-12- Emily embarrasses herself

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-12- Emily embarrasses herself

Right after Zhan called me yesterday, I went to bed. I suddenly felt so tired, I could barely keep an eye open. It was probably because of the lack of sleep last night and the exciting day with the painful goodbye. Anyway, that's what I think.

In the morning when the alarm clock rang, I still felt tired, and of course I missed Zhan a lot. The chair beside me was empty again at breakfast and there was almost silence at the table. It is noticeable that we all miss Zhan.

The way to school was uneventful and my thoughts wandered away to last weekend. I smiled as I thought about the fact that Zhan is actually my boyfriend now and we have become so close. If only he were here with me, it would be perfect.

When I arrived at school, I went straight to my classroom and sat down at my table. Since there was still some time left before class started, I took out my MP3 player and listened to some more music while I put my head on my arms and looked out the window.

Little by little the classroom filled up and Emily came and gave me a strange look. I saw her talking with other classmates and then discussing. Somehow I was interested in why she was discussing so eagerly and turned off my MP3 player to be able to listen secretly.

"What do you mean you don't care? He's gay, get it? He's having a thing with his best friend." Bitched Emily.

"It's none of our business. He can love whoever he wants." Zoey replied.

"Xiao Zhan is hot, who can blame him?" Asked Lou.

"But they're both men." Threw in Emily.

"What does it matter? If they love each other, so be it. Good for them, I hope they enjoy it." Han replied.

"You know what's really bad? You're just jealous, and you can't stand the idea of someone else with your crush and being happy. He didn't even want to be with you. You really pushed him into that relationship." Said San Dra, her best friend.

Emily screamed angrily, "You're all crazy if you just accept that Yibo is dating Xiao Zhan."

Everyone was staring at the person behind her, it was our teacher. He grabbed Emily by the wrist and pulled her into the hallway with him. "I'm glad we have a coach here at the moment to teach us about bullying and I'll talk to your parents about your homophobia. I will also advise them to make an appointment for you with the school psychologist. You will also visit our principal in his office and explain why you wanted to pillory Wang Yibo's homosexuality in front of the whole class and even turn them against him." Did I hear the teacher say.

A few minutes later the teacher came back without Emily and before the class started, he addressed to the class. "It does not matter who your classmate loves, we should respect him as he is and as we always have."

My classmates agreed with him and said themselves that they don't judge me for being gay and some even made jokes and said they envied me for being with Zhan.

The rest of the school day went by without any further attempts by Emily to embarrass me. Many of my classmates came to me during the breaks and asked me holes in my stomach about Zhan and our relationship. They wanted to know how he was doing and when we would meet again.

During the lunch break I talked to Chuyue about my last weekend and he laughed. "I'm so glad you two are finally together. I'm happy for you."

I thanked him very much because he had been there for me for the last six months and he always had an open ear for me. It's a pity that it's his last year and he won't be around after the summer holidays. I will miss sitting and talking with him. I have him to thank for the fact that I did not go completely crazy when Zhan left me.

On my way home, Emily came running after me, calling me names and blaming me for the fact that she was now in trouble. I laughed and said she brought it on herself. Then I went on and ignored her screaming. Only when her father suddenly appeared and apologized to me, for his daughter, did I stop again. He grabbed Emily by the upper arm and pulled her home with him. I heard him say that she would see what her punishment would be.

I admit, my sympathies were limited. At least now I have something to tell Zhan on the phone later. I am looking forward to talking to him again.

Once home, I told our parents about the incident with Emily and my mother became so angry that my father had to stop her. She was about to go and punch Emily in the face. And I know my mom, she really would have done that. "No one has the right to attack my sons in any way just because they love each other." She said in a rage.

And what did Zhan's mother do? She quietly left the house. Only a few minutes later did we hear her screaming all the way to our house. "Don't you dare attack or judge any of my sons again. Stay away from them before I forget myself and show you how I deal with bitches like you!"

Of course, there was no holding back for my mother and she ran to Emily and her parents' house as well. I felt very sorry for her parents, but Emily had earned it. Our mothers screamed at Emily until our fathers grabbed them and dragged them home. Well, our moms are real lionesses when it comes to Zhan and me.

Two hours later, Emily's parents came over with fresh meat for the grill. They apologized several times. But our parents weren't mad at them, and they made it very clear to them. They took them to our yard and together they had a barbecue. I took pictures of it and sent them to Zhan, who wrote me: "I want to too! I'm getting hungry again the minute I see this." I proudly showed his reply around and to really annoy Zhan again, I recorded a short video and let him see and hear how we all liked it.

When Zhan called me, I answered with " Love and miss you." Instead of just hi or hello, Zhan laughed and said he loved and missed me too, and then we talked for almost an hour before wishing each other a good night.

Tonight I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Although I miss Zhan very much, we wrote to each other a lot today and talked and laughed for a long time. I'm fine, even though I miss him terribly. And now it is one day less I have to wait for him. 


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