Day 5- Sights and Sahara

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Everyone was woken that morning by some crashing sounds outside. Xisuma opened his tent to see a small bear nosing through their food.

"Go! Shoo! Leave!"

Xisuma startled the bear away and it left, paws thudding against the ground.

Several more hermits had seen this little thing happen, and were laughing about it while eating breakfast, more cereal. 

A hiking trip was planned for those who wanted to go. Jevin, Cleo, Stress, False, Hypno, TFC, Ren, Etho, and Doc walked to the woods while everyone else packed up lunches and water bottles for the trip.

Before long, they left to begin their trip.

~14 Hikers~

They were planning to go to some nice waterfalls relatively far away. It would be a long hike, but it would be beautiful. Xisuma led the way.

First they went into the woods, going around the mist and out the other side, passing tall pines and green-leafed oak. Nothing too hard, just nice, cool, flat ground. Lovely.

Then they had go get past a river. The hermits found a shallow spot and made it across, now wet and slightly cold, before stopping to eat a short lunch.

Soon there was a tall mountain that had to be climbed for the best view of the falls. Several hermits stumbled and fell, but after an hour or two they were gathered at the top. There was a breathtaking view of the water, as well as the camp a few miles or so away. It looked like they had started a campfire.

No literally, the camp was on fire.


~Back at the Camp Crew~





"Calm down luvs!"



They had gotten bored, heading back to camp from the forest. The girls all had flower crowns, and TFC had finished his coffee. Lunch had been eaten, and there was nothing else to really do, other than talk with the slime mould again. Point is, they went back to the tents.

Back at camp a game of tag started.

Doc had grabbed a stick as a weapon and manages to avoid becoming it, but at a price. He had stationed himself at the campfire, forgetting that it was still going. The dry stick he had been using caught on fire, and it had been dropped in surprise.

Causing part of the camp to go up in flames.

~Back to the present~

The more responsible hermits, namely Cleo and False, managed to put out the fire while everyone else got on the boats to avoid being burned. No real damage had been done, but they had found the fire extinguisher and used it, saving everything.

The ground was a little blackened, but nothing that couldn't be replaced was harmed. Doc couldn't shake the feeling that he was in a lot of trouble.

He was. When the hikers had gotten back, it turned out that they had been a little concerned when the little spot next to the lake was burning in a blazing glory, and had turned around. 

Xisuma had a talk with Doc about how "Sticks are indeed flammable. How did you not know this. You could have gotten someone killed!"

Mostly everyone had calmed down eventually, though the Girls were a little salty because no one had helped them put the flame out.

They decided to go fishing for the rest of the afternoon, it would help calm them down as well as provide dinner.

Concorp's table was borrowed to put all the catches on, and the hermits got to work.

With so many of them, a large pile of fish began to grow on the table, they were all kinds of different kinds, sizes, and colors

Oh, and that's right. ConCorp tried to sell people their fish. No one bought any.

Soon there were enough to feed the entire crew for a while, so they stopped and got swimwear on as Cleo started cooking the fish.

Surprisingly, no arguments happened between the Convex and the Architechs. That's a first.

No, they just chilled, Iskall and Doc still refusing to go in the water as they watched their friends mess around. 

"So, Doc, how exactly did the fire start?"

"Do I have to tell you?"

"Now I'm even more intrigued!"

"Fine, well I kinda. . . Forgot-"

"Bit louder? Can't hear you!"

"Well I-"

"Too quiet! 

Iskall broke into a grin.

"Fine! You win Iskall! I forgot that sticks were flammable!"


"I caught one on fire and dropped it. Happy?"

Iskall managed to get out a "Very much so!" before dissolving into laughter.

Afterwards they were called to the tents again to eat.

The fish was delicious and flaky. Everyone was comfortable and ready for the movie night after a dessert of Cub's cake.

Everyone except two people were fine with just about every movie.

Scar wanted Disney.

Doc choice was Horror.

Which one did they pick? You can decide.

I couldn't, so I made two short chapters about each one. Pick which one ya like, or read both! Cya in whatever one you decide! 

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