Day 3- Biscuits and Boat Battles

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When the morning finally came, one hermit was already awake, watching the water and reading.

Joe had enjoyed this whole thing, already everyone had loosened up and was having fun. It was only the morning of day 3, yet the vacation had done it's job.

Staring at the glowing sunset, the poet recalled the games and events gone past. It was a while before he noticed a figure next to him, thinking similar thoughts.

Xisuma was satisfied. This was a lot of fun, everyone had lightened up, and they weren't even halfway through. He had joined a spaced out Joe beside a tree, clutching a copy of Lord of the Rings.


"Oh! Howdy X, just thinking."

"Same here. It's been a good trip, huh?"

"Sure has!"

Joe checked the time.

"Oh! I should get started on breakfast, will you wake everyone up?"

Xisuma nodded and went to awaken the rest of the hermits, dreading having to snap Doc put of dreamland.

~Tiiiimeee skiiip~

Joe had put together a makeshift ovenish thing to cook some canned biscuit dough. The small flakey discs were soon put on a picnic table, along with butter, jam, and jelly.

Soon people filled the space, snatching food and filling water cups. Camp chairs were put up, and the chattering began. Mumbo explained in detail what had happened with the pranks the previous day, while Iskall whispered quietly with Xisuma. In the middle oof their conversation a shout was heard.

"Why is there both Jelly and Jam? They're basically the same!"

"No they aren't! Jam is better and more spreadable, easier to make too! Jelly it less sweet and more gelatinous!"

"I named my cat after Jelly for a reason! It's delicious!"

"It's still weird!"

Luckily the argument didn't escalate. Soon they all calmed down, probably thinking Joe would butt in with something along the lines of "I like to mix em together! Stop arguin and enjoy your food." It was a fair concern.

The Swede and the Brit were discussing how to get Grian back for the campfire night and the drowning prank. A plan was created, and the two waited for a good opportunity. Hopefully it wouldn't backfire.

Xisuma began the plan. "Hey Gri, we're running out of firewood. Can you get some hermits and collect some? There's a good little place on the other side of the lake." "Sure!"

"Mumbo! Iskall! We're getting firewood!" The small blonde ran off to his friends.

Iskall winked at X as he followed the little Brit across the shore. Suma cracked a smile and followed.

Grian was a whirlwind of chopping and swinging with his diamond axe, no tree survived before his wrath. There were no prisoners, no survivors. Mumbo and Iskall barely even got a chance, not wanting to hit the small excited blur on accident. They just decided to pick up the fallen branches and make sure their friend wasn't injured.

Halfway through, Grian was drenched in water. The tree he had just attacked was full of water buckets, but that wasn't the worst of it. A bucket fell on his head, restricting his vision as he stumbled around, shoes squelching in the dirt-turned mud. He tripped over a fallen tree, bucket flying off his head and into the forest.

Iskall was cracking up, and Xisuma leapt from the bushes to join him. Mumbo was trying, and failing, to hide his grin as Grian looked up at them with a clearly faked betrayed expression, making them laugh even more. 

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