Chapter - 24 - Ishaan

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I reached my university a minute later. Today, I had occasionally stopped by, Mr. Rupert.

Oh! Sorry, I forgot to tell you, well, Mr. Rupert is a flower seller. He is a very sweet gentleman, and I often stop by, to greet him and ask him about his well-being. I normally do it, I mean greeting and all, after coming back from the college. But, today, I had other plans. So, I decided to meet him before college.

Anyways, the point is I am already late, but it does not matter, because, already this is my last semester and professors have grown tired of punishing us, for random topics, like, being late. So I enter the brick coloured building and the first thing, I do is inhale the amazing scent of bricks. It sets me on my track and reminds me of why am I here, for what have I given up my friends and the fire that ignites me, to keep moving on.

I make my way through a group of teenagers, who are standing right in the corridor and discussing something about their test. Well, happily I do not have tests this month, and therefore, it is pretty relaxing.

Since, I had come here, I had made up my mind for not indulging, in 'any' kind of friendships, because, once and for all, I never wanted to give up my old gang. But, as time passed and things fell into place, and I finally settled in, I came across, a very genuinely, kind hearted boy, Ishaan. He is been very supporting and we share a common relationship, we are soul siblings. He is a very sweet brother and he calls me a wild sister, just like any natural sibling set.

As, I enter my classroom, I bump into someone, and this someone, is just a random creep, from our semester. Now, he is the most irritating part of the entire class. He is always going around, ragging on poor little souls, mostly the freshers but a couple from second year also. His name is Kristoff. Well, he thinks he looks good, but, I believe no one ever dared to tell him, that he looks like stale food and smells like rotten eggs. "Get away, move", I make my way as I growl at him. "Well, Ms......", he was about to say something, but I was least interested.

Anyways, I ignored him and grabbed my seat next to my brother, well actually, soul brother, Ishaan. I lay out my books and the next moment, I am revising what had been taught earlier, because, as I told you, I am really into achieving my goals and dreams. For me it is not something that you see in the night and forget in the morning, but something that doesn't let you sleep through the night.

"Hey, Good Morning KM", Ishaan chipped in, drifting me out of my thoughts. "Hi, Good Morning", I quickly answer. "What happened? You look lost? All fine?", Ishaan said starting up a conversation. Well let me inform something about him, he is a very curious soul and utterly inquisitive. He wants to know everything all together. But he is a great secret keeper.

"No, nothing, was just a...missing my friends a bit", I lied. A bit? Nuh-uh, a lot. The group of teenagers in the corridor, reminded me of my group, of us. I somehow, suddenly craved for them and literally wanted to run away and hug them immediately.

"Kayna, Kayna", Ishaan called out to me, almost as a whisper, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Yes? What?", I asked him, innocently, because anyways, I was unaware of what was going on. "Kayna, sir is already here, I am sorry if you are missing your group and therefore, I am sorry for breaking your chain of thoughts arising. But right now, focus and maybe later you could call them, because you know right, how much this actually means to us", he lectured me.

Now, one thing about Ishaan was that he was as spirited as I was. He was also a very determined person. Actually, we both wanted to be astronauts, and were strictly headed to undo anything between our goals and us. This was one of the main reasons, and I believe the 'Only' reason, how we connected at the same level.

I returned back from my thoughts and paid attention to the professor, after all this was what I had always dreamt of, studying in Oxford and pursuing my career. This had to be the most crucial step towards my goals.




//This one is a really long chapter, with 714 words. Damn! I guess, its probably more words.

#Staysafe #stayhome #followlockdown and #study, maybe?//

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