Day 2- Swimming and Scares

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Grian was the first to wake up the next morning. As he pulled on a red sweater he noticed that the sun was still coming up. He walked around, still half asleep, enjoying the weak morning light and fresh air. Once the sun was fully up, he decided to wake up the others.

He caught the Convex snoozing beneath the Sahara blanket they had been sold the day before, asleep in a small pile. With a small snigger he woke them both up before backing out of the tent.

His fellow architechs were still buried in their own merch, and light snoring could be heard from under Iskall's blanket. Mumbo's usually neat hair was a shaggy rat's nest when he poked his head out of the sleeping bag cave he had made. "Hey guys! Wake up! I have something funny to tell you, just get up!" Grian got out of the tent and moved onto Idea.

The Idea tent was a mass of laundry and shulker boxes surrounded by three more blanket caves. Keralis noticed Grian first, and woke up the others. Next was the Girls.

The small blue tent was certainly a mess, with pillows and blankets strewn across the floor. With so much padding, the three ladies had entered dreamland on the floor. "Is it already time to wake up luv?" "Yup! I'm gonna get Joe to start breakfast. Wake up Cleo and False for me, will ya?" And with that, Grian moved on.

Joe was reading a book when the Jungle Bandit opened the tent flap. "Hey Gri! I'm guessing it's time to make breakfast, right? I'll be right on it, but the hobbits just got to Mordor so actually I might be a minute." G chuckled and left him to it, making a mental reminder to try again in 10 minutes or so.

The ZIT boys were playing a lazy game of Uno when Gri poked his head through. They smiled at him. "Be right there!" Grian returned the smile and went to wake Doc.

At first he whispered, knowing that Doc was not a morning person. "Doc? Doc wake up!" No response. A bit louder this time. "Dooooooc!" Still nothing. G sighed and yelled. "DOC WAKE UP WE'RE GETTING READY!" The cyborg shot up and Grian barely dodged a hard slap. "Oh. It's you Gri. Lemme get dressed please." Grian backed out of the small fabric with a giggle.

It continued like this for a while, but eventually everyone was up and ready. Some hermits had put on new outfits for the day, people like Mumbo who didn't want to get his suit dirty. You had to admit that he looked pretty snazzy with a black hoodie and tan sweatpants. Stress was wearing an odd mash of Sahara and Concorp merch. An confused Scar had said "Can't you just... I dunno... PICK ONE??"

Xisuma discarded all of his armor except for his boots and helmet, and wore a black tee as well as a purple bandana. Joe had swapped his shirt for a jacket with the same design.

Speaking of Joe, he was now cooking breakfast over the fire. They were gonna eat pancakes. Xisuma and TFC began heating up some water by the flame, and began discussing whether Tea or Coffee was better. "Coffee is better! You don't have to look through several flavors to find what you like!" "How do you people even drink coffee! It's so bitter and gross."

Soon several hermits joined in.

Grian had said "Well tea has also been around for much longer. It's more significant!"

Scar had argued "But that doesn't matter! It's watery and boring, and takes so long to make!"

Mumbo joined in "So does coffee! If you don't like instant you have to wait ages slowly pouring the water! With tea you can sit down and relax while it seeps!"

This went on until all the pancakes were done. They stopped because Joe had said "I like both Tea and coffee, but if ya ask me Hot Chocolate is much better. I didn't pipe in 'cause yall can have what ya want and like what ya like!" Which shut them up.

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