-7- Sad birthday and...

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-7- Sad birthday and...

Is it perhaps a pointless undertaking to hold on to a love that is led one-sidedly? Does Zhan still love me? Or is he already forgetting me? Suddenly I think I know exactly how Zhan must have felt when he fell in love with me and I didn't return those feelings.

It's been six months since Zhan left and four months since the last time we had contact. Why doesn't he get in touch?

Zhan's parents are also desperate because their son doesn't get in touch. They keep wondering why they let him go? Well, I guess they didn't count on Zhan not getting in touch. Or maybe they hoped he'd regret going and come home as soon as homesickness overcame him. But nothing like that happened. Zhan's been gone for six months and it doesn't look like he's ever coming back.

Today is my birthday and I hear our parents down in the kitchen, they are already waiting for me. I have little desire to go to them and pretend to be happy. I do not like to celebrate my birthday, I have lost all desire to do so. I still hope that Zhan will get in touch with me today in some way. Please don't let him forget my birthday.

Since it is Friday and I have to go to school, I have no choice but to get up. So I slowly crawl out of my bed, go to the bathroom and shower in peace. When I have finished getting dressed, I go into the kitchen. I put on my fake smile and ate breakfast with them. I was given money by both families, from which I should buy what I want.

Even if they overplay it, I can see how much they themselves struggle to keep their composure. Yesterday I heard them talking in the evening, wishing Zhan would at least appear for my birthday, but they themselves have little hope for it. They are fleeing above themselves, not even having a phone number.

On the way to school, Emily ran happily chattering after me. She gave me a voucher for the hottest fashion store in town. I'm sure she had to save a long time for it. I gratefully accepted it and put it in my backpack.

At school I also received small gifts from the other students in my class and Chuyue gave me a new diary with over 160 pages, which I can write in full. He also wished that one day I could show Zhan everything I wrote. I wish that too, very much.

After school, I didn't go straight home and visit my grandma. She wrote me on her new smartphone that she wanted to see me today. When I got to her place, she handed me a big envelope with money in it. I asked her if she would come to my little party my parents are giving tonight. But she said that she couldn't come because she was expecting visitors and didn't know exactly when her visit would come.

The old lady has a lot of friends and they come regularly to visit her. It is a pity that she does not come to my birthday party, but I do not mind her meeting her friends.

Just in time for dinner I was at home. I didn't feel like celebrating and certainly not blowing out my candles, after all Zhan wasn't around to help me with that anymore. I asked if anything had come in the mail, but it didn't. No card from Zhan.

Our parents brought out the cake, sang to me and I got a stomachache. I just wanted to run away. I wanted to lock myself in my room and not come out until my birthday was over. But I stayed in the living room, listening to the birthday stories and became sadder and sadder with each new story.

Fortunately my parents allowed me to drink alcohol and so I drank as fast as I could, two bottles of beer to make the evening more bearable for me. And although I strictly forbid myself to do so, I kept the house phone in view at all times, hoping it would ring and Zhan would call me.

Because our parents drank the hard stuff, it didn't take long until they were drunk enough to do just one thing. Get in their bed and sleep it off.

Please don't go! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now