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Module Name: Demon

Real Name: Mui Ichigaya (the real name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: 鬼

Romaji: Oni

Nickname(s): Demon

Date Of Birth: April 21, 2002

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Horse

Designer: Paachiku

Known Relationships/Family:

Osana Ichigaya (mother) (born January 15th, 1977)

Yosuke Ichigaya (father) (born September 29th, 1976)

Risa Ichigaya/Demon Miku (older sister)

Kazuyuki Araya/SiGrE Len (boyfriend) (October 26, 2022)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a senior)

Specific Song: Demon

Song Producer: Kareshi-P

Specific Song Anniversary: April 21, 2011

Fun Facts:

- This Rin module and Oster Pack Music & Artwork Miku (or her real name Renata Greco) are birthday twins.

- Risa and Mui are two Naraijuku-born sisters who were raised in a Shinto-based household. According to the books, their ancestors supported the foundation of Negi Root City back in 1798. Members of this bloodline throughout the years were involved in major historic events such as the War Of 1812, World War I and World War II, the Civil War, the Cold War, the list goes on. These members have been lucky to survive all those ordeals, because then neither Risa nor Mui would have existed.

- Exactly one century before Risa was born, an ancestor of the bloodline, who was a little girl back then, was at her grandmother's house. Her grandmother was a very superstitious person. She gifted her a doll. She told her that doll will make all of her wishes come true, as long as she takes very good care of it. The doll will be watching all of her deeds as well. However, if she fails to tend to the doll or be a good member to her family, she, the living members, and the future members of the line will be cursed for all of eternity.

- The girl took very good care of the doll, until one day, she lost it in a park. She looked everywhere for it, but couldn't find it. Accepting defeat, she tried to walk back home, only to see a car coming her way. Cars were a really precious invention back then, so it was rare to see one. Yet someone so lucky was driving one down the street and hit the girl, killing her instantly. The next day, her mom was struck by lightning. Her dad succumbed to tuberculosis three days later. Only the girl's brother survived. Because of this story, the sisters are firm believers that failure to take care of their precious things will result in being cursed. Yet everything that happened after the girl's death was solely coincidences happening in a row.

- There are no more factual details to the cursed doll story, so it has been said that the little girl who was killed turned into a yokai called a gashadokuro (which are really tall skeletons that roam the streets late at night, looking for children as prey). The girl's skeleton woke up and ate the remains of her family members, who then became other yokai. As for the left-behind son, he was cursed by these yokai, and could never act on his own free will again.

- As the generations went by, the girl's children (technically her nieces and nephews, because she was just a child when she died) told the story to their children, who told it to their children, and so on. Then, the Ichigaya sisters received the story.

- The doll was actually found at a cemetery by Mui, right next to a tombstone that had one of the Ichigaya family members' names on it. It has been believed that the doll continued to curse the members, even after they die. To lift the curse, Mui keeps the doll in her room. It's been said the family is no longer cursed because of this, but still lingers in the depths of the darkness.

- The parents of the Ichigaya daughters are just a middle-class couple who don't make that much money, but still provided very well for their daughters. Their dad is a retired yakuza member and started a new job. Their mom is a tailor.

- Their mom heard all the other legends of the Fujimura family while she was pregnant with Risa. One of them being that if a pregnant woman doesn't receive a positive omikuji (which is a paper slip bought at shrines and temples that either gives you a good fortune message or a bad one) on the first try, the baby will die in the womb. Mrs. Ichigaya got one, and it was an unfortunate one. Yet Risa was born without any problems. It was definitely a phony, but Mrs. Fujimura claimed it was "the spirits forgetting to do their job".

- Before Mui was born, Mrs. Ichigaya was told by a fortuneteller she visited that her next child will be a boy. That boy will then hit the jackpot. But of course, Mui was born, and she didn't win a lottery or anything.

- They love to venture out in forested areas. They do occasionally make mall trips, but it's considered as a once in a while treat.

- Mui prefers udon over spicy ramen noodles.

- The sisters moved to Negi Root City not long after Mui graduated high school. But their parents came with them because they wanted to "make sure no harm gets in their way".

- Every Halloween, the sisters hang up all kinds of yokai decorations around their house. They dress like them too. And they give out the scary kind of candy; gummy severed body parts, candy bones, things like that. That made people think that the sisters are cursed themselves, which is actually true in terms of the beliefs. But realistically, it's not.

- The sisters live in the same neighborhood as the Miroku family.

- Of course, given they have such a controversial history and highly questionable life, they get their fair share of rumors spread about them. It's been said that they are responsible for the unfortunate deaths across Negi Root just because of how infectious the curse was. Mui lifted the "curse", yet it's still out there somewhere.

- Mui is very sweet. She is just like your typical teddy bear that can be hugged and loved.

- How does Mui speak? She is more lenient and informal than her sister, occasionally using formal phrases in appropriate situations. She bows whenever she meets anyone just like her sister. However, she will pick up on everything Risa says whenever they are together.

- Mui has a distinct scent, and that's Chanel perfume. She doesn't own that much of a collection, as mentioned earlier, the sisters treat themselves to occasional mall trips.

- Though these girls are not that bad normally, sometimes they will go too far. There was an incident where they vandalized a house during a party. They got charged for it. On rare occasions do they commit some sort of heinous act, but other than that, they're cool people to talk to.

- Due to their devoted Shinto belief, Risa and Mui visit a shrine every morning to pay respects.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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