Denks, you don't write me that often anymore. At least write me if you feel lonely. I'll try to make some time."
"But you're busy. You're literally in your break right now." Kaminari cutely furrows his eyebrows.
"Doesn't matter. Just write me. I wanna know how you're doing."
"You don't even react to my memes that's why I stopped writing. I assumed that your hands are full."
"I deleted my insta and snapchat. They were distracting me. I'm sorry. I should've warned you. I just did it one morning."
"Oh. I thought you were ignoring me." He mumbles uncomfortably.
"Why didn't you just ask me or Eijiro? He asked me. I told him that I deleted my social media."
Kaminari doesn't say anything while just looking at his lap.
"Sero said that you perhaps turned your notifications off and Mina and Eijiro that they don't know." He eventually says quietly.
"Don't know? When did you ask them?" Bakugou furrows his eyebrows angrily.
Kirishima knew that he deleted his apps. He was the one who advised him to do it.
"Last month or something." He says and starts fumbling with his fingers.
"Denki, did something happen between you and them?"
"No." He shakes his head, "I don't- maybe, but I can't remember what I did wrong again. Maybe I- I just-"
"Calm down, bubbles. Lay your hands flat on your legs and just breath."
Kaminari nods slowly and does as Bakugou says. He does that until he feels lighter. Bakugou just waited the whole time. He doesn't let it go unnoticed that Kaminari needed more than two minutes to calm down today. But he doesn't point it out for now.
"Can I talk to them, Denki?"
Bakugou already planned to have a little talk with them but now that he sees how anxious Kaminari actually is he asks for his approval because he knows that he doesn't like it when Bakugou talks in his name.
"Why? No, it's fine. Hanta's still here. I'm alright, Katsuki." He smiles reassuringly.
"Denki, please."
He shakes his head disapprovingly.
Bakugou sighs frustrated and looks at his watch on his wrist. He still has fifteen minutes.
"Do you have to go? Don't be late because of me."
"I just checked, bubbles. I still have some time."
"Why do you call me bubbles anyway and what happened to bitch?" Kaminari rolls his eyes but secretly adores it when Bakugou calls him bubbles. When Bakugou started calling him like that it wasn't that frequent. Kaminari noticed that he just used it when he wanted something from him. But as time passed he used it more often, in random moments when he was just extra happy or thought that Kaminari is being distant.
"Why? Do you prefer bitch?"
"No." Kaminari makes a face as if saying "Boy, you dumb?"
Bakugou has to laugh at Kaminari's expression. He forgot that he's in a coffee shop because people turned around and observed him for a second before turning away again. Bakugou rolls his eyes. Some people are annoying. Can't they mind their business? Tch.
"Uhm ok. Well, I don't know you just have this bubbly energy around you. Every time you enter a room I practically feel your energy radiating from you. Besides, you have this childlike aura around you as if you could burst any minute with different emotions. I like that. I don't know. You just make me smile." Bakugou shrugs, smiling slightly after taking a sip of his coffee. He has to chuckle when Kaminari blushes lightly and hides his face in his hands.
"Couldn't you just say that I'm just as unnecessary as bubbles or something?" He mumbles.
"No. Firstly, bubbles aren't unnecessary. Secondly, you aren't unnecessary at all. Thirdly, that's not the reason why I call you bubbles."
"I know that now."
"Why would you say that you're unnecessary tho, bubbles?" Bakugou furrows his eyebrows again.
"I just said it like that." He shrugs.
"Ok but don't say that again, ok? I could name hundreds of reasons why you're necessary."
"Ok..." Kaminari mumbles embarrassed, "Stop being so cheesy today though." He says louder, looking at Bakugou again.
"Alright." Bakugou smiles amused. Kaminari can be clingy to death and tell you that he loves you more than anything. But the moment someone matches his energy and shows that they care about him he becomes shy and kind of confused.
Why would they like him? He's weird. That's what he often thinks.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Kaminari asks confused.
"Like what?"
"Like with your dumb pretty face."
"I'm just looking at your dumb pretty sweet adorable freckled face." Bakugou grins because he already knows how Kaminari is going to react.
"Shut up, Bakugouuu. You're so embarrassing." His cheeks turn to a light shade of red.
"Why? Can't I appreciate my bubble?"
"I'm not your bubble."
"Yes, you're your own bubble but can I at least have you always in my presence?"
Kaminari turns red again but nods slowly.
"Do you sleep properly?"
Bakugou knows that Kaminari tends to have insomnia and lose appetite when he's feeling down.
"Yeah. Pretty normal."
"Ok do you eat? Did you eat today?"
"Well not yet because I'm not hungry but I will."
"It's 4 PM and you didn't eat anything, Denki?" Bakugou says unbelievably.
"I'm not hungry."
"I don't care. Please, eat. I'm gonna start calling you again if you don't."
Kaminari would think that it's actually good because that's the first time in weeks he talks with Bakugou. But he knows better, these won't be the sweet bubble calls.
"Ok..but I'm eating. Just not a lot. But it's ok. Hanta isn't alarmed yet."
"Ok." He sighs and looks at his watch. He needs to go in a minute.
"You gotta go?"
"Yes." Bakugou stands up and moves to the counter to pay his coffee and the strawberry cake.
"See you some time."
"I'm gonna write you if my schedule is there." Bakugou says as he steps out of the little shop, "And write me anytime you wanna talk to me or just see me. I'll try to make time. I promise."
"Denki." Bakugou comes to a sudden stop and steps aside so that the other passengers can go on.
"Yeah?" Kaminari asks confused because of the change of tone in Bakugou's voice. What happened?
"Please, don't do anything stupid, ok?"
Kaminari doesn't reply, instead he looks up to the ceiling and closes his eyes because he feels that known pull behind his eyes.
"Denki." Bakugou calls him softly.
Kaminari looks back to the camera.
"At least go to Hanta. He can help you and he'll gladly do that. You just need to tell us."
Kaminari nods, "Ok but don't you have to go?"
"Yeah." Bakugou sighs frustrated, "I love you. Take care, bubbles."
"I love you too, Bakugou-chan." Kaminari replies and waves awkwardly. Bakugou chuckles softly and nods to signal him that he's hanging up.
Kaminari doesn't like hanging up. He just says "Bye" thousands of times until the other person hangs up.Bakugou puts his phone in his pocket and runs his fingers through his hair. He's pissed at everyone but mostly at himself. He knew that Kaminari would miss him like crazy and he also worried that Kirishima and Ashido would cold-shoulder him but when he went everything seemed fine between them all.
Besides here is so much work that he forgets to check up on his friends or even his own parents. He knew that he'll get sucked into this world quickly but damn he doesn't even have time for himself.
But he needs to make time especially for his mother and Kaminari. They're the most worried probably.

Bakusquad Oneshots
FanfictionI'll write little stories about the Bakusquad but Bakugou is mostly in focus. It's mostly angst or fluff. I don't really write smut (maybe a little bit 👀) cuz in these stories they aren't together just really close friends. But if y'all want me t...