-9- Disturbing visitor

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-9- Disturbing visitor

Zhan and I spent the afternoon cuddling and kissing in bed until we fell asleep. For dinner our parents woke us up and I cursed inwardly that I had wasted two hours with Zhan, sleeping. It was like a race against the time for me and every hour we slept was a wasted hour.

After dinner we all went outside into the yard, we sat there until the sun went down. We talked about the past six months and the time Zhan spent in the boarding school. What he learned, what the school was like, and whether he made friends there. Afterwards, our parents went into the house.

Zhan and I then went to the wooden platform and snuggled up under the big blanket again. I held him in my arms and we watched as the sky grew darker and darker and slowly revealed the stars. I turned to Zhan and kissed him, my hand slowly sliding under his sweater. It felt good to touch his soft, warm skin.

Suddenly all my impure thoughts about Zhan came back to me and as I kissed and stroked him like this, with my impure thoughts, the lust for him also awakened in me. It was hard for me not to just pounce on him. And with every minute I kissed his soft lips, our tongues danced and my hand touched every corner of his upper body, it became harder to hide my excitement.

When Zhan turned around and laid on top of me, he must have felt my excitement, but he was neither startled nor did anything break off. I let both my hands slide under his sweater and stroked his back and butt. Moaning softly, I pressed Zhan's bottom down onto my body, I bent my legs and circled his hips on mine.

I was about to take Zhan's sweater off when the back door of the house opened and Emily stepped into the yard. When I saw her, my lust had gone and my excitement was just a memory. She seems a good alternative to a cold shower.

With big eyes she saw Zhan and me lying on the platform and came running to us. "Your dad told me you were here." She explained in a lilting voice. Zhan slipped off from me instantly and sat down. He looked at Emily, but didn't say a word to her. I took his hand and squeezed it lightly, he looked at me and nodded. So he understood that there was nothing to worry about.

Emily came on the platform and crawled under the blanket without asking. I wanted to kick her off the platform. She should've seen that she was in the way and not welcome. Why did my father even let her go through the house to the yard? He should really know by now that I would much rather be alone with Zhan.

I grabbed my cell phone and wrote my father a message, criticizing him for letting her come to the yard. He wrote me back, he told her that I was there with Zhan and she rushed past him and said she wanted to say hello to Zhan.

She started babbling on and on. About how the past six months had been for her. How she found out who I love. Why she wants to be friends with me and how much I help her with her homework. In short, she talked about her and me all the time and with every sentence I got more and more uncomfortable, because the way she spoke, it sounded like we were more than friends.

I could see Zhan getting more and more tense and I tried to make Emily realize that it was enough. But she didn't even let me get a word in edgewise. Whenever I tried to say anything, she just kept talking louder. Desperately, I thought about how to get rid of her without being rude, while Zhan withdrew more and more.

Then when Zhan got up and explained that he just wanted to go in the house and get something to drink, I could see that he had no intention of coming back and I decided to stop being polite.

"Emily, I think we should end this now. I'd like to be alone with Zhan for now. He has to go back tomorrow, and until then, I'd like to be alone with Zhan. I've missed him so much, and I don't know when I can or will be able to see him again. So please go home and don't create more confusion by talking about you and me as if we were a couple. We're not. I'm with Zhan and I love him, I don't want him to get the wrong idea from what you're saying."

Emily looked at me angrily and Zhan, who was still standing there, looked at me with big eyes. I held him by the wrist so he couldn't just walk away. And I had no intention of letting him go. I had let him go once before and then I had to wait six months before I could see him again.

Never again will I let anything or anyone come between us.

I pulled Zhan down to me and back up beside me. "You're not leaving now, you're staying here with me." I said that and put my arm around his waist. I clung to his sweater and made it clear, that I wouldn't let him go.

Emily got up and looked at me angrily one last time before she got off the platform and muttered to herself as she left the yard through the yard entrance. But before she disappeared completely and closed the door behind her, she turned to us once more and said, "Have a nice evening." In a tone that was anything but nice.

Zhan looked at me and asked me if it was really a good idea to talk to her like that. But instead of giving an answer, I kissed him and put him back on the platform. Then I looked him in the eyes and said, "I don't care if she is angry with me. I will not let her come between us and spoil our evening. She shouldn't have come here in the first place."

"You said you were friends, why did she sound like you two were a couple?"

"I don't know. Maybe she's jealous? I don't know and right now I don't care. All I care about right now is spending time with you. And I'm not gonna let her screw that up just because she might be jealous. ZhanZhan, I love you and I am committed to our relationship. I'm faithful and I'm going to stay faithful. I won't let anything or anyone come between us. Please trust me."

"I trust you Yibo. But I don't trust her. There is something treacherous in her gaze. You should be careful."

"I will."

As much as I hate to admit it, Emily has, at least for now, ruined the mood between Zhan and me. I have to agree with Zhan. Something in her eyes tells me to be careful and stay away from her. But how do I do that? She lives only three houses away, we go to the same class and have to get along for another year.

In any case, I shouldn't meet her alone for the time being and only talk to her when there is someone I can trust.

In any case, I shouldn't meet her alone for the time being and only talk to her when there is someone I can trust

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