Day 6- Capturing and Chaos

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(A/N Sorry about not posting for a long time! I had a SEVERE case of writer's block. I'm back now though! :D)

The next morning everyone woke up quickly. Hermits swarmed out of the tents in massive hoards, exited for the day ahead.

You see, today they had planned a massive game of capture the flag.

Everyone quickly ate cereal, before running to the main cabin for supplies.

They needed flags, the fake weapons (Don't ask why the author makes them play capture the flag with these), and ways to tell who was on what team. They chose scarves.

Red Team












Blue team












They all prepared and headed to the field to begin.

It took a few minutes, but they soon found the perfect place to hide their flag. On their side of the field, there was a small patch of forest, and with enough effort Doc and Mumbo got it up. It would work well, as the two tallest hermits could defend it with ease.

They waited by the long line separating the two teams, waiting for Blue to join them.

There seemed to be no good place to hide the flag. After half an hour they found a corner of the lake where it was stuck into the sand. You could see it, but to get to it red would have to wade slowly through the water.

They joined red team at the border, blue scarves fluttering in the breeze. 


Who in their right mind gave Grian a megaphone

The two teams began defending, ready to swipe at anyone who so much as put a toe over the line.

False made the first move, leaping over and clashing her foam sword with iskall's.


Iskall's sword broke, "blade" tumbling to the ground along with it's user. Ren and Xisuma ran after False, swords pointed forwards to no avail. The PvPer was by far the most athletic hermit, running top speed and dodging blows from bystanding  hermits.

She was just about to the lake when her foot stuck to something. Or someone. 

Jevin was melted on the ground, catching False's foot and sending her tumbling to the ground.

Or should this narrorator say tumbling to the water.


Ren caught up and dived in after her, bumping her with his sword.

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