Day 7- Trouble and Talents

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Everyone woke up relatively late, some still sore from the epic capture the flag game that had taken place the previous day.

Even then it took a while for the hermits to slowly migrate out of the tents, wrapped in blankets and with hair sticking out at strange angles. Even Mumbo, a usually neat and clean hermit, hadn't bothered to comb his hair before emerging at the side of Grian.

For breakfast they finished off the pancakes, little conversation happening.

Eventually Iskall proposed that they jump in the lake to wake up.

Doc had nearly slapped him, before realizing that it actually wasn't a bad idea.

Once everyone was properly awake, they began preparing for the first activity of the day.

Rock climbing.

They would need all sorts of gear. Harnesses, ropes, gloves, they wanted to make sure that everyone was safe.

Soon they began the walk to get to the cliff that they were planning on climbing.

Not that they expected it to go perfectly, but they were going to do their best.

The journey there was beautiful. Because of the time of day, they could see the rays of sunlight shining down from the rich green canopy, highlighting brightly colored flowers and mushrooms. There was a light layer of mist making everything slightly hazy.

When they got to the end they were met with a grand sight.

There was a massive cliff, grey stone sparkling slightly from the waterfall that was flowing down. The sun reflected off of the water, nearly blinding a few of the hermits.

Doc, Iskall, and Xisuma helped everyone attach ropes to the top of the mountain, and soon they were ready to make their way up.

Grian led the group, trying to fit his shoes into any small crevices that he could find until the surface became too slippery from the waterfall and he lost his grip on the rock.

Tango was right behind him, digging his fingers into every crack until he found something he was sure would work. However, he must have gripped it too hard as the stone crumbled in his hand, causing him to lose control and slowly descend.

Zedaph was the slowest to ascend, clearly a little scared of heights. However, no one would stop him from reaching the top. He was determined.

This went on for a while. The first hermit to reach the top was Iskall, who had managed to stay up despite several instances where it didn't look like he would make it up.

Several hermits watched him scale the cliff, and decided to try his strategy.

Go as fast as possible. It doesn't matter if the rock crumbles, as long as you're gone before it does.

Using this strategy False, Doc, and Bdubs were able to scramble up to the top.

Others clambered up with more careful methods, like Mumbo, who nearly got to the top by finding platforms to rest every once in a while. He had only fallen back down again when Grian used him as a stepping stool and boosted himself to the top, earning a chuckle from the mustached hermit before falling down.

Soon nearly everyone had arrived at the top. The only people left were Stress, Ren, and Zedaph.

Stress was having trouble because of her height. As the shortest hermit, she had to find more places to put her hands.

Ren was having a similar problem as Stress. However, he couldn't stop his tail from swinging side to side, often knocking him off balance.

Zedaph had a completely different issue. He was still quite scared of heights. He hadn't actually fallen, because he was being so cautious.

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