-16- 10 years later (last chapter)

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-16- 10 years later (last chapter)

A/N: The short story now comes to an end. Actually I hadn't planned this story as a short story. But after the two of them finally got together, I want to leave them together and not give them any more drama. They have suffered enough and should enjoy their happiness. Besides, I am honest, there is very little that I can think of that could be written now. It is just a love story and after they finally came together we should let them love each other.

A lot has happened in the last ten years. For example, Zhan and I really got married on his 18th birthday. With our parents we traveled to Europe where we could get married officially. When we got back, we celebrated our wedding with all our friends and relatives. It was a big celebration, in which all the neighbors also took part. They all worked together, decorating our street and houses, setting up stands for food and drinks and helping everywhere. It was a great celebration.

My grandma was able to defeat her cancer and so she was able to witness the wedding. Unfortunately she died four months later in a stroke. We mourned very much, but were also happy that she could at least witness the wedding. She had left her house to Zhan and me.

Actually, we had planned to stay with our parents. Especially since we had just started college. But, after the bad news about Grandma's death, we got a double good news.

About seven months after we started studying and three months after grandma died, we got probably the biggest news in the whole last ten years. Our mothers were pregnant again! That's right, both of them and again at the same time! But the most incredible thing was, the two babies were born only one day apart. I became a little brother and Zhan a little sister.

Like Zhan and I did, they slept in the same bed for the first six years. The little rascals stick together like glue and every day they come up with something new to keep our parents busy. My little brother Hai Kuan said already at the age of four, he will marry Yanli, Zhan's little sister, later.

When Zhan and I finished university, we moved into my grandmother's house. In the meantime we completely renovated and refurbished it. And we started working in the same business as our parents.

But meanwhile, Zhan and I have started our own business. Because after we finished my grandma's house, we ventured into other projects as well. Until we decided three years later to make this to our profession. We buy old houses, renovate them and then sell them. The business is going really well.

One project was especially close to our heart. We bought a house which was very run down and completely renovated and refurbished it and gave it to our parents as a present. It is a house where they can still live when they are old and frail. And it is close to the school of our siblings.

For about a year, Zhan and I have been thinking about adopting a child as well. But in the end we decided against it. We didn't give up the desire to have children completely and just pushed it back, but at that point, it just didn't fit and so we adopted two cats from the shelter instead. But who knows, maybe next year our house will be filled with children's laughter.

To be honest, I would love to have a child. Especially when I see our siblings. They are nine years old now and they are growing up continuously. Every time we visit our parents and see them, I wish I could be a father and have my own child. But unfortunately Zhan is not ready for that. He told me to give him one more year.

I mean, it's not like I expect him to carry the kid. I don't expect us to adopt a baby either. I would also be happy with a child who is already between three and five years old and can go to kindergarten. Then the child would be cared for during the day and we could continue our work. Yes, I admit I have given it a lot of thought and I hope that Zhan will soon be ready to adopt a child with me.

Chuyue is now a psychologist and very much in demand. He has taken over the practice from his father and his schedule is always full. Besides, he got married four years ago. He met his wife during his studies and immediately fell in love with her. She is a pediatrician and works at the hospital. A year ago the two had their first child together. A little boy.

Zoey works for Zhan and me. She still follows Zhan everywhere. When he came back to school, she clung to him and wouldn't let go. But they are just best friends. Because Zoey met her Prince Charming at work. We hired a co-worker and he was so fascinated by Zoey that he tried hard until she finally said yes to a date.

The date of the two was in Paris and since then Zoey says he is her prince charming. Two years ago they said yes to each other in the church. And still he regularly takes her on exciting dates. Right now we're renovating a house for them. He bought it and asked us to fix it up for him and Zoey.

Emily came back to Beijing a few years ago. I thought I couldn't see straight when she suddenly appeared in front of Zhan and me in a nun's outfit. Well, apparently, she found her faith in Hong Kong and converted. And because that wasn't enough for her, she became a nun. She works in an orphanage that is supported and financed by the church.

She also helps out twice a week in the community center. She talks to gay teenagers and listens to their concerns. She helps them with their coming out, accompanies them to their families or talks to their classmates. She has changed completely and there is nothing left of the old Emily.

All in all, I can say that Zhan and I are still happy and it still feels as if we are newly in love. I don't know if that will ever change, I hope not.

Sometimes when we talk about earlier times and how we came together, I also remember the pain I felt when Zhan left. And also the absolute helplessness and sadness. Today I can not understand why, when he confessed his feelings to me and then ran away, I didn't immediately shout after him: "Please, don't go." Because that's what I thought at the time, please, don't go.

But then I think maybe we had to go through that to learn to appreciate ourselves and our feelings. To realize how much we mean to each other and how important we are to each other.

Since then I know that I can't imagine a single day without Zhan and that I have to be open with my feelings. Every day I tell Zhan that I love him and show it to him again and again. I am glad that he has returned to me and that even after 10 years we are still as happy as when our love began. I will not let anything separate us again.

But Zhan and I also did something else besides our work. We wrote a book together. We used our memories and my diaries to write a book about our love story. When we finished the first version, we sent it to one of the biggest publishers in China for fun and were amazed when they wanted to publish our book.

Together with a well-known author, we then wrote a second version of the book, with many details and included copies of the diary entries. Then we gave it to the publisher and they were delighted. All what was missed, was the title for the book.

We pondered back and forth for quite a while and then I remembered the thought again when Zhan left me, and I told Zhan about it. And so our book was titled "Please, Don't Go."


A/N: We have reached the end of another book and it is time again to thank you readers for your kind comments and votes

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A/N: We have reached the end of another book and it is time again to thank you readers for your kind comments and votes. This has only become a short book. But the next one is already in progress.

Please don't go! [YiZhan FF]✔️Where stories live. Discover now