-8- Happy

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-8- Happy

I held Zhan in my arms and still couldn't believe that I finally, after six long and agonizing months, had him with me. Still, even after an hour, my eyes were watering with joy, but also sadness, because I know that he will leave already on Sunday afternoon and it is unclear when he can be here next time.

He told me that he would like to come more often, but financially it is not possible. Part-time work is not allowed at the boarding school and the pocket money is not enough to get home at least once a month. He also cannot expect his parents to pay for the regular flights from their earnings, besides the boarding school.

Our families live together not without a reason. Sure, our parents are best friends and bought this house together. But that is not the only reason why we all live under one roof. It's better if the costs are shared. Even if our parents work, their income is not really high and so if you share the costs, you just live better.

In addition, our parents recently furnished a new bedroom for Zhan after he donated his furniture. No one would have bought the over 20-year-old and worn furniture, but they were happy to take it as a gift.

However, Zhan hadn't asked anyone to furnish a new room for him, so when I showed it to him, he felt uncomfortable. And I thought now that he and I are a couple, we could share my room as well. Just like we did when we were kids. Our parents probably wouldn't even mind. Which reminds me, I'm very curious to see how they react when they see Zhan.

I should also call my grandma later and thank her for bringing Zhan home for my birthday. It was the most beautiful gift I could have ever imagined.

Zhan had explained to me in a short version that he and my grandma talked on the phone once a week. It was probably a coincidence that she found out where he was and she properly made a fuss of him first because he left without saying goodbye. Recently she had told him about my true feelings for him when she asked him to come home, at least once in a while, for me.

I myself also explained to Zhan in a nutshell why I couldn't bring myself to stand by my feelings. And when I asked him why he didn't say something sooner, he answered briefly and concisely, "Quite simply, I was afraid." I could understand it well, because I too felt that fright.

With my head lowered, I told Zhan why I had to build a new wooden platform. Zhan laughed and said that it was typical for me and he had already thought something like that when he saw the new and upgraded platform. He was not angry with me for that and thinks the new platform is even better than our old one. I was honestly reassured that he saw it that way.

Since we were both tired and I had no intention of letting go of Zhan for even a single second, we went to my room and lay down in my bed. I reached for him, pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him. Not even a grain of dust would have had room between us.

It just felt good to hold him in my arms, to feel his warmth and to perceive his very own personal scent. He is here again, even if only for such a short time, but he is here again and in my arms. Nothing more beautiful than that, I could imagine at the moment. Except maybe that he leaves the boarding school and comes back home.

After another round of cuddling and kissing, we fell asleep around half past three in the night. As I slowly drifted off to sleep, I was afraid I would wake up and Zhan would have disappeared. So I clung on tightly to him and even thought about taking the handcuffs from last Halloween to handcuff him to me.

We had slept about eight hours when the hustle and bustle from downstairs woke us up. I showered Zhan's face with kisses when, contrary to my fears, he was still there and still in my arms. He giggled and told me to stop because it tickled him. But I kept going, I was just too happy to stop.

Ten minutes later I heard my mother calling me to come downstairs and eat something. Unfortunately, I knew that if I wasn't downstairs within the next five minutes, she would come up and lecture me again about the importance of not skipping meals. After all, I had already missed breakfast.

So Zhan and I got up, cleaned up in the bathroom as quickly as we could, and I couldn't take my eyes off him standing there, shirtless. I noticed that he has become thinner, his hair is a bit longer and a few strands of hair hang slightly in his face. It makes him kind of sexier. Or am I just imagining it?

After we got dressed, we went hand in hand downstairs to our families. As soon as they saw us, him, they went completely crazy and couldn't get themselves in at all. They kissed and hugged him, our parents even had tears in their eyes and they bombarded him with questions.

And me? I looked at the chair next to me, finally it was occupied again after so long, by the only person I allowed to sit next to me. Recently Emily came to us, she needed my help with a homework assignment and dared to sit on Zhan's chair. I immediately got angry and told her to get up, she could sit anywhere but not there.

Our parents were happy, they were happy that Zhan had come home for me, for my birthday. They said they were afraid that he had really forgotten my birthday or that he didn't care about my birthday. But Zhan immediately informed them that it was not so and that he could never forget my birthday.

Full of pride and totally happy, I told our parents the other good news. "Zhan and I are a couple now." Everyone was beaming and happy for us. My mother reacted with a, it was about time and my father told me to treat Zhan well.

Zhan's parents hugged us and told us they were happy we finally shared our feelings. I am too, I can't even describe how happy I am right now. It's like I'm flying, propelled by at least a million butterflies that are in my stomach and the rest of my body, flapping like crazy.

To immediately avoid any misunderstanding, I explained to Zhan that Emily and I are friends now, not more. I also told him that I never returned either of their kisses and was just too shocked to react immediately. Fortunately, she didn't steal my first kiss, which I had luckily shared with Zhan. Otherwise I would have been really angry with her.

After dinner our parents left us alone, they knew that we needed the time for ourselves and so we went outside where I showed Zhan the new wooden platform in daylight. He was thrilled that I even installed four solar lights on each side. It is also higher than our old one, much higher.

The afternoon sun shone down on us and we lay down on the platform again, I lay on my side to have a good look at him. I envied him again for his long lashes and when a breeze came and blew a strand of hair into his face, I gently pushed it aside with my index finger. I used every opportunity to touch him.

About an hour later we went back to my room and lay down on my bed. Finally, out of sight of our parents and the curious eyes of our neighbors, I was able to kiss Zhan again and hold him in my arms. I just wish we had more time, otherwise I was just absolutely happy.

 I just wish we had more time, otherwise I was just absolutely happy

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