Chapter - 34 - Surprise

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I woke up to the same sun shining on my face, that I used to wake up to three years before. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall, it showed 9 am. I sprung up and rushed to the washroom. Honestly, I was an early riser, well sometimes, but like yesterday, I slept for I-don't-know-how-many-hours and therefore, I was just bored of sleeping, I know I sound stupid, but I was horribly bored of sleeping and I believe the slight headache currently, is probably because of over sleeping. I quickly dressed up and told mom, that I was going to have breakfast at the 'Ravals''. Well, I couldn't meet dad, because he had already left for work, he owned a business, which was extremely big and he told me that since I was born, it was earning profit. Also dad loved being on time, so he would rather miss his breakfast but reach on time. He would say "if I will be early, my employees are going to make a point that they are early, for who wants to get scolded by their boss, know?"

I searched for an Ola ride and currently, it shows some round thing that is going on and on like a loop, it says 'looking for rides near you'. I have been waiting at my doorstep since ten minutes waiting for my so called 'driver or ride' you know? Like whatever they call. The sun is not bright, just the way I like. My morning is going great until, I spot a notification, 'your cab', with some taxi number like – AX1600 'is here'. I reach the cab as described and the mirror rolled down, just to reveal a teenage boy, who is showing his all yellow teeth. I finally tell him the OTP and get into the car. "So, are you new here?" I initiated a conversation, since mom said, it was beneficial to keep your driver involved in your conversation, it avoids the driver from thinking of crime, and I don't get it if he wants to you know? Like get involved in criminal activities, he will not pay attention to my talks. But then same dialogue of hers' "you will understand, only when you become a mother". "No, ma'am I have started this job last year", he answered uninterested. Wait a second! Uninterested? Does that mean, he is going to do something wrong. No, no why will he? Is he mad?

"You reached ma'am" – his voice brought a feeling of relief in me. I paid him and descended the car. I climbed the steps of the 'Raval' house and inhaled slowly. I so wanted to meet all of them. I gently traced the bell of the house and pressed the bell. I knew Darsh was also home for Diwali, this is why I didn't tell anyone and then also, Rohan was going to get here tomorrow, yes, I talked to him and asked for his landing details, but I still didn't inform him that I was here. What? I loved surprising people. You know? (Kayna winks to her readers)

I heard a sweet voice of a lady, which seemed to be in her forties – fifties, honestly, I don't know, say, "Please use this utensil for pouring the milk, the last times' is not washed". I presumed this voice to be Rajal aunties'. The cat door, you know? The things that are at the bottom of the main door, from where the cat comes in and goes out. No of course, they didn't own a cat, but Kritz loved these kind of doors and that is why they got this door put instead of a random door.

Now what should I do? Oh God! Tell them I am not their milkman. Of course! How are they going to know? I didn't inform anyone that I was going to come. What am I supposed to do? Okay maybe I should just ring again. I rang the doorbell again and an irritated Kritz opened the door, because she was probably forcefully, asked by her mother to go check what was wrong with their 'presumed milkman'?

She just stood their and didn't move as if she had seen a ghost, I stood there with a big smile on my face. Then, she managed to shut the door at my face, saying, "I am missing Kayna so badly that now I am seeing her in place of the milkman also. Maybe, I should just call her". What the hell? Like are they for real? Okay I think I should just call Kritz. I sat on the doorstep, yes, doorstep and called her.

She picked up at once, maybe she was just surfing on Instagram. That was one of this brother-sister's personal favourite app. "Hi Kayna. I was missing you so badly", she said. Of course, I knew that is why I am at your doorstep know? Stupid. "I was missing you itta today in place of my milkman, I saw you. Oh God! Dumb me. So, how is everything in Lon....." I cut her, "Stupid come downstairs and see for yourself. Again. It is me. I decided to surprise you and Darsh. Now, come downstairs right away" I demanded. For real? 'I am missing you so badly', whatever!!








// Hi people!!!

Poll #4

1) Pegasus (it is a horse with wings)

2) Unicorn (it is a horse with horns)

Which one do you like?

Tell me below!!!//

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