Truth or Dare (Baku/Sero)

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"Where are you heading, Kats?"
Sero quickly follows his friend who left the truth or dare game without saying anything to anyone.
"Leave me alone."
"What happened?" Sero asks. He assumes that he already knows what happened but he wants to hear it from Bakugou.
"Good question." Bakugou says, still going into the direction of the dorms.
"Just tell me. Did I do something?" Sero asks and puts his hand on Bakugou's shoulder who flinches away from his friend's touch as if Mineta touched him and not his childhood friend.
"You actually disgust me right now. Leave me alone."
"What did I do though?" Sero asks and steps also into Bakugou's room.
Bakugou eventually turns around to him with an angry face but that's not what made Sero regret everything, more the red eyes from Bakugou who don't seem angry but sad, even devastated.
"Why the fuck would you-..." Bakugou looks at the ground and exhales loudly, "Why did you kiss him?"
"It was a dare, Katsuki."
"I don't fucking care!" Bakugou shouts, "What are they gonna do if you refuse?"
"You said you don't like him."
"Oh and all of a sudden you believe me? Shut the fuck up. You knew that it was a lie." Bakugou rolls his eyes and turns around to hide himself in his blankets.
He feels so hurt right now. It's not the fact that they kissed. If it would've been another person he would be upset but that's it. But he can't belive that Sero kissed him even though he knew that Bakugou liked Kirishima.
"I looked at you and you just looked away. How the heck am I supposed to know? I wasn't sure." Sero says and sits down next to Bakugou.
"Fuck you, Hanta."
"So you really like him?"
"No shit." Bakugou says and turns around pissed off.
"Katsuki, can we please talk about it? Look at me." Sero says and lightly strokes Bakugou's hair.
Bakugou sighs heavily and sits down with his back against the headboard.
"What do you want?"
"Why don't you just tell him? And why didn't you tell me sooner and clear how you feel about him?"
"Because you fucking knew. Stop lying."
"I assumed but I wasn't sure because sometimes you really were good at hiding what you thought."
"Tch. I can't believe it." Bakugou mumbles and shakes his head.
"You kissed him. I would never kiss your crush but then again you're a heartless bitch you won't ever have a crush anyway."
"I'm sorry that I kissed him. A part of me just really wanted to know if you like him."
"You can ask me."
"Come on, Kats. I asked you multiple times. But I'm still sorry."
"I don't care about your apology."
"It was seven seconds long."
"I don't fucking care if it was a peck on his goddamn lips, Hanta." Bakugou shouts with a broken voice. His eyes are glossy and he's shaking.
"I'm sorry, Bakugou."
"I. Don't. Fucking. Care."
"I'm gonna leave, ok? We can talk later." Sero says quietly and gets up. Bakugou said that he wanted him to leave and he doesn't look like he'll forgive him and that's fine but maybe Bakugou just needs some time alone.
"Tch. Of course you leave." Bakugou says with crossed arms.
"What do you mean, Kats?" Sero stops in his tracks.
"I knew you don't care about me. Leave then. Bye." Bakugou lies down on his bed again, silently crying to himself.
"Katsuki. Of course I care. What are you talking about?" Sero steps closer to Bakugou and sits down on his bed.
"You just leave as if it would do anything better."
"I thought you wanted me to leave." Sero softly strokes Bakugou's hair.
"You get on my nerves." Bakugou tries to be angry but he can't. He's crying too much for that.
"Can I lay down?" Sero asks.
He feels like an asshole. He just can't see Bakugou crying like that. And on top of that it's even his own fault.
Sero lays down when Bakugou doesn't respond and gets also under the blanket. Bakugou doesn't shove him away or anything, on the contrary, he moves closer to Sero and sobs into his chest. Sero embraces Bakugou immediately and gently rubs his back.
Bakugou has mixed emotions. Even though he's pissed at Sero he can't let him go. Sero is like the only rock in his life and if he leaves he'll have nothing to hold onto anymore. He loves Sero and that's why it hurts even more what just happened. He knows that Sero didn't do it to rub it under his nose but he can't forget it.
"I hate you." Bakugou mumbles sobbing. He can't believe that he's so attached to him. But then again he's already like family.
"I know and you don't know how much I hate myself right now. But I think you should really tell him. I'm pretty sure that he likes you too."
"He doesn't. How the fuck could he like me?"
"Don't say it like that, Kats." Sero pulls him slightly back from his chest to cup Bakugou's face in his hands, "You're perfect." Sero says and wipes Bakugou's tears away.
"I'm not."
"You are. I love you. If Eij doesn't see that it's his mistake. You'll find someone, I promise."
"I...kinda you too." Bakugou mumbles.
Sero's heart swells up. It was what they said to each other when they were younger because they didn't want to say the L-word...
"You kinda me? I kinda you too." Sero says quietly back and softly brushes the tip of his nose against Bakugou's like in the past when Bakugou would always give him eskimo kisses, "Ugh I don't deserve you. I'm really sorry, Suki." Sero hugs him tightly again.
Sero is filled with guilt. He didn't really plan to kiss Kirishima. It was just a dare but a voice in his head warned him not to kiss him because of Bakugou. But when he looked at Bakugou to see how he would react he shrugged his shoulders and looked away and as Bakugou said they wouldn't do anything tragic if he refused but they already were rushing him and he knew that they would hold it over him, so he just went with it.
Now, he wishes that he didn't kiss Kirishima.
His friend is really upset over it. But he still doesn't push him away and that just triples Sero's guilt. It's like he already forgave him.
"I can't forget the picture: my ex-best friend and my crush kissing. Disgusting."
"Aww you said crush." Sero pinches Bakugou's cheeks, "And stop saying that. I see that you bring your old habits back. Are you gonna start with the ex-bff again every time we fight?" Sero smiles slightly.
When they were younger Bakugou would always downgrade him to a normal friend when they had a fight or he made Bakugou upset but the next day or at least the third day he would make him his best friend again.
"Does it still make you feel bad?"
"Not gonna lie, a little bit." Sero admits. He's confused himself that this heavy gut feeling appeared when these words escaped Bakugou's lips. He knows that Bakugou is just trying to get back at him and that he wouldn't say something so childish if he actually wanted to stop being friends but a teensy-weensy bit of him still felt concerned.
"Then yes, bitch."
"I deserve it I guess." Sero says and unwraps his arms from Bakugou and gets up slowly, getting on his knees.
"Where are you going?" Bakugou asks confused.
"Nowhere." Sero cups Bakugou's face in his hands again and leans down to give Bakugou little kisses over his face, "I'm sorry." He apologises again and stops at Bakugou's cheek and gives him repeatedly some kisses, just like soft butterfly kisses.
He loves kissing Bakugou. His skin is really soft and Bakugou would always feel so overwhelmed by the affection that he would just nuzzle his face into Sero's neck so that he wouldn't see his light blush.
"Stop doing that." Bakugou mumbles embarrassed into Sero's skin.
"But you love it."
"...doesn't matter."
"Does to me, darling."
"Alright, ex-boyfriend."
"Oh you really dig up the old memories, huh?" Sero chuckles.
Sometimes when Bakugou felt extra petty he used his own relation hierarchy. Sero still doesn't know the order because he always felt like Bakugou changed it every time to his liking.
"Then stop."
"No." Sero simply says and continues making Bakugou regret that he made Sero stay.

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