-11- Goodbye

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-11- Goodbye

A/N: 1.) This is not a long story, so it will soon find its end. 2.) I will refrain from describing the last and at the same time first night of Yibo and Zhan together, because both are under 18 years old in this story. I hope for your understanding.


After my last night with Zhan, I could hardly fall asleep, I was so happy and I enjoyed it so much. Zhan lies calmly sleeping in my arms and I just can't get tired of him. Now I am sure that nothing and nobody can separate us anymore.

After I finally slept for three hours, I woke up jerkily when Zhan sat down next to me in the bed. I immediately pulled him back to me, bent over him and kissed him. And if our parents hadn't called us for breakfast, I would have continued where we left off last night. I still feel this tingling in my stomach when I think about last night and I feel my cheeks turning red.

Now I find it hard again to think about having to say goodbye to Zhan this afternoon. Two weeks suddenly sound so damn long. And I think the goodbye at the end of summer vacation will be extremely bad. But I should probably get through the goodbye today first.

At breakfast everybody was talking in a chaotic way and I enjoyed the time when the chair next to me is still occupied and everybody is chatting happily. I hope that this time will soon be normal again and that we don't have to think about an imminent goodbye when we sit together like this. I really wish that Zhan will come home again and stay here. Where he belongs.

After breakfast, we all went for a walk together. Where I walked hand in hand with Zhan and I didn't care who saw us. Just like our parents didn't care. They are happy for Zhan and me and like to see us together like this, everything else is completely indifferent to me.

We walked to the beach where our parents sat down for a while, while Zhan and I walked along the beach. We stopped at a rock face. Out of sight of everyone else, I stood in front of Zhan, who had his back to the rock face, and kissed him. "Last night was great." I whispered.

"Mn. That was it." Zhan replied and put his arms on my shoulders. God how I wish we were home in my room right now. Once I start, I can't stop wanting to sleep with Zhan. My whole body reacts to his every touch.

On our way back, we passed Emily and her parents' house. Her dad was just outside cleaning his grill. When he saw us, he laughed and said he had always thought that Zhan and I made a good couple. While Emily stood at her window and looked at me fiercely. My mother gave her, her middle finger. It was a little embarrassing, but hey, she definitely stands behind Zhan and me.

When we arrived at our house, my grandma was already waiting for us. She teetered excitedly up and down when she saw us and beamed at us overjoyed when she saw Zhan and me, hand in hand. "Two more years, then you can get married. So I have another reason to stay alive." She said, laughing out loud.

Unfortunately, my grandma's visit is not, just nice. Because her being here now means that the goodbye is imminent. In just one hour, she's going to drive Zhan to the airport. Zhan and I have agreed that we will say goodbye at home and not at the airport.

While our parents quickly cooked lunch together, Zhan and I were upstairs in our room. But first my grandma borrowed him for a moment, for a private conversation. I wasn't allowed to be there and I counted the minutes until Zhan was back with me. I was very upset inside and I was sad. The weekend went by way too fast and now I have to wait again until I can finally see him again.

Two weeks now sound almost as bad as two years or twenty years.

I hold Zhan firmly in my arms and pressed my face into his neck. I don't want to let him go, not today or ever again. But I must respect his decision and submit to it.

When our parents called us for dinner, we only had half an hour together. And although I was still very hungry before when we went for a walk, I had lost it. The sadness was too deep, because Zhan is about to leave again. And Zhan also hardly ate anything, just like everyone else. Only my grandma eat a lot and even got a second portion of rice.

Time has run out. Our parents said goodbye to Zhan, my grandma went already to her car and I could say goodbye to Zhan alone. I firmly resolved not to cry, but my eyes broke my promise and a flood of tears welled up from them. But this time I did not cry alone. Zhan and I held each other in our arms crying and said like a mantra over and over again, "Only two weeks."

In the end I had to let him go and watch him walk slowly to my grandma's car, turning around and waving to me. God, my heart broke into a million little pieces every single time he did that. I imagined the workers in my bloodstream and at my heart, standing there with their fists and middle fingers raised inside me, threatening me to stop this shit.

When the car turned around the corner and was no longer visible, I went to my mother and fell crying into her arms. She stroked me over my head and told me to remember that a year is not that long and we will see each other in between. But that did not really calm me down.

I felt as if Zhan had taken the air to breathe when he left. Gasping for air, I went outside into the yard and sat down on the still damp wooden platform. I kept telling myself that it was only two weeks and that it would pass quickly, especially since tomorrow is school again.

Luckily Zhan took his mobile phone with him this time so I can write to him and call him.

Because it had started raining again, I went back inside and up to my room. I was just about to sit down on the bed when I saw a letter from Zhan, addressed to me, lying on my blanket.

"Dear Yibo,

I'm sorry I haven't had more time for you. Please don't be too sad while I'm gone. I'll be back soon and then we'll have a full six weeks just for us. Maybe we can go camping again. Like before, at our lake. We always had a lot of fun there and were always undisturbed.

It was nice to see you again after all these months. I really missed you and our parents. And I'm sure this one last year will pass quickly. Or at least sooner than we might think. I just hope our good-byes don't always turn out as painful as today's.

To be honest, I'm a little worried about what Emily might be doing to get revenge on you. Please be extra careful not to get involved in anything.

I'm afraid I have to say goodbye right now, and I already have a stomachache at the thought of it. I hope I won't cry. And if I do, then take it as proof that I will miss you at least as much as you will miss me.

No matter what happens, remember, two against the world. I love you and I'll contact you when I land. Miss you already. Sniff. Your ZhanZhan"

I look at my new necklace once again and smile with tears in my eyes. "That's right, it's you and me against the world. Love and miss you too, ZhanZhan." I whisper and give the pendant a kiss before closing my eyes and try to recall our last night together.

" I whisper and give the pendant a kiss before closing my eyes and try to recall our last night together

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