Chapter - 59 - Things Revealed

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We had dinner and I urged to spend time, with all of them at my apartment. My stubbornness didn't meet it's destination, because accept Darsh, none of them were interested.

I decided that since, everyone was showing so much attitude and stating, 'they wanted to spend time together', we, Darsh, and I would only leave for 'my' place. I could consider spending time, excuse relevant to Kritz and Rohan because they had also met right after Diwali and wanted to stick together. But, what about Ishaan? With whom was he going to spend time? He gets me perplexed almost every time. All his habits have absolutely nothing to do with sense. They make no sense, in short, they are nonsense.

Darsh and I got into his car and boy; I must say the Mercedes was awesome. I had so many unanswered questions and I had a sudden urge to ask. "This must be expensive?" I asked out of nowhere. "What? The car?", he asked and to this, I nodded vigorously. "No, it isn't. I have rented it. So you see, it isn't exactly mine and moreover, didn't you see my post, I have just recently bought an Audi. Also, you said you loved black Mercedes, and I thought you would be happy if I rented this one?" he said. "Of course I am happy Darsh and trust me I absolutely love it. But if you knew I loved it why didn't you buy it? Why did you rent?", well I was shooting tricky questions but this was just one other way of finding his thoughts out. "I rented it because I knew, you always wanted to buy a black Mercedes, all on your own, on your own expenses and if I would have bought it, you might have just felt sad about it and also believed that in our group, someone already has it. They have it before you, which would have in some way, demotivated you as well. And, I wouldn't want that nor would you, right?", he spoke, with much simplicity. I was stunned for a minute; I didn't know what to say. Someone rightly said, 'love is not shown, it is felt' and I felt that strikes me hard.

I decided to take this questioning spree forward, but then we halted right in front of my apartment. I got hold of my bag and ran upstairs, in order to unlock the door and fix things a bit, since, no matter how many times I cleaned my house, it turned out to be messy every single time. even though, all I do is sit with my phone on one, specific spot of the bed, which provides the highest speed of the internet. Nevertheless, I sigh and clean my room and as I am getting over with the cleanings, I hear a knock.

'I remember leaving the door open since I knew he was coming, why then would he knock?', I thought to myself as I paced towards the door.

On reaching the door, I found it open, and Darsh standing there with a smile plastered on his face. I gestured him to enter and he did.

"Why did you knock, when the door was open?", I asked him settling the cushions properly. "I do not invade someone's privacy ma'am", he said, joining me with settling the cushions. I looked at him and I couldn't fall for him any harder. I love this man so much, just the right proportion of everything.

Carrying on with the work, of cleaning things up and him sportingly following me all around the house, "Listen, how did Mrs. Smith know about it?", he smiled for a brief minute and then answered, "I involved her in this. I couldn't be around you because I had my own shoots, and then I didn't want you guessing that it was I, who was sending you letters, all this while. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and that day, when I came to drop the letter along with the basket, that had the teddy bear, roses, and chocolates, I spotted her and decided to involve her in my plan. Then, I had my letters delivered through her, since you know, I couldn't be around anywhere, near you."

Very smart!!

I definitely couldn't guess what was going around, because everyone was hiding something or other from me.

"Did you notice Kristoff's and Ishaan's behavior? Did it seem realistic?", he shot two questions, following into the league of shooting questions like Kritz. "Uh – yes. But what does it have to do with all this?" I asked placing the bed sheet properly. "Of course, it does, because I involved them in the plan too. I wanted them to confuse you so that you could never get to me until I want you to," he said tugging the bed sheet to the opposite side of the bed. "Okay, what else di you do, Mr. Writer?" I asked tugging the bed sheet properly. "Nothing else, I just followed the plan drawn by Kritz and we ended up pretty well. Also, Ishaan wanted to help, since he is also looking forward to confessing to this girl...Forget it I forgot her name. so we made a deal if he helped me, then we would help him as well.", he said


Ishaan was going to confess??

Moreover, he had a crush??

Why doesn't anyone tell me, anything?

He is going to be screwed for this.

"Oh okay" is all I manage to utter. "Yes, listen. Then you had fallen into my plan. I had to almost make the second letter so quick since you broke the rule of contacting people, but hopefully, it turned out to be me the one you contacted. Anyways, next, you remember the rumor, about Aisha Banerjee and me? That helped me prove to you, that it was never me. Then things just kept falling into place and you fell in love with me, am I right or am I right?" he smirked. "You are", I said shyly.

We finally did away with all the arrangements and my house looked somewhat proper. I changed into something comfortable and him being very thoughtful, brought his comfy clothes, and we quickly changed before sleeping.

I got into the bed and saw him picking up the pillow, and moving towards the couch.

Awww, that is so sweet.

"Where are you going?" I asked him. "Of course, I am not going to sleep with you, what if you wake up at twelve, in the midnight, and start kicking or punching, then what would..." I didn't let him complete, "I meant where are you going with the pillow? There is a cushion there, use that." He paused and stared at me with a 'really?' look plastered all over his face.

Unable to control my laughter, any longer, I burst out laughing and signaled him to sleep on the bed, since it was more comfortable here. He did return back and we snuggled close and slept.

I had probably the best night of my life and the most peaceful. I felt at home, with him around me and indeed that was the most wonderful part of falling in love.





// Hi people,

My dil goes Mmmmm!!! (hahaha!!! another, Bollywood song)

Poll # 29

1) 90's songs

2) 2000's songs




Tell me below//

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