a StAy sAfe kiSs (Baku/Kiri/Kami)

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"I dare you to kiss Bakugou." Denki grins with crossed arms.
"Why are you daring me?" I ask confused and look to Bakugou who's chilling alone on the couch reading a book.
"Because he'll bomb this motherfucker." He says gesturing all over our school.
"He will not."
"You're annoying sometimes." I sigh.
"Just do it." He shoves me away.
I do it like all the time. So, I get near Bakugou, standing behind him I wrap my arms around him.
"Hey, baby." I mumble and look over the page he's reading. He always reads these thrillers or psychological novels. I tried reading one once but I didn't understand shit.
"Ugh. What do you want?" He asks annoyed.
"Nothing." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek, "Can we cook something later?"
"But I want to help you too, ok?"
"Ugh, no."
"Bakugou, please." I beg him with a soft voice.
"I'm bored and can't we just do something together?"
"What do you want to eat?" He asks sighing.
"Can we do pasta with this orange sauce?"
"It's red."
"My crocks are red, not the sauce."
"Idiot. Ok, then. You can help me once."
"Really?" I ask grinning.
"Yey. I love you. Call me if you start." I tell him and give him a kiss again.
I try to leave him but he holds me back by holding my arms that are around him.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm hanging with Denki."
"What's with me?"
"Aww, Bakugou, stop. I'm hanging with you later and you're reading your book the whole time."
"Tch." He lets me go and opens his book again.
"Are you angry?" I ask and climb over the couch to sit next to him, "You know you can always hang with us."
He doesn't say anything to that.
"Baby." I call him, moving his head to my direction, "Do you want to come with us? Denki wants to visit a museum."
"Denki? Museum?" He asks confused.
I smile slightly, "Yes, I'm also confused. He said his art teacher told him that if you're a student and still underage you can visit a ton of museums for free and now he wants to do that."
"Hm. So you wanna come?"
"You sure sure?"
He rolls his eyes but nods.
"Ok. If you need anything call me. Or if I shall buy something for the kitchen."
"Ok, I love you." I say and give him multiple kisses over his face.
"Hn. Now, go."
"Do you want me gone? I'm gonna miss you." I mumble and sit down on his lap.
"Yes, you miss me all the time. I'm gonna check up on you, don't worry." Bakugou sighs heavily.
"Can I kiss you?" I whisper.
"No. How you gon explain that it isn't a romantic kiss? And you'll get back in three hours or something. That's not that long."
"That's a stay safe kiss." I smile slightly.
"You have a lot of kisses, huh?" He rolls his eyes.
"To your benefit."
"I think more to yours."
"Ok, here's your kiss." He cups my face in his hands and gives me a little peck on the lips, "Now, go and let me read."
"What the fuck?!" I hear Denki screaming, "Are y'all together? Why didn't you tell me? I thought we're best friends." He rushes to us.
"We aren't together, dunce face. Go to your stupid museum."
I get off Bakugou's lap after hugging him tightly, "Don't forget to call me, baby."
"I won't. Leave me alone."
"Ok, ok. Jeez." I leave with Denki.
"We aren't together. I just kiss him when I'm going to miss him or missed him."
"You sure? He didn't mind at all."
"I wouldn't do it if he would mind it."
"A shame and I thought he would destroy this hell hole."
"You all think that he doesn't like to be touched and all but I can assure you that he's a sucker for hugs, head massages and more. He just likes to be babied."
"I feel like that's a secret. Why are you telling me this, Eij?" He asks panicked.
"I don't know. That's not a secret. People just don't know." I shrug with my shoulders.
"He'll kill me if I tell anybody."
"Then don't."
"What did I do to you? You want me to get killed."
"No, Denki." I laugh, "I was just trying to tell you that if you need cuddles or something go to him because he's really good."
"I don't need cuddles from Bakugou."
"That's what y'all think. But belive me he could cure depression."
"Always exaggerating when it's about Bakugou, I see."
"I'm not." I say. Why does everyone think that I try to perfectionise Bakugou? He's already perfect, the fuck.
My phone starts ringing and I accept the call, "Hello?"
"Baby! What is it? Shall I come back?" I ask excited and stand still.
"No, idiot. I just didn't tell you to stay safe." He mumbles.
"You're trying to make me miss you more. And you know what?" I sigh heavily.
"It works. Fuck you."
"That's not what I was trying to do, Eij. Just take care of yourself and Denki."
"Aww, that's so sweet, my baby. I'm gonna tell him."
"I will. Love you, talk to you later."
"Hn. Bye." He says and ends the call.
"He said that we should take care of ourselves."
"He did?"
"Yes. He likes you, you know."
"He does?" He asks even more confused.
"Yes. What did you think?"
"The opposite."
"Really? Then you need to talk to him."
"We will when we get back."
"Don't cry. He's really nice."
"To you."
"To everyone when y'all would talk with him more."

*some hours later

"Bakugou, we're back."
"Hey." He mumbles while putting cold water in a pot.
I go to him and give him a light kiss on the cheek.
"Ehy." I try to get his attention again and directly wash my hands, "Denki cooks with us, ok?"
"What? No. I just wanted to eat a yoghurt. I'm going to my room." Denki says. I turn around to him and indeed see him with a vanilla yoghurt and a spoon in his hands.
"Shut up." I tell him.
"You can stay, Denks." Bakugou shrugs with his shoulders but then he smirks suddenly, "You know what? Please, stay. I want to give you both instructions and then you cook." Bakugou crosses his arms in front of his chest.
"But you want to eat it too?" I say kinda confused. He doesn't like eating food from us because he doesn't really trust us. It took a long time until he ate something from me.
"But Denki is allowed to cook?" I ask because Denki never cooked or baked anything so it's weird for me that Bakugou actually wants us to cook.
"I'm giving you instructions. Denki is slow but not that slow."
"Hey!" Denki exclaims and pouts slightly.
"Shut up, dunce face. Go wash your hands and finish your yoghurt."
"Denki. He literally lets you cook his meal he already adores you."
Denki turns red and tried to make me shut up but I don't really care. When Bakugou looks at him he turns away and quietly eats his yoghurt.
"What are you talking about, shitty hair?"
"Denki thinks you hate him."
"I don't think he hates me!"
"Then what?" Bakugou asks calmly.
"Just that you don't really like me." Denki mutters and tries to hide behind his hair.
"I told him but I don't think he believed me." I say.
"I- ugh...why do you think that?" Bakugou asks, struggling to find the right words. He told me once that he hates it when people think that he despises them. He said that he knows that he doesn't really act like he adores them but if he still talks to them they should know that he doesn't really hate them.
"I don't know. I just feel like that."
"Then stop feeling, idiot."
"Ight, thank you for the advice." Denki smirks and throws the cup of the yoghurt in the bin.
"No, for real. I don't dislike you and certainly not hate you. I swear it's because of your idiocy you think that."
"Maybe but you literally don't pay attention to me."
"That's not even true."
"It is."
Bakugou shakes his head, "No. Ask me something I wouldn't know because I don't pay attention."
"That's dumb. I know you don't listen to my "nonsense"." Denki just sighs and comes to me because I'm besides the sink and washes his hands.
"Bitch, ask."
"Ugh alright. What did I do on tuesday?" Denki asks. That's a good question. On wednesday he was even more joyful because he talked about his "near death experience".
"You slapped the old lady."
Denki turns red as a tomato and I raise an eyebrow confused.
"What old lady?"
"Doesn't matter." Denki interrupts him quickly, "Fuck you. Why did you listen to us?" He asks Bakugou.
"Because I pay attention to my friends." Bakugou grins. I have to smile slightly because Bakugou feels so satisfied.
"From where do I know Shinso?" Denki asks with a grin and crosses his arms in front of his chest. Did he tell us how they met? I know that they know each other because the first time we saw Shinso Denki literally tackled him down and gave him the biggest hug ever.
"Denks, the thing is even if I don't pay attention I kinda still do."
"Tell me then."
"You don't want me to tell." Bakugou just says and starts getting the tomatoes and the spices.
"You don't even know." Denki rolls his eyes.
Bakugou doesn't say anything but just looks at Denki. His look already shows that Bakugou knows.
"You're insane. You know?"
Bakugou nods. What is going on?
"What does he know? How did you meet him?" I ask curiously.
"Eij, I love you but I can't tell you. It just slipped once but I covered it quickly. Y'all didn't really notice." His face turns to Bakugou, "At least I thought so."
"Don't worry. The others don't know."
"Why didn't you say anything? That's literally something you would tease me with."
"If it happened to me I wouldn't really care but you looked like and still look like you would rather kill someone than tell them about that."
"I would."
Bakugou chuckles softly, "Does this prove that I like you?"
"I don't know. I guess." Denki shrugs with his shoulders.
"It does. Now both shut the fuck up and get ready."
"I didn't even say anything, Bakugou." I pout and cross my arms.
He rolls his eyes and comes to me, "I'm sorry, Eiji." He says while wrapping his arms around my waist.
"No problem, baby." I grin happily and pinch his cheeks.
He rolls his eyes but has to smile nonetheless.

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