Day 1- Welcome to HermitCamp

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The next morning everyone woke up early. Last minute items were packed, food was wolfed down, and the hermits met up at spawn where the flying machine was waiting.

They needed to figure out who got seats and who sat on top. It was decided that the Architechs and the Convex would need to be separate, and Concorp would be more likely not to distract Doc, who was driving the thing.

Doc, Scar, Cub, Xisuma, Cleo, and Stress got seats inside. Hypno, TFC, False, Tango, Impulse, and Zed crammed themselves in between seats, on the floor, and between hermits. Bdubs, Keralis, Etho, Grian, Mumbo, Iskall, xB, Jevin, and Ren went on top and tried to hold on for dear life.

Doc pushed down on the accelerator with all his might and will.


The hermits on top scrambled to hold on as the vehicle sped forwards in a blur of slime and redstone. Jevin melted and the other hermits used him as glue to stay on top. Doc had a goofy large grin in the front as Xisuma and Mumbo begged for him to slow down. False and Tango muttered threats under their breath as forests sped past them, blue oceans flying by.

Eventually the hermits started figuring out ways to get more comfortable. The hermits on top used the melted Jevin as a surface to play Uno on, putting the cards in the goo so they'd stick. The shulker boxes of supplies crashed and banged in the back, but no one paid them any mind.

They were fiiinee.

Several games of Uno later, the machine lurched to a stop, sending all the unstuck hermits flying in a flurry of cards, goo, and people. Grian landed safely in a pile of leaves as the card tin hit him in the face. Jevin reformed, turning solid to rid himself of the leaves. The vehicle dropped to the ground with a thud as it was turned off. They had arrived.

Many hermits leaped off and began exploring. Joe and Hypno watched the shimmering lake in awe, while Mumbo had to help Grian into a tree because of his height. The more responsible hermits started to unpack, putting up tents and pulling out food while Iskall chased Cub around the campsite for the Concorp stand he had set up.

For lunch they devoured sandwiches and chips, squabbling about whether turkey or ham was better. (Scar was the only one who liked Pork BBQ). They discussed the plans for the afternoon, and chattered excitedly about activities to come.

Everything else was set up, and they played games in the main cabin. Board games, card games, all of it was sprawled across the floor of the main room. The girls were playing Betrayal at the House on the Hill, while the ZIT crew got out a game of twister. ConCorp tried to sell people their own food, while Sahara sold cheap and cozy merch blankets before playing monopoly with their rivals.

Everyone was having a great time, eating cookies and playing games. Drinking lemonade and running around. At one point, Scar nudged Cub. "Tag, you're it!" To which Cub nudged back. "Tag!"

Scar tagged Cleo, who got Joe, and soon there was a large game of Tag that moved outside. False found a large stick and defended herself with it, while TFC held onto his mug of coffee for dear life. Joe and Cleo hid in a tree while Ren, who was it, barked at them like a dog. Doc eventually pulled them down, but was betrayed when he was pushed by Ren, who ran away.

"Save meee!" Grian leaped onto a surprised Keralis, who was knocked over by the impact. Doc changed his target, and went for Mumbo who tripped and fell on top of the pile as well. Soon Iskall leapt onto them, and more and more hermits jumped onto the dog pile, poor Keralis wheezing at the bottom, gasping for air.

A female voice called them all. "Dinner's ready! Everyone come over!" The hermits swarmed over to where Cleo was shouting, crushing chips in the bags and adding meat and cheese for Tacos in a Bag. Poor Keralis laid down gasping for air for a few minutes before joining them.

The hermits were all starving, shoving food down their throats like hungry animals. It started to get quite late, and a magnificent sunset could be seen from across the shining water. Everyone sat down and watched, talking and laughing, until it went dark.

Fireflies began coming out in magnificent glowing hordes, lighting up people's faces with beautiful green light. Grian and Ren got out some Jars from the cabin, and everyone began chasing the small lights, trying to catch them. Soon everyone had a jar with several small bugs flying around and glowing with a calming light.

They sat around and empty firepit. "Oh no! We forgot matches!" Xisuma exclaimed. Tango smiled and snapped, a small flame appearing before turning into a roaring campfire.

Marshmallows were brought out, turning golden brown in a matter of seconds. Grian and Tango stuck theirs in the flame with glee, blowing out the flame and eating the charred goop. Soon everyone was happily chattering with their friends, consuming marshmallow after marshmallow.

After a while Rendog stood up.

"Everyone welcome to the first HermitCamp Campfire Night! Today we're gonna sing some campfire songs and have fun! Who's with me!?!" Several cheers were heard from around the fire, encouraging Ren. "Lets start with som classic hermit tunes from season six! Mumbo jumbo, are you AFK? 'Cause that's what we're doing tonight, baby!"

More laughs and giggles could be heard. Soon several out of tune voices could be heard, Grian leading the bunch.

"Mumbo Jumbo you are AFK;

I'm gonna take that mustache awaaaay!;

Mumbo Mumbo Mumbo AFK!;

I'm gonna take that mustache awaaay-"

It continued like this for a while, singing many songs out of key and having fun. Soon everyone was exhausted and brought their firefly nightlights into the tents to sleep after putting out the fire.

Everyone but the Girls dropped off quickly. They quietly whispered, talking about the fun day they had and the ones yet to come. They started a game of truth or dare, the firefly light flickering gently.

"Stress, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to wear both a Sahara hoodie and a ConCorp hat tomorow!"

"Oh c'mon love! They'll go insane!"

Cleo piped up.

"That's the point Stress! C'mon, do it for us!"

"Alright honey, I'll do it!"

The trio went on like this for a while, giggling and whispering well into the night. Eventually False nodded off, so of course the others had to do something.


That something was hitting her lightly with a pillow. She immediately snapped to attention, pulling her own out from under her and smacking Cleo. Before long there was a full on pillow fight, smacking and thwaping, light shoves and giggling. Eventually they got sleepy and went to bed.

And just like that, Day 1 was over.

(A/N hope you enjoyed! This is just the first of many like this, and I hope yall enjoy this mini series, it's gonna be fun to write. Bye reader, do crimes~)

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