Chapter - 48 - Friends

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I so wanted to wake up like a princess, like living a fairytale, all these servants running beside me, birds whispering in my ear, asking me to wake up, butler making my breakfast and the other maids getting my dress ready for the morning. Since, childhood living a Walt Disney was my dream forever, at a point of time in my life I had started believing that we can all have a Disney fairytale. But, then life happened, and we all grew up, dreams never changed but priorities changed. Times changed, people changed, society changed, eventually, I wouldn't say Walt Disney changed, but interest in Disney changed. I always thought I'd wake up to the morning bell, which had a beautiful ringtone, that was pleasant and soothing, but...I woke up to the same


Ughhhhh!!!! I hate it!!! I hate it!!

"Good Morning Kayna, Wake up", I mutter to myself and make my way to the washroom. I hit the shower and notice the time; I was perfectly according to the time. I had decided to return back to London, as I had missed a lot in lectures and I had to keep at par with everyone else, so I don't end up repeating 'a college year'. It was surprising that Ishaan had decided to stay back for a few days since he said he missed his mother a lot. I let him, he had been literally very sweet to ask me if he should stay or not? So I let him because for sure, I was not going to be one, possessive friend, who would separate a 'kid' from his mom. Sometimes I really felt Ishaan was more mature than me, but somehow I'd always think otherwise.

I returned to the room and dressed in something casual. It was going to be difficult being here all, alone, but on the contrary, it was only going to help me focus more. So, I, was completely alone in London, and then this 'some-idiot-mysterious-letter-guy' entered my life. I don't know what to do with him. I am definitely going to speak to one of my friends about this.

I still had some time for college to begin, but I decided I'd rather be early than be awfully late and miss on much of the lectures and wash all the efforts, of returning back to London, with 'clear water'. I had, had a cup of coffee. It was refreshing, so was today's morning. I stood in front of my door picked up my bag and locked the door, before walking amidst the streets of London, towards my college.

As I said, I was pretty early. I got 'my spot' and sat, not too far, not too close, right in the middle, a perfectly selected seat. I don't know why but, this was one seat that Ishaan had never been able to get, I didn't know if he did it to irritate me, or if he was really that naïve.

I took out my 'I-Phone' of my pocket and dialed Kritz's number, instead of her life-saving voice, I came across 'the number you are calling is currently busy. Call again or try later'. So, she was busy. Then I dialed Rohan's number and do you know what it read?

The same, pathetic thing – 'the number you are calling is currently busy. Call again or try later'.

Now I get it, they are speaking to each other, it should be somewhat evening there. Since the past week, I have been 'trying' to call them but every time I find each of theirs' busy. I helplessly dialed Ishaan's number, and I sat there for a while, waiting expectantly to not be disappointed with him. He didn't disappoint me, because he never happened to pick the call up.

Now, having friends I was socially unequipped. I sometimes wonder what if something wrong happens and I try to contact these idiots and they don't pick up. Alas!! The next day they will get to hear my demise, complete bunch of fools. It's not that I didn't want to call Darsh, but he was mostly busy making music, he was one of the most dedicated people, unlike them. I didn't like disturbing him and I definitely didn't want to disturb him with stupid reasons.

But, without a thought, my fingers dialed his number and I helplessly waited. With every ring passing, my mind told me that he'd not pick up and I would be stuck with this 'mysterious-guys' thought. On the fifth ring, he happened to pick the call up, "Hi!!" he exclaimed cheerfully. "Hiiiiii", I sang. "Good..." he paused.

Of course!! He couldn't have known the time here.

"Morning", I spoke. "Yeah right. Good Morning!! So, how is your day going?", he retorted. I could imagine him smiling for some reason I don't know, and I wouldn't judge as my lips, themselves curled up into the biggest smile ever. Finally, I had found a 'real friend'. "Nothing just wanted to talk to you about something", I said. "Okay shoot!!", he spoke.

"So, yesterday I was cleaning and unpacking. And I found this letter at the bottom of my suitcase. It had things written on it..." he let out a small laugh. "What?? Why are you laughing now?" I insisted on knowing the reason. "Come on!! Obviously something will be written know? Why would someone give you a blank letter? Think before speaking.", he spoke in between his laughs. "Shut up!! Don't judge me, focus here. I am trying to tell you something and this is serious. So, there was this letter, which held a confession of this persons' love towards me.He stated I will also get clues. Whatever the hell it is. I have my exams next week and moreover, I think this person is a creep. I want you to find out who this is. Although this guy told me not to ask anyone about it, I need help. I am freaking out, nobody is here. I am all alone, what if something..." I was cut by him. "Shut up girl...slow down. Nothing will happen. Of course, it is not good news that someone happens to keep a letter in your suitcase, without your knowledge. But, did that guy threaten you? " I stayed quiet, because 'he had not threatened me'. "No, right? So. Chill dude. Well, you shouldn't have talked about it, if that guy asked you not to. Well, anyways, you send me a picture of the letter and the envelope. I will tell my people to do some research about..."

Wait!!! What? How did he know, I also had an envelope?

"How do you know I have an envelope?", on this question of mine, he burst out again, "", he managed to speak in his laughs. "Okay, cut it!! I have got a class to attend, I am not free like you" I told him. "Oh madam, I am also horribly busy, but I took out time to speak to you," he said softly. "Yeah Okay bye." I said as I hung up with lastly hearing him chip in a 'bye'.

I was anxious about this mysterious gut, but somehow the conversation with Darsh made me calm. I was at peace, like a clear sky is, just plain, simple, blue, no activity..





//Hi, People!!

Waiting for Sunday??


1) Morning walk

2) Evening stroll





Tell me below//

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