-1- My best friend

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-1- My best friend

I was standing there, on the stairs to the cinema, where my best friend and I were just watching the latest Halloween movie. I stared speechlessly into the eyes of my best friend and didn't know what to say. I didn't even know what to think.

What did he say? Oh, yes, "I love you! I wanted to keep it to myself and hoped it would go away again, just like a cold. But unfortunately it stayed and in the end I had to accept it, just like the fact that this is one-sided. I did not choose to fall in love with you, but that is the way it is. I'm very sorry. But I think you understand that under these circumstances, we can no longer be friends."

Then he turned around and ran down the rest of the long staircase and left me there. I watched him run for a while and finally turned around a corner and disappeared. My best friend loves me? Why didn't I notice that? Why was I so blind?

We grew up together because our families lived in the same house. Only a curtain separated our two apartments. We spent every day together in the fenced-off yard of our house. Sitting together in the sandbox building castles, playing war with our plastic soldiers. Building racetracks and letting our match box cars compete.

We went to the same kindergarten and the same school, in separate classes, but it didn't matter. Because we went to school together, saw each other during the breaks and went home together, always, together again and again. We often sat in the yard and talked, we leaned against each other, held each other in our arms and lay on the lawn staring up at the clear starry sky.

I was happy when we came to high school and could finally be in the same class. We sat next to each other and helped each other. Everything was as usual and partly even better because we were in the same class now. But then, shortly after Xiao Zhan's 16th birthday, he is two months younger than me, he started to change.

He was still the same, but more distanced. Before, he didn't care if any girls came to our table and gave me a love letter or gifts, but suddenly he always rolled his eyes and left often the table. Sometimes he didn't talk to me the rest of the day when I accepted an invitation on a date.

It was not as if I was really interested in the girls. It was just because everyone did it. And some of the girls were really cute and were trying so hard. I just didn't want or could refuse them and send them away because I didn't want to hurt them. I felt sorry for them and so I accepted the one or other invitation.

One of the girls was especially affectionate and I got involved with her. I started a relationship with her, even though I didn't really want it. When I heard her asking Zhan to switch the seat at the table with her, she said, "Now that Yibo and I are a couple, would you be so kind to switch seats with me so I can sit next to my boyfriend?"

Zhan didn't say anything, he put his school stuff in his backpack and left the table without looking at me or her. It hurt me when he did that, but I thought it was just because he is my best friend and I like having him sit next to me. After all, he and I had wanted this for a long time.

During the break I wanted to ask him why he cleared his seat for Emily, but he disappeared from the classroom so quickly that I couldn't catch up. On top of that, Emily was holding me by the wrist. When I could finally free myself, I looked for Zhan, but I couldn't find him. Afterwards I found out that he had joined the choir, another activity we do not share. He's also on the school paper and in the writers' club. While I chose the basketball club.

I decided to talk to Zhan after the class on the way home. But I couldn't, because Emily, who also lives with her parents in a house in our street, accompanied me. Hand in hand with her, I didn't want to talk to Zhan about it. Besides, he didn't look like he wanted to talk to me at all. Instead, he kept typing messages into his cell phone.

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